Letting Go in 2007...................

Are there people you need to let go of in 2007?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 77.6%
  • No

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Yes, but I probably won't do it.

    Votes: 14 20.9%

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New Member
Are there people in you're life you need to let go of before the new year comes?

I had to do that the other day. I came to the realization that there was an underlining of disrespect when dealing with this person that I picked up on. I can't change their behavior (or their denial of the behavior) but I can control the access.

What's your story?
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Are there people in you're life you need to let go of before the new year comes?

I had to do that the other day. I came to the realization that there was an underlining of disrespect when dealing with this person that I picked up on. I can't change their behavior (or their denial of the behavior) but I can control the access.

What's your story?

:::Nadi gets sentimental:::

It's my ex of almost 6 years. I know I need to let him go, and lord knows I try, but he's also my ace - the one person who won't judge, who's always willing to try something just because it's what I want, who tells me that I'm beautiful even when I don't feel it. We broke up officially about 8 months ago, but you know how that goes. Sometimes I feel like I need to just cut him lose, but when I get lonely, he's the first person I think of to call. AND THEN I get frustrated for feeling as though I'm running back to him. Sometimes I worry that maybe deep down I'm afraid of being alone and don't even know it.

But he's sooooo incredibly irresponsible to the point where at times his lack of responsibility starts to encroach on the things that I want. I'll keep it real - sometimes I wrestle with myself over whether or not I'm being "realistic" and "practical" or whether I'm hung up on money and other issues, that in the long run aren't really that big of a thing - or something that will work itself out. I work hard and I play hard, but I'm also preparing for my future and my future family. I'm not looking for someone who's willing to come along for the ride - I want a co-pilot (or better yet, you hop in the left seat and I'll be the co-pilot). We've both got our foot in two worlds, and I love the fact that he can relate to me on that level, but at times I feel like I'm the only one putting in the effort. That I try hard to fit into his world so he can feel comfortable but that at times (a lot of times), he's lazy when it comes to trying to fit into mine.

It's just that my biggest fear is divorce - yea, I know - something I have only partial control over. I hate divorce. I hate everything about it. I think it's a cop out. BUT I also understand why people do it. My folks were married for 24 year and split up when I was 21 - and even though I was older, it is still something that I struggle with at times (especially during the holidays) even still 6 years later. And I'll be damned if I go into marriage or any long term relationship knowing that divorce or splitting up is even a remote possibility.

So I think I've got to cut him lose.

...but Nadi's just not so sure how. :ohwell:

On a more humorous note - I'm like Carrie Bradshaw in the wedding dress store when her and Miranda we're trying on ugly wedding dress. I'm just not ready yet. Folks always think it's the dude who's running from marriage - I AM the one who gets irritable when folks bring it up (i.e. "ya'll have been together for ____, why not just make it official"). I'm the one with the sweaty palms, the racing heart and the hyperventilation. :blush:
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Are there people in you're life you need to let go of before the new year comes?

I had to do that the other day. I came to the realization that there was an underlining of disrespect when dealing with this person that I picked up on. I can't change their behavior (or their denial of the behavior) but I can control the access.

What's your story?
I have a very bad problem with letting people go. I try to stick it out, and I always think that person will change in the end. I have close friends to me, whom I think judge me for the worse, and love to see me have a fall back not victory. My ex....he cheated on me and his fiance (with me) but in my heart I need to let him go. I love him though. I'm scared that if he calls tommorrow, I will answer the phone and we will hookup again because I feel there is not anyone else for me. Even though he has cheated on me from teh start, made me very unhappy, and critisized me, I still want to be with him, but I need to grow up and let all these people go....I just hope I have the strength b4 it's too late.
:::Nadi gets sentimental:::

It's my ex of almost 6 years. I know I need to let him go, and lord knows I try, but he's also my ace - the one person who won't judge, who's always willing to try something just because it's what I want, who tells me that I'm beautiful even when I don't feel it. We broke up officially about 8 months ago, but you know how that goes. Sometimes I feel like I need to just cut him lose, but when I get lonely, he's the first person I think of to call. AND THEN I get frustrated for feeling as though I'm running back to him. Sometimes I worry that maybe deep down I'm afraid of being alone and don't even know it.

But he's sooooo incredibly irresponsible to the point where at times his lack of responsibility starts to encroach on the things that I want. I'll keep it real - sometimes I wrestle with myself over whether or not I'm being "realistic" and "practical" or whether I'm hung up on money and other issues, that in the long run aren't really that big of a thing - or something that will work itself out. I work hard and I play hard, but I'm also preparing for my future and my future family. I'm not looking for someone who's willing to come along for the ride - I want a co-pilot (or better yet, you hop in the left seat and I'll be the co-pilot). We've both got our foot in two worlds, and I love the fact that he can relate to me on that level, but at times I feel like I'm the only one putting in the effort. That I try hard to fit into his world so he can feel comfortable but that at times (a lot of times), he's lazy when it comes to trying to fit into mine.

It's just that my biggest fear is divorce - yea, I know - something I have only partial control over. I hate divorce. I hate everything about it. I think it's a cop out. BUT I also understand why people do it. My folks were married for 24 year and split up when I was 21 - and even though I was older, it is still something that I struggle with at times (especially during the holidays) even still 6 years later. And I'll be damned if I go into marriage or any long term relationship knowing that divorce or splitting up is even a remote possibility.

So I think I've got to cut him lose.

...but Nadi's just not so sure how. :ohwell:

On a more humorous note - I'm like Carrie Bradshaw in the wedding dress store when her and Miranda we're trying on ugly wedding dress. I'm just not ready yet. Folks always think it's the dude who's running from marriage - I AM the one who gets irritable when folks bring it up (i.e. "ya'll have been together for ____, why not just make it official"). I'm the one with the sweaty palms, the racing heart and the hyperventilation. :blush:

I'll put it out there. I'm in the exact same place :ohwell:


I let him go tonight........:sad: oh well...
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No problem, I just thought you might get a more honest calculation.

Shellatl, to answer your question, yes I need to let go of someone. I'm about 10 years too late. :rolleyes: This person has been in my life for half of it and it's really hard to let go of the person you trust, can confide your hopes and dreams in, and who does not judge you and adores you. But the type of relationship we have is not fair to either one of us. Now it stifles us. :sad:

I thought I was 100% ready to let go but they keep resurfacing in my life. Either that or I keep letting them back in. :perplexed
How do you do that? I'm sorry, that is not what I thought it was when did it..
Yes, I came to the realization the other day there are two people that I have let go. It has been such a relief to me because I feel like I can now move forward and stop asking myself the "what if" question.
yes there is a person that i need to let go. i have not spoken to this person in months but we still communicate via text messages and sometimes through email. i'm working on it...it will be done in '08.
Yup, a certain situation made it CLEAR to me of the people that I needed to let go of...and now they are FINALLY gone out of my life :yep:. I was devastated at first but now I see why it happened the way it did.:rolleyes: I'm greatful and I"m ready to start 2008 w/ positive feelings and good people around me. :yep:
oh most def not everybody i know in my 07 will make it into my 08--but i do that every yr...

some ppl make the cut some dont..lol

its just how things go....

in order for life to progress in a positive manner ppl who r not adding to the overall good must go...
I am talking to the person that i have needed to be rid of.. I never should have met him and i am not sure how to put him out.
About 4 people who used to be my best friends or at least good friends. It's been a hard year. =') But I'll be better off.
yes one I am letting go of the dead weight before 08

I have some friends........ who I realized are not really so friendly. I realized that they don't seem interested in what I am doing in my life. I feel like I am growing as a person and reaching my goals, and they are happy still living at home and struggling. :ohwell:
A handful people in particular. Two people I have already let go, one has contacted me recently, we spoke briefly and nothing has changed, I still feel the same way, but we are somewhat related (our kids), so I will keep it mutual and nothing else.
My daughters father, I really need to make a clean break from..marriage isnt gonna happen..been with him for too long, relationship is stagnant, don't want to cheat, Its not in me anyway. I have a few guy friends, one in particular I know is "patiently waiting". But first thing, I need to make a clean break, I thought I would do it on new years day:ohwell:..Have that final conversation, no ultumatum, just speaking from the heart and finally letting go.
"Friend"...anyone that is not bringing any positivity in my life in anyway....those dream killers....All in all every one I work with and a few I don't.
2 people in my life...one I've already let go physically, however he's still has my heart and the other is a friend that is living a lifestyle thats totally against my basic beliefs. I need to pull back from her next year and surround myself with people more in line with how I'm trying to live. Is it possible to cut someone loose without actually telling them?
Letting go of people who drain you! Lawd ha mercy I'll be so glad when they drag on to someone else's pants seam! I'm tired of being nice. \
Sure do. I'm in the process of it right now. I'm tired of allowing this person to effect me in the way that he has. I've tried two other times but got sucked back in. So, after the holidays (that would be cold blooded to do so before), I will do it for the last time.

In my heart, he is my boy. But he needs to get his sh** together. And so do I.:perplexed:wallbash::ohwell:
luckily...no, i don't. in learnt quite a few lessons this year about who you should keep in your life and who you shouldn't. i've let go of the ones who were creating negativity in my life. sometimes they didn't even know it but the way i reacted around them, put them on a pedestal, allowed their opinions to mean too much etc meant i allowed them to hurt me. so i let them go a little while back now.
2007 was my year of realization of people AND things, so yes I'll be mos def letting go...for my sanity and well being!
I do as well...I dont think I will be able to let go of one, who would be my best friend of five years. She has changed alot in the last year, she is very negative, very judgemental and it is becoming way too much for me. If I mention I like someone or something she will find every negative thing about it and why SHE doesn't like it. I can hardly hold a decent conversation with her anymore, but we were always best friends so it is a hard realization to see her change so much, alot of it being family issues but there is nothing I can do about it, only try to be there for her the best I can, but it is bringing me down tremendously. Then there is a guy in my life that has been around for the last year, he's never paid much attention to me so Im cutting him loose, I've moved on to bigger and better things, and even though it is hard sometimes the best decision is sometimes the hardest ones.