LHCF Veterans


New Member
I was going through some of the old threads today and seeing women who were WL and on this site in 2005, years before I even knew there were hair journeys to be had.:trophy:

It got me thinking... Who are the LHCF Veterans??

Show yourselves. How long have you been here? And if, after all your years on the site, you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
I've been here since 03, joined in 04.

Biggest piece of advice would be to be patient. I still make mistakes and have setbacks to this day, because I try to rush things along at times.
Um...I'm a veteran, but I am not waist length. LOL!
(I break a lot of hair rules, so my hair stays shoulder-bra strap length)
I've been on here since 04 and I had relaxed hair with a lot of breakage. I got my relaxed hair to a healthy state, went natural, and now I'm texlaxed.

I was never big on protective styling but if you want to reach milestones in your journey protective styling is the way to go.

I also use a cheapie conditioner to moisturize my hair and then seal with oil.
Veteran here. My hair is loc'ed now, but before that i grew my hair to wl with some strands at hip. Yes, i claimed it.

I was texlaxed and used was wash and go queen. 4 b/a
Hey I've been here since 2005. I went natural 8 years ago . I got to APL and then BC'd again in 2010 because of brittle dryness. I regret that, I should have just been patient and worked with my hair to bring the moisture back. I realized after that that I had been sleeping on the DC'ing.

I'm now back at APL and working on being patient, DC'ing and keeping my hair moisturized and I try to keep it in protective styles most of the time.

So my 1st main tip is to deep condition , seal your ends and keep your hair moisturized.

My 2nd which I see a lot around here and is kinda my pet peeve. Don't make your hair idol somebody that is clearly not your hair type and follow their regi and think you'll get the same results. I'm a 4a/b my hair is never gonna have those loose waves no matter what I put on it short of a relaxer.
been here since 03' joined in 2004. i have cut my hair many times over. i started here with APL hair and i cut it to a pixie in the summer of 2005. that was my weight loss goal. i wanted a new look.

my one piece of advice is to really get down to the bottom of what your hair needs. i figured out there were a lot of products and methods that i couldn't use on my hair.
I’ve lurked since 2003 and have been on the forum on and off since 2004… I think the main thing that I have learned is the less heat/chemicals the better and stick to what works :)
I've been here since the beginning (and I was here for the pre-birth of the LHCF). :giggle:

The one piece of advice I would give is: keep it simple.
Veteran here--been here since before LHCF..back when there was the yahoo msg board(like 2000 or 2001)...was relaxed until 08 and natural for 3.5 years or so..all I can say is find a routine that is easy to maintain(both timewise and fiscally) and patient---LOTS and LOTS of patience
Been here since March 2006. I've been natural for 2 years. Advice? Deep conditioning is a must regardless of your heat usage. Read hair books.
I have been a member pre-lhcf and black hair supergrowut days. My hair is below middle of back best advice if you nurture a garden it will grow and flourish well such as drinking plenty of water good nutrition, hair massages and do not stress over your hair it will grow.
I think I first found the site in 2004 (I lurked for maybe a year before joining). My biggest piece of advice would be to not be afraid of taking charge when it comes to your hair.

For example, the biggest setbacks I've had on my journey have come from letting other people take a pair of scissors to my hair b/c I hadn't trusted myself to do it. Overcoming this fear has been invaluable. And I love being the expert on my hair.
Been here since 06. First grew my relaxed hair out to texlaxed, grew my texlaxed hair to bsb then bc'd, now I'm natural

Biggest advice keep it simple and lo mani
Back in the day most of us just used drugstore conditioners I still do, you don't NEED a 30$for 2oz conditioner to grow your hair, just good hair practice and patience
I've been here since 06. That's quite a while. I wouldn't say I'm a vet...but I'm answering anyway :)
I cut often, but I grow to bsl, waist, hip, before cutting to start over lol
My only advice is to be consistent. Choose a regi and stick with it.
We always see setback posts from people who aren't consistent with their regimens.
I stumbled upon LHCF in 04, lurked for about a year and joined in 05. I was natural when I found the board, relaxed shortly after joining and grew to waist length, went to a stylist for a relaxer and had a set back (I was usually a self-realxer), grew my hair back out and am now transitioning back to natural. My hair is currently MBL.

Best advice I can give is to maintain a low manipulation regimen, don't abuse heat, and trim regularly.