Light Mountain Natural Hair Color


Well-Known Member
So i'm interested in coloring my hair using a natural dye. i've tried the henna/indigo combo for jet black, but i'm feeling a bit spontaneous and wanna try some deep browns and the auburn look. i googled "natural hair dye" and came across this brand. has anyone had experience using their coloring agents? do share plz :yep:

also, if you ladies know of any other natural hair dyes, please share those as well. tia!
Yep, I've used it three times. I like the effects it's had on my hair. It's become very strong, shiney, easier to comb and it totally eliminated the frizz. I literally have no frizz. It did loosen and stretch my curls after the first application. I went from a 3b/3c/4a to a mainly 3b. But the loosening was shortlived so I wouldn't worry about it.

The bad thing is, it didn't really change the color of my hair. It was VERY subtle. Practically non existant. So I've like it for the conditioning properties but the coloring wasn't great. I really like the packaging and the insrtuctions were very good and even give tips on special mixes. The price was good, I got a 3 pack off amazon. But for my next henna session I'm going to try the Body Art quailty hennas that alot of peole rave about like Jamilla and make it more of a brown color by using black tea and/or cocoa powder in my mix.

I used the "Mahogany" color they have over light brown golden highlights and in darkened them slightly and gave a nice brown color but like I said it wasn't dramatic enough for me.