LHCF Acronyms

My sister, who has always gone back and forth with wearing her hair natural told me about this sight. She has naturally course hair that grows very long. I, on the other hand, have thin, fine hair that will grow but breaks off a lot. Any suggestions? Where do I start? I don't know any of the acronyms.


You will learn so much here. I think it's best to start learning the haircare basics first. Start slow and read as much as you can.

This thread has a list of acronyms. And this one has all the links that I have found really helpful since being here.

If you have questions feel free to ask! (But I suggest you read and search as much as you can as well).
You're a jewel. I've requested this numerous times too, but to no avail. I also didn't know what the sticky is or look like at the top of the screen as one of the members listed. Sometimes we just need a little more help to get us on the right track. Thanks again for the acronyms.
I'm not accusing anyone; however, I understand how some emails tend to can come off nasty or a little arrogant in any situation. I usually read over what I've written with understanding and put myself in the other persons shoe, to see if it comes off with attitude. Also, if I do have an attitude there would be no doubt about it. Thanks God I haven't had to do that. :-) All is well. Lot's of love.
Wow........ I started this thread 5 years ago when I WUZ a newbie. I still don't know what all of the things mean. I may google, I might not. But I definately would not aske here what it means. (Well start a thread) most of the time, I figureit out. :lachen::lachen::drunk::drunk:
I am awaiting the reigning queen of knowledge to come and tell the newbie to hit the search button. It has to be coming!

A list is at the top of the page as a sticky but it doesn't cover all the acronyms. I still don't know all the acronyms. I just guest some of them.

i've been guessing since i got here:yawn: ....... in fact:grin: I've been on 6 forums and still have to figure this iiiish out

and i don't usually ask b/c YES 9 times of 10 i will get a harsh response

and I'm tired of inviting folks to step outside of the screen:lachen: i don't throw cyber blows:nono::rolleyes:
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Well I started the post and I still don't know them all and I don't mind helping someone if I do know.
Where is the thread that used to be a sticky? When I click on the link to it I get an error message.