Lightening Dyed Hair Using Vitamin C


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried lightening their hair using crushed vitamin c tablets and anti dandruff shampoo? I've googled and youtubed and it seems to work in terms of lightening the hair, but I've only seen it on white people's hair. I'd like to know how it turned out on someone with similar hair to mine.

If you have tried it:

- Did it work?
- How much lighter did your hair get?
- How was the condition of your hair afterwards? I'm thinking it's got to be pretty drying.

Thanks in advance.
I've only seen it on white girls, but I am interested in this too. I wonder does it lighten natural color...
Welp. I guess no one has tried it. :lol: Looks like I'm gonna just have to be the guinea pig. I'm gonna go buy the vitamin c and shampoo after work and do it tonight. I'll report back with my results.
Welp. I guess no one has tried it. :lol: Looks like I'm gonna just have to be the guinea pig. I'm gonna go buy the vitamin c and shampoo after work and do it tonight. I'll report back with my results.

Wow they claimed it worked in one go ? I would be afraid of damage because clearly you're stripping color from the hair. Hmm lol if you do it please report back
Yeah, it can work in one go, I think. Depending on the state of your hair and the colour it can lighten 1-2 shades. And yes, it is essentially just stripping the colour from your hair, it's just a less harsh way than using those colour stripper things. I read you can also do it using hydrogen peroxide, but I don't know where to buy that so I'm going with this method.

I think it would still be drying because you're using shampoo on your hair and stripping colour. I'm not sure how drying the vitamin c is. I'm not too worried though, because I can just condition my hair afterwards.

I have a black semi permanent colour on my hair and I want to dye my hair a burgundy red. The red is not taking at all because of the black rinse so I want to try to strip off the black without using bleach. This is my last try at getting my hair burgundy red. If it fails I give up because I refuse to bleach my hair. I've done it in the past and just ended up cutting off the bleached parts because they just didn't feel healthy. They looked fine but they just didn't feel right. And now I'm growing out my hair after being scissor happy I don't want to have to cut.

I didn't get a chance to do it last night but I bought everything. I will definitely do it tonight. I'll post my experience and some before and after pics.
Yeah, it did fade a bit it just wasn't a drastic change. She said she thought her hair was already really faded anyway, which is why it didn't make much difference, and I agree.

I also think because her hair is bleached it's a lot more porous and therefore held on to the blue/green colour a lot more.

I'm only hoping to strip semi permanent colour off my hair, and my hair isn't bleached so I hope it will work. I can't wait to finish work and get home so I can try it!

I think whether it works or not really depends on what colour your hair is, what state your hair is in and how much you're expecting it to fade. It's not chemicals so it's definitely not gonna be a drastic fade.
What's special about the anti dandruff shampoo w/regards to lightening your hair?

What about those hair dye removers in the hair color aisle? I forget the official name. Would that remove black dye?
Oh wow reading in fundamental, I did not realize you were fading semi permanent. I think the vitamin C would work but so would any harsh SLS shampoo like Suave or a clarifyer. I usually try to keep my semi permanants from fading by avoiding harsh shampoos and clarifying, so maybe the opposite would speed up the process.
Oh wow reading in fundamental, I did not realize you were fading semi permanent. I think the vitamin C would work but so would any harsh SLS shampoo like Suave or a clarifyer. I usually try to keep my semi permanants from fading by avoiding harsh shampoos and clarifying, so maybe the opposite would speed up the process.

Yup using a clarifying shampoo can be effective. It's a gradual process though.
Patiently waits for results!

Haha don't worry I'll have them soon. I've had the mixture in my hair for 2 hours now. Gonna go rinse it off in a sec. Fingers crossed!

I crushed up thirty tablets using my nutribullet and mixed it with head and shoulders shampoo and herbal essences shampoo. I used the herbal essences too because I realised that the head and shoulders shampoo I bought was a 2 in 1 one that has added conditioner in it and I wanted it to be really clarifying.

The mixture is tingling a bit. Gonna go rinse now.
Haha don't worry I'll have them soon. I've had the mixture in my hair for 2 hours now. Gonna go rinse it off in a sec. Fingers crossed! I crushed up thirty tablets using my nutribullet and mixed it with head and shoulders shampoo and herbal essences shampoo. I used the herbal essences too because I realised that the head and shoulders shampoo I bought was a 2 in 1 one that has added conditioner in it and I wanted it to be really clarifying. The mixture is tingling a bit. Gonna go rinse now.

Omg I'm on the edge of my seat!

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This is my third attempt at trying to post this update. I was trying to do it from the phone app and it kept freezing! Ugh!

Ok, so basically I'm not sure if it worked. I took some before and after pics on my camera with flash and my hair looked the same colour in the after so I thought 'ok whatever, it didn't work'.

However, in my bathroom light after my hair had dried a bit it looked like it was a dark reddish brown instead of black. But I'm not 100% sure whether I was just seeing what I wanted to see or if it really did lighten. I then took some pics on my phone. They're not the best but I think you can see the colour. You be the judge lol.

Here is a random before pic of my hair in the same lighting. The top part of my hair, the black part, is the part I tried to lighten:


Here is an after pic:


Meh. Looking at the pics there doesn't seem to be a difference. :lol:

Anyway, I still went ahead and put the burgundy red colour in my hair. I can't tell whether that took or not because it just looks super dark. In the light I can see a reddish tint though.

But I honestly don't care any more. I'm so over this. The mixture dried out my hair but it wasn't any more dry than how it feels when I shampoo my hair. Nothing a bit of conditioner didn't fix.

So yeah, that's it. I'm sure this was very anticlimactic. :lol: