LHCF Ladies @ Essence Festival


I saw so many beautiful heads of hair this past weekend at the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans (an excellent event overall). Both Natural and Relaxed, both shoulder length and midback to waistlength. Anybody else there?
I was there also and I completely agree with you! The hair was amazing. Everyone looked so good that it REALLY made the tacky people stand out. :lol:
I definitely would not count myself among the beautiful heads (but not tacky either). I was mostly in a pony because of the humidiy and rain. Every minute I wanted to ask someone "Are U Nikkos cousin?" I'm glad some of us were there. I felt inspired to continue my hair journey. Black folks are definitely beautiful.
vslady said:
I definitely would not count myself among the beautiful heads (but not tacky either). I was mostly in a pony because of the humidiy and rain. Every minute I wanted to ask someone "Are U Nikkos cousin?" I'm glad some of us were there. I felt inspired to continue my hair journey. Black folks are definitely beautiful.

I feel you on the humidity and rain. I arrived in New Orleans with a great flexi rod set. By day 2, I had to wear my hair in a curly side ponytail. Nevertheless, my hair looked extra lush and thick. :lol: Gotta love humidity!

Speaking of Nikko's cousin, I saw an LHCF member in the airport. I recognized her from her siggy pic. We talked for a while and my husband thought it was hilarious!
Tracy_W said:
I feel you on the humidity and rain. I arrived in New Orleans with a great flexi rod set. By day 2, I had to wear my hair in a curly side ponytail. Nevertheless, my hair looked extra lush and thick. :lol: Gotta love humidity!

Speaking of Nikko's cousin, I saw an LHCF member in the airport. I recognized her from her siggy pic. We talked for a while and my husband thought it was hilarious!

Hey Tracy! It was so good meeting you and your husband. I hope that I didn't talk you guys to death!

I didn't attend the festival but i winded up in New Orleans on a whim and yes, there were some nice heads of hair up in the terminal, lol!
I was there Friday and Saturday.

And yes there were some gorgeous heads of hair out there!
I had to work there this year and I saw so many different hairstyles. Alot of sistah's were wearing that Rhianna type bob. But I saw beautiful naturals, braids, relaxed and weaved hair. Everyone had their own personal style, it was nice. (I'm only going complement on the good hairstyles, the bad ones would take up to much space):)
vslady said:
I definitely would not count myself among the beautiful heads (but not tacky either). I was mostly in a pony because of the humidiy and rain. Every minute I wanted to ask someone "Are U Nikkos cousin?" I'm glad some of us were there. I felt inspired to continue my hair journey. Black folks are definitely beautiful.

Maybe we need an "Are U Nikkos cousin's braceklet...b/c people won't necessarily wear their T-Shirts everywhere LIKE A BRACELET.
Hi, Miss_Jetsetter! :wave:

I've been having so much fun telling the story of how I saw you in the airport and could have easily been labeled a stalker!

I also witnessed lots of the Rihanna bob in New Orleans. Actually, I saw it enough to discourage me from getting it.
MrsHouston said:
Maybe we need an "Are U Nikkos cousin's braceklet...b/c people won't necessarily wear their T-Shirts everywhere LIKE A BRACELET.

This is a great idea. I like it better than the T-shirts. It could be like the pink breast cancer bracelets made of that rubber/plastic material. It would be good at events like the EMF.
MrsHouston said:
Maybe we need an "Are U Nikkos cousin's braceklet...b/c people won't necessarily wear their T-Shirts everywhere LIKE A BRACELET.

I really like that idea also. I hope that we can make it happen.:yep:
I also like the bracelet idea. The (FOR A CAUSE/REASON) rubber bracelets are pretty popular and inexpensive.
4mia said:
im sorry who is Nikko? do they live here?

"R U Nikkos cousin" is the code for asking someone if they belong to this forum without getting into a long discussion about what LHCF is all about.