LHCF is such a blessing... it's great to be back!


Active Member
Hey ladies!

It's unconventional that I do something like this, but I really wanted to first of all thank all the LHCF women who have taken time out to reply to all my questions ever since I joined in '03. LHCF has been more than learning about hair, it's been about meeting women, empowered women, who have "been there, done that" and have helped me with everything from hair to spirituality to... men :grin:.

I've been on hiatus I think ever since I began wearing half wigs and weaves. I checked in every now and then but I'm really excited to be back! I hope that I can offer advice to anyone with my similar hair texture because even though I'm still on my growth journey, I've really learned a LOT about my coily hair over the years, enough to where my experience can benefit someone else. I've gone through so much and have been so thankful that after 4 years I've finally been able to put up my own site in January about my coily hair (replaces that tripod site that was in my siggy for many many years!). But I too have a lot to learn and that's why I'm here.

I tried replying messages from women who have written me over the years in order to get back in touch (thank you admins for not deleting old messages!!!:yay:). Some are not accepting messages or friend requests though, some I may still be looking for or are on hiatus themselves. Please feel free to send me a message or add me as a friend as well. I'm in L.A. so if there's a hair gathering taking place, PLEASE let me know! I hope to catch up with everything going on very soon :-)
Welcome back sweetyb....I have also taken time away from LHCF every now and then for school projects and other things but coming back is like I never left....I can sort just get "back in the game" so to speak :). This site is such a blessing....not only can you get hair advice but on many occassions the ladies here have shown guidance that came at the right time when I had a dark cloud over me so a BIG thank you and God bless!
Glad you're back from hiatus. :) LHCF is great (and often hard to stay away from).
Thank you so much, ladies! RavenMaven, I appreciate that :-) SEMO, very true, it's a place everyone must come back to, either to learn or to help other women. growth2come, I definitely intend to get back in the game... like you said, picking up where I left off :-)