LHCF Swimmers??


New Member
Hello All!

I was just wondering if there were any regular swimmers on LHCF... I've been swimming about 3 times a week for about 2 months now, and I am starting to get a liitle worried about damage I might be doing to my hair. I'm currently transitioning, 5 months post, and have been swimming in Salt Water pools at my local gym.

My current routine is as follows:

I wet hair and apply a cheapie conditioner with olive oil to my hair, put on a plastic cap, and a swim cap. After swimming, I wash with Abba Pure Detox Shampoo and apply Trader Joes Nourish Spa conditioner mixed with Hairveda's Vatika Oil. I leave that on for the drive home (apporximately 20 minutes), then rinse most of it out and place back in a bun.

I'm interested in routines that others might be using and having success with, and any advice on how to take better care of my hair.

Thanks Ladies! HHG!:grin:
Bumping!!!! I plan to add swimming in my fitness regi. starting in Dec. I would like to know too.
bumping, i need some swim haor advice too as my dd's are starting swim lessons. does the swim cap keep the water out, i found that my hair still felt like it got wet -or damp-ish even though i didnt get my head in the water :perplexed
bumping, i need some swim haor advice too as my dd's are starting swim lessons. does the swim cap keep the water out, i found that my hair still felt like it got wet -or damp-ish even though i didnt get my head in the water :perplexed

That's my problem. I think I might be putting the swim cap on wrong. Next time I will try saturating my hair with cond. first.
Were can I find a swim cap for big heads:look:?

My head is pretty darn big also.. I got my swim cap from Walmart. The brand is TYR. It's pretty tight, but now so tight where it starts to get uncomfortable. I've swam with and without shower caps underneath, and I've felt a significant amount of difference when I do wear it.

I also read in one of these threads that if you WET your hair and add conditioner before going in the pool your hair absorbs less chlorine when getting in the pool.

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bumping, i need some swim haor advice too as my dd's are starting swim lessons. does the swim cap keep the water out, i found that my hair still felt like it got wet -or damp-ish even though i didnt get my head in the water :perplexed

My hair still gets wet, mostly in the back though. I think its more attributed to me swimming on my back, and not due to the swim cap. I did find that adding a shower cap under the swim cap did help keep more of the water out, definitely not all of it though.
My hair still gets wet, mostly in the back though. I think its more attributed to me swimming on my back, and not due to the swim cap. I did find that adding a shower cap under the swim cap did help keep more of the water out, definitely not all of it though.

i also tried the shower cap under the swim cap, felt like i had a steam :look:, maybe cause it was an indoor pool and the water was quite warm. all i did was chase after my kids in the kiddies pool so the water didnt even get to my head. i heard though that swim caps are meant to help swimmers move quicker in water rather than prevent water getting into the hair so :perplexed.
I swim pretty regularly.:yep:

I am in braids , so finding a cap big enough to get over my hair was a challenge until a sista in locs put me up on LYCRA caps...they will fit over anything. They do NOT keep your hair dry though - (but neither do regular caps). If you are looking for a large cap, try asking for a cap meant for long hair.

I completely wet my hair before putting my cap on, the idea being your cuticle can only absob so much water. When I get out I rinse with tri-swim (anti chlorine shampoo) and diluted conditioner...when I get home I do a dc and then I am good to go. I pay particular attention to MOISTURE on days I am out of the pool.

I would think that swimming in salt water is not as damaging as chlorine, esp for your skin...good luck!
i have been swimming three times per week for the last two weeks. it's a new workout regimen that i have adopted. i wear a plastic cap (like for conditioning treatments) under my swim cap. no, the swim cap does not keep the water completely out, but it helps. when i get home, i wash with a neutralizing shampoo, using a VERY small amount, and then i condition. then it's business as usual with amla or coconut oil on the roots, a small amount of nexxus humectress conditioner on the hair, and a bun. i seal the ends with coconut oil and grease. sometimes i use S-curl leave-in.

i actually like it, because it keeps me obligated to condition my hair almost daily.
I am also looking for a swim cap that keeps my hair from getting wet. I wear a speedo cap and my hair is always soak and wet.

I stopped putting conditioner before swim. I had conditioner seep from under my cap into my eye and it was extremely uncomfortable. I usually saturate my hair with condish after swimming and when I get home, I'll rinse, shampoo and dc.
I swam on a team for a few years.

I wet my hair and added conditioner, then put my cap on. No matter what, my hair got wet, so my first order of business was to keep it conditioned.

I rarely shampoo'd-- chlorine rinses out just as easily with condiitoner, and I found that the swimmer's shampoos REALLY stripped my hair. Stripped hair + chlorine= more dryness. Co-washing was a lifesaver.

ETA: Swim caps really don't keep the water out-- they just keep the hair out of your face (and from getting tangled in your goggles, if you wear them). I wouldn't worry too much about hair getting wet. It's supposed to! I found that it was really what I did to it before and after that mattered to my hair's health.
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So you didn't shampoo every time you swam?? This idea scares me, my hair already has a bit of stress from transitioning, and I don't want to take it over the edge and have it all fall out. I thought shampooing to get the chlorine out was a MUST?

Anyone else just co-wash after swimming sometimes?
So you didn't shampoo every time you swam?? This idea scares me, my hair already has a bit of stress from transitioning, and I don't want to take it over the edge and have it all fall out. I thought shampooing to get the chlorine out was a MUST?

Anyone else just co-wash after swimming sometimes?

Nope, just left in conditioner, rinsed, then co- washed. I was relaxed then and had no more breakage than normal.

I very rarely used shampoo, and after the first one or two times NEVER swimmers shampoo. That stuff was killer. I was in the pool 4x a week and sometimes more if we had meets.
Nope, just left in conditioner, rinsed, then co- washed. I was relaxed then and had no more breakage than normal.

I very rarely used shampoo, and after the first one or two times NEVER swimmers shampoo. That stuff was killer. I was in the pool 4x a week and sometimes more if we had meets.

I have been using organic shampoo to remove the chlorine, so hopefully it isn't as rough as other swimmer shampoos.

Maybe I'll give the co-washing a try after swimming. Thanks! :grin:
So you didn't shampoo every time you swam?? This idea scares me, my hair already has a bit of stress from transitioning, and I don't want to take it over the edge and have it all fall out. I thought shampooing to get the chlorine out was a MUST?

Anyone else just co-wash after swimming sometimes?[/quote]

This is what I'd do when I was training for my triathlon and even noticed some growth.

Nope, just left in conditioner, rinsed, then co- washed. I was relaxed then and had no more breakage than normal.

I very rarely used shampoo, and after the first one or two times NEVER swimmers shampoo. That stuff was killer. I was in the pool 4x a week and sometimes more if we had meets.

Ditto to the above and I too am relaxed.


I was even thinking of swimming again myself....something to think about this evening :rolleyes:
I was wondering if co-washing would be sufficient to remove the salt/chlorine from swimming. I am glad that others have had success w/this method & will try it out. What type of conditioners did you cw with?
I used to swim 3 times a week until I changed gyms, but the only thing I ever did was just pour filtered or spring water in my hair before I got in the pool, and the same thing afterwards, and proceed with my regular regimine. I have never done anything special, and my hair pretty much stayed hydrated, I never experienced any breakage or anything from the chlorine, and didn't ever use a swim cap.
Do you ladies condition your hair and then braid it before putting on the cap or do you condition it and simply tuck it up in the cap (I'm swimming in a chlorine pool)? I don't know what approach causes less stress on the hair ultimately. And did people have success with rinsing sometimes rather than shampooing after every swim?

I was on swim team in high school and wore a cap (no conditioner or braiding) and rinsed/shampooed afterward, but I was only concerned about speed and not the condition of my hair. My hair maintenance in general was terrible and I'd like to be wiser this time. Any feedback is appreciated!
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What are suggestions for those not going back home but to work. Co-wash & go? Finish up with a dc later?
Do you ladies condition your hair and then braid it before putting on the cap or do you condition it and simply tuck it up in the cap (I'm swimming in a chlorine pool)? I don't know what approach causes less stress on the hair ultimately. And did people have success with rinsing sometimes rather than shampooing after every swim?

I was on swim team in high school and wore a cap (no conditioner or braiding) and rinsed/shampooed afterward, but I was only concerned about speed and not the condition of my hair. My hair maintenance in general was terrible and I'd like to be wiser this time. Any feedback is appreciated!

I used to put conditioner and th e cap until one day the conditioner dripped in my and my eye was on fire. Now I usually condition right afterwards and the following morning, I will co-wash.
Do you ladies condition your hair and then braid it before putting on the cap or do you condition it and simply tuck it up in the cap (I'm swimming in a chlorine pool)? I don't know what approach causes less stress on the hair ultimately. And did people have success with rinsing sometimes rather than shampooing after every swim?

I was on swim team in high school and wore a cap (no conditioner or braiding) and rinsed/shampooed afterward, but I was only concerned about speed and not the condition of my hair. My hair maintenance in general was terrible and I'd like to be wiser this time. Any feedback is appreciated!

I'm usually bunned up through the week, so before swimming I wet my head and add some cheapie conditioner mixed with a lot of EVOO. I then bun it back up, put on a plastic cap and then my swim cap. After swimming I rinse throughly and apply TJ Nourish Spa mixed with AOHSR and vatika frosting. I'll put on another cap and let it sit until I get home and wash out.. then back to the bun. I

t's been working for me!
what i have done for dd - which has worked for the last three years - she has mbl 4b relaxed hair - is...
she washes with a clarifying shampoo after coming out of the water and then i DC her hair overnight with lekair cholestrol - anything else i have tried has not worked as well, but this works perfectly as her swim reggie. no damage or split ends.
I've been swimming three times a week since December. After swimming, I would just condition, and coat my hair in JBCO and then tie it up with a scarf. I have been getting breakage, but it's mostly from my nape, which seems to dry out quickly and stay dry.

Anyway, on weekends, I would shampoo and deep condition my hair. Just this past week, I tried adding a little bit more protein for strength and my breakage was at least halved. :yep:

I like swimming because it's actually kept me from heat these past two months and my hair doesn't feel as brittle as it used to. But on the negative side, I can't be going to get my hair done only to smush it under a cap the next day. :lol:
Thank you ladies for your replies. Junonia I read your comment earlier in the thread and promptly forgot it. Thank you for reminding me. Gathering from all the input, I'll apply Le Kair/an inexpensive conditioner and evoo to the rear (nearest nape) and areas closest to my ears and leave the remainder alone (but under a cap) for the time being since I'm focused on breast & side stroke (not submerging head completely this wk). I'll see how this works out. I'll rinse thoroughly afterwards and lightly shampoo the back & sides and dc. Thanks for the hint about the nape ROBOTxcore. Might anyone know what JBCO is? Thank you everyone!
i swim, no cap but just put conditioner in my hair before hand. i think swimming has helped my hair grow.
Thank you ladies for your replies. Junonia I read your comment earlier in the thread and promptly forgot it. Thank you for reminding me. Gathering from all the input, I'll apply Le Kair/an inexpensive conditioner and evoo to the rear (nearest nape) and areas closest to my ears and leave the remainder alone (but under a cap) for the time being since I'm focused on breast & side stroke (not submerging head completely this wk). I'll see how this works out. I'll rinse thoroughly afterwards and lightly shampoo the back & sides and dc. Thanks for the hint about the nape ROBOTxcore. Might anyone know what JBCO is? Thank you everyone!

jamaican black castor oil. :yep:

and my nape is so dry because i've been wearing lots of scarves. i think the contact from the cotton just sucks all the moisture right out. so i just need to work on protecting that area.