LHCF - How I Missed You!

Thanks to the admin for improving the site!

Where is the "Thank You" button though??!!

I love viewing a post of pics where everyone loves the hair and then there are 50-11 thank yous down the page LOL.
The search button has gone a bit weird. I searched for something it came up with two recent threads and the rest were from 2005! More work to be done clearly...
I'm soo glad that we're back. Thanks for the upgrade but I was almost sobbing.

But I can't find the thanks button either.
Where da "thanks" button? This is definitely gonna take some getting used to....:bangdesk:

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I came and checked to see if it was finished almost every hour on the hours. So glad its back! But it just looks so weird...
I am sure the plainness is on purpose. It probably helps the pages load faster on all our computers.
I'm so glad the forum is back. Thanks Nikos for all your hard work.

But... this new format is going to take some getting used to.
Oh I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who was missing LHCF. I literally didn't know what to do with myself :)
Will explore properly later, logged on from my phone at the mo.
After getting my fix, I think the layout will take some time to relearn. It's a little hard for me to navigate... but only time will tell. :) Also, search still a bit wonky, but idk.
I'm on another site and when they changed, folks were all up in arms. After a while, you actually forget and get used to it.