LHCF is now FREE???

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Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I just logged in and it said somethign about registering in order to read threads. I hope that it still costs to post . . . otherwise I want my five dollas back :lachen:
I just logged in and it said somethign about registering in order to read threads. I hope that it still costs to post . . . otherwise I want my five dollas back :lachen:
i'm pretty sure you can't see all the threads and you can't post without paying. or maybe they changed i don't know.
So that you know - nobody can post as a guest. If you see any post with the username Guest that means that they were once a member and their account was deleted.

There are three 'modes' you can see in the forum:

1. You are not logged in. This will show you a red banner at the top prompting you to register. More ads are inbetween posts and most forums are hidden.

2. You are logged in/registered. You see a different banner prompting you to subscribe. You can see more forums (not all - especially the OT) and the inbetween post ads are gone.

3. You are logged in and subscribed. Full access to the forum and features and you can post.

That's all :)
I dont think thats ever going to happen. The whole point of this place is that its exclusive, so many people arent going to dig into their pocket to post on a message board and thats a good thing even though we have 1000's of members we're exclusive. Did that just make any sense lol?
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