LHCF Inspiration/Mentor Award: "I want to thank...


New Member
God, my mama, and ___________!"

Just to get it out of the way.;) Feel free to list the names of members who not only inspired you to do better, but mentored you by providing valuable information on the board or to you personally. You can just list their names or list names and with a brief explaination why.

Disclaimer: There are hundreds and hundreds of wonderful women who share their ups and downs, helping us to avoid pitfalls and showing us shortcuts. You may not all be listed, but you are all appreciated. If you happen to remember someone you forgot, go back and edit them into your post. It's just that easy.

My inspirations (always expanding):
-Kitchentician: Showed me that I can stretch/transition and not have my hair fall out
-Sistaslick: The first member I saw and thought "So it IS possible for a black woman to have long, black, healthy hair!" :lachen:
-Sylver2: A great example of long hair with care and time; also provided bomb tips for maintenance ;)
-Firecracker: Great inspiration for texturizing my hair.
-Isis: A great example of long hair with care and time, not to mention nutrition.
-Lauren450: Long, healthy relaxed hair inspiration
-Ekomba: Thick, natural healthy hair inspiration
-DontSpeakDefeat: Thanks for all the great DIY hairstyle instructions
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My Inspiration is Guesswho! she has really helped me out with the Tough times, whenever I feel like doing something crazy, I go to her Fotki and feel all inspired all over again, She always responds to me in the quickest manner and never gets annoyed by me pm'ing her. She understand because she has been where I am at and she knows the Frustration and Struggle that is going on in this crazy Twa stage, I Love her hair, her attitude and she is such a Genuine Woman & I know One Day soon My hair will be Just like Hers!! LOL!!

Guesswho is my 911!!!

Thank You Chica!!!!! (Twin)
I have many but my top choices are:


Thanks Ladies! My hair would be a hot, broken crows nest if not for you! :kiss:
To narrow it down to my top three it goes to:
  1. Macherieamour
  2. McElwee-Wife (fotki)
  3. Lady_Lioness (fotki)
these ladies have inspired me beyond imaginable: w/o these three ladies: my regimen and hair care techniques wouldn't be what it is today: Thanks Ladies
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4N6_Gyrl said:
To narrow it down to my top three it goes to:
  1. Macherieamouu
  2. McElwee-Wife (fotki)
  3. Lady_Lioness (fotki)
these ladies have inspired me beyond imaginable: w/o these three ladies: my regimen and hair care techniques wouldn't be what it is today: Thanks Ladies

AWWW thanks gurlie:p
NappyParadise said:
My Inspiration is Guesswho! she has really helped me out with the Tough times, whenever I feel like doing something crazy, I go to her Fotki and feel all inspired all over again, She always responds to me in the quickest manner and never gets annoyed by me pm'ing her. She understand because she has been where I am at and she knows the Frustration and Struggle that is going on in this crazy Twa stage, I Love her hair, her attitude and she is such a Genuine Woman & I know One Day soon My hair will be Just like Hers!! LOL!!

Guesswho is my 911!!!

Thank You Chica!!!!! (Twin)

Awww thankyou chica, I looovvee to chat hair with you:) anytime!
kandi1280 said:
I have many but my top choices are:


Thanks Ladies! My hair would be a hot, broken crows nest if not for you! :kiss:

awww, thank you, YOU know I'm here 4 you. (((hugs)))

I have to say:

Letitia-my hair idol and mentor, in helping me select new products, since she's a pj.LOL
MizaniMami-for knocking some sense into my head when I was going to use Mizani Moisture fuse for co washes. LOL
MonaLisa*she picks me up when I'm down, with her sense of humor* Love ya!
Rabia-for keeping me focused during my growing phases.
DSD-for introducing me to the baggie.
Locks-she don't know it but since she chopped her hair off and had that see-thru ends comment in her siggy. She encouraged me to go head and do mini trims instead of just letting my hair grow, therefore my ends are thicker and healthier and I don't even miss what I trimmed off because I trim when stretching.

ETA: How could I not put Ekomba and Sylver on my inspiration list. If it was not for Sylver, I would not be hooked on NTM and we have the same hair type so I can fantasize how my hair would look, when/ if it ever get waistlength. Ekomba is just an all around inspiration, beautiful hair and she inspired me to try Colonix.
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God, my momma, and VWVixxen. Without ya'll... I just don't know. I just don't know.
my inspirations that i can think of off the top of my head are:

macheriamore (sp)

there are plenty more but those are the ones i can recall...beautiful ladies (inside and out) with beautiful heads of hair to match. :)
*Walks up to podium, clears throat*
*Moves hand to get a piece of hair out of eye and drops the *(&*&* awards on the floor*
*I found a bunch of BET Awards on ebay*:look:

*picks up the awards, notices that a couple got dented, shrugs shoulders and taps the mic*


C'mon ev'rybody -- say it with me!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yooooooo....Aiiiight!!! :look:

*enough of that*

I'd like to thank God for health and the ability to grow hair, my mama for birthin me....and I have some awards to give out to the following...

Adrienne 0914 - for being so helpful and answering questions for me at the very beginning of my hair damaged journey

VWVixxen - for always lending an ear, letting me try anything and everything with her generous spirit and for being a friend. Love you :kiss:

Paperdoll - dang, just thank you for being crazy you and looking out :kiss:

Kitchentician - dang, just for being my first hair goddess, fo'eva & always - beautiful hair, relaxed or natural

Mochamadness - just always so supportive and just has a beautiful spirit in addition to her GAWGEOUS mane...

Babygurl - my Aries gurl!!! *ARIES POWER* supported me from jump, made me believe I could have some decent looking hair! *hair hug!*

Sylver - hair diva, NTM homey and just a wonderful person. Glad I met you.;)

Allandra, Priestess, Letitia, LocksofLuv, Rachi & TSmith - y'all are just too doggone sweet and supportive. Preistess, thank you for being my hair guinea pig, Tee, thanks for always making me smile and TSmith...you Aries chick you, thank you for the APL hair support - kept the flame alive when I was ready to let that sucka burn out:p So glad y'all are on the board.

KiniKakes - for being a fine haired diva and sharing her helpful and detailed fotki, it was a really big help. Thank you for being generous with it.:)

JGurl & "Turkey" - You are a trip and thank you for having that wonderful child. Makes me smile.:D

AJamericanDiva - 4a/b Hair Inspiration Hands Down. :notworthy

Queeny - just a random shout out because we still get along and share a man....

*please stand up and give yourselves a hand*

*no don't sit back down - please head out to the gift suite and pick up your gift bag of assorted hair goodies that Mookie was sellin out his car...I mean that were donated to this award event...and...*

*mic cut off - music starts playing - speech was taking too long*
Awww, thank you girls!!!!!!!!! *crying hysterically* You are so welcome! Im glad i can help and/or inspire ANYONE!!!!! Im still trying to fully "learn/comprehend" the hair game myself! :) It is a continuous, neverending process!

Now I want to thank all the ladies who have ever replied to any of my PM's! I know it can get busy and time-consuming when you have a constant flow of PMs in your inbox, and i appreciate you taking the time to get back to me!

I also want to thank the ladies who have taken the time to create a Fokti that details their hair journey and regimen, esp. those of you with Rags to Riches stories! Such an inspiration!!!!! No one HAS to share anything, so it is extra special when you do choose to! So *hugs* to you Fokti chicas!!!!

*Special thanks to those who make their Fokti password easy to find, and not a wild goose chase.* :lol:
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MONALISA: even though you meant all those words and I feel the same way w/ the ladies on here as well: i have to say: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

that made my day
You have me crackin' up over here! I can just picture it....Heyyyyyyy Yooooo......Aiiiiiight!:lachen: :lachen: :lol: :lol:

MonaLisa said:
*Walks up to podium, clears throat*
*Moves hand to get a piece of hair out of eye and drops the *(&*&* awards on the floor*
*I found a bunch of BET Awards on ebay*:look:

*picks up the awards, notices that a couple got dented, shrugs shoulders and taps the mic*


C'mon ev'rybody -- say it with me!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yooooooo....Aiiiight!!! :look:

*enough of that*...

I saw her website long before I joined LHCF. (April 2007)
Her website is ridiculous!!!
She actually wants to help other women with hair care.
Her hair is amazing and as far as
tutorials, pics, videos, everything...
she wins hands down!!!
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I'd like to thank God, daddy and mommy and...




You all are my "natural" inspirations!!!!
Just want to thank all the ladies who have answered my questions in public and in pms. To all the ladies who dont make me feel like a Newbie. To all the ladies who are willing to share the care for da hair (I just made that up.. patent pending!).


(Special shout outs to Lana for listening to me ramble on about my 'swang'...! :lol: )
tsmith said:
awww, thank you, YOU know I'm here 4 you. (((hugs)))

I have to say:

Letitia-my hair idol and mentor, in helping me select new products, since she's a pj.LOL
MizaniMami-for knocking some sense into my head when I was going to use Mizani Moisture fuse for co washes. LOL
MonaLisa*she picks me up when I'm down, with her sense of humor* Love ya!
Rabia-for keeping me focused during my growing phases.
DSD-for introducing me to the baggie.
Locks-she don't know it but since she chopped her hair off and had that see-thru ends comment in her siggy. She encouraged me to go head and do mini trims instead of just letting my hair grow, therefore my ends are thicker and healthier and I don't even miss what I trimmed off because I trim when stretching.

Awww, thanks tsmith! You are one of my inspirations for continuing to hide. I'm trying to catch up w/ you ;).

My other inspirations:

Sistaslick- She is sooooooo informed about hair because of her I'm all about sealing my waterbased moisturizers in w/ oil.

Isis - I've been watching Isis' gawgeous head of hair for years now, it never ceases to amaze me. She's inspired me to use less and less heat.

Sylva2 - For teaching me heat free ways to style my hair

Southerngirl - For teaching me to self relax

Godsflowerr and Bmoreflygirl - For answering my questions about weaves

Adrienne - She was a member from back in the day who grew her hair to waistlength w/ protective styles, she answered tons of questions for me when I first joined.
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tsmith said:
awww, thank you, YOU know I'm here 4 you. (((hugs)))

I have to say:

Letitia-my hair idol and mentor, in helping me select new products, since she's a pj.LOL
MizaniMami-for knocking some sense into my head when I was going to use Mizani Moisture fuse for co washes. LOL
MonaLisa*she picks me up when I'm down, with her sense of humor* Love ya!
Rabia-for keeping me focused during my growing phases.
DSD-for introducing me to the baggie.
Locks-she don't know it but since she chopped her hair off and had that see-thru ends comment in her siggy. She encouraged me to go head and do mini trims instead of just letting my hair grow, therefore my ends are thicker and healthier and I don't even miss what I trimmed off because I trim when stretching.

Awwwwww...I'm glad my stoopidness can make someone's day once in awhile;) :p

Thank you for being one of my supporters - appreciated.:D
SouthernTease said:

I saw her website long before I joined LHCF. (April 2007)
Her website is ridiculous!!!
She actually wants to help other women with hair care.
Her hair is amazing and as far as
tutorials, pics, videos, everything...
she wins hands down!!!

Ditto, she's the reason I joined LHCF! She is soo nice and always willing to help. I must've written the longest PM she'd ever seen. I'm sure she was like "what tha??" But she was sooo nice about it! I feel like she's my friend and if I ever saw her on the street, I'd have to flag her down for an autograph (and a hug). :notworthy :wave:

Allandra is a close second. She's so kind and helpful, too. You guys rock!!! ;)
KiniKakes said:
Awww, thank you girls!!!!!!!!! *crying hysterically* You are so welcome! Im glad i can help and/or inspire ANYONE!!!!! Im still trying to fully "learn/comprehend" the hair game myself! :) It is a continuous, neverending process!

Now I want to thank all the ladies who have ever replied to any of my PM's! I know it can get busy and time-consuming when you have a constant flow of PMs in your inbox, and i appreciate you taking the time to get back to me!

I also want to thank the ladies who have taken the time to create a Fokti that details their hair journey and regimen, esp. those of you with Rags to Riches stories! Such an inspiration!!!!! No one HAS to share anything, so it is extra special when you do choose to! So *hugs* to you Fokti chicas!!!!

*Special thanks to those who make their Fokti password easy to find, and not a wild goose chase.* :lol:

My sentiments exactly. :crying3:
MonaLisa said:
*Walks up to podium, clears throat*
*Moves hand to get a piece of hair out of eye and drops the *(&*&* awards on the floor*
*I found a bunch of BET Awards on ebay*:look:

*picks up the awards, notices that a couple got dented, shrugs shoulders and taps the mic*


C'mon ev'rybody -- say it with me!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yooooooo....Aiiiight!!! :look:

*enough of that*

I'd like to thank God for health and the ability to grow hair, my mama for birthin me....and I have some awards to give out to the following...

Adrienne 0914 - for being so helpful and answering questions for me at the very beginning of my hair damaged journey

VWVixxen - for always lending an ear, letting me try anything and everything with her generous spirit and for being a friend. Love you :kiss:

Paperdoll - dang, just thank you for being crazy you and looking out :kiss:

Kitchentician - dang, just for being my first hair goddess, fo'eva & always - beautiful hair, relaxed or natural

Mochamadness - just always so supportive and just has a beautiful spirit in addition to her GAWGEOUS mane...

Babygurl - my Aries gurl!!! *ARIES POWER* supported me from jump, made me believe I could have some decent looking hair! *hair hug!*

Sylver - hair diva, NTM homey and just a wonderful person. Glad I met you.;)

Allandra, Priestess, Letitia, LocksofLuv, Rachi & TSmith - y'all are just too doggone sweet and supportive. Preistess, thank you for being my hair guinea pig, Tee, thanks for always making me smile and TSmith...you Aries chick you, thank you for the APL hair support - kept the flame alive when I was ready to let that sucka burn out:p So glad y'all are on the board.

KiniKakes - for being a fine haired diva and sharing her helpful and detailed fotki, it was a really big help. Thank you for being generous with it.:)

JGurl & "Turkey" - You are a trip and thank you for having that wonderful child. Makes me smile.:D

AJamericanDiva - 4a/b Hair Inspiration Hands Down. :notworthy

Queeny - just a random shout out because we still get along and share a man....

*please stand up and give yourselves a hand*

*no don't sit back down - please head out to the gift suite and pick up your gift bag of assorted hair goodies that Mookie was sellin out his car...I mean that were donated to this award event...and...*

*mic cut off - music starts playing - speech was taking too long*

In the name of Jesus... somebody please touch this child. :lol:
Isis - Needs no explaining :) I've been a fan since day 1

Lauren450 - My hair type plus she's transitioning. Perhaps I'll be inspired again

Sylver - Wow! And she's waistlength now

Sistaslick - Beautiful hair guru

Cichelle - Silky soft looking hair and I love how she keeps it simple

Machieramour - Straight hair can be long, beautiful and healthy

KinkiCakes - Silky shiny and she's my glam girl idol

Locks - Lovely hair. Does what needs to be done. Inspirational.

Loveya4Evar - OMG! No words. The lenghth is outrageous

To name a few :)
natieya said:
Ditto, she's the reason I joined LHCF! She is soo nice and always willing to help. I must've written the longest PM she'd ever seen. I'm sure she was like "what tha??" But she was sooo nice about it! I feel like she's my friend and if I ever saw her on the street, I'd have to flag her down for an autograph (and a hug). :notworthy :wave:

Allandra is a close second. She's so kind and helpful, too. You guys rock!!! ;)

You guys are sweethearts! Thank you so much natieya, southerntease and dsylla:) That made my day!!!!
Sylver: I love her tutorials and follow her hair wrapping method! There are also a few others, but she is sticking out in my mind at the moment :)
I would have to say Thank you to all my beautiful black sisters...every one that I have ever pm'd has always been very patient & full of information. And a very very special Thank you goes to my Hair Guru SistaSlick what a beautiful kind soul she walked me through my damage episode...Girl you were right on target with all of your advice and recommendations...I will forever be grateful!!!