"Letting Go"


Well-Known Member
New "Letting Go" section of my album deals with various issues that people go through. I even share some of my personal stories and offer some biblical principles to help you through. Its Pretty good, check it out here http://public.fotki.com/Netta1/health_and_beauty/letting_go!!!!!!!/
Netta1, I was touched after reading your album and the comments left by yourself and others. I do so identify with the abuse, mine was not of a sexual nature but physical by men that said they loved me. The depression, I still battle from time to time. There was a time the depression was so bad I did not want to live. Thank you for sharing you story like that, it blessed me and I know it will bless others.
Thanks! I was just telling my girlfriend today, that depression is VERY REAL. Its an issue that needs to be talked about more amongst our race and amongst "the Church". I agree in prayer and I also agree in forms of counseling to help a person while they go through that valley. Its powerful and sometimes you just need to talk to someone about it.