Life After Heat Damage


Well-Known Member
So I know there are plenty of threads about how to correct heat damage, but what happens afterward? When the damage is done and you have to move on?

Ladies, are you cutting the damaged ends or keeping them? What are your hair plans for the future?
So I know there are plenty of threads about how to correct heat damage, but what happens afterward? When the damage is done and you have to move on?
You move on. You can continue to use heat more wisely or chose to remove it from your regimen.

Ladies, are you cutting the damaged ends or keeping them? What are your hair plans for the future?
I never cut it out, I grew it out and trimmed as I progressed.
My plans are to continue to grow my hair to my desired length and to use heat sparingly.

See above.
I was slowly clipping my heat damage end but decided not to do that anymore. The hair itself is not breaking and in the long run, my will look lopsided since my heat damge is at my hairline.

To me as long the hair is not breaking and you pay extra attention to the areas of heat damage, there is no reason to cut the hair off.
Thanks ladies! I'm taking both of your advice. :yep: The strands are not straight, but the 4A ringlets that I naturally have are gone. It's just poofiness, not really defined. But I can manage that even though I'm quite disappointed :nono: