Letting friends go....


Well-Known Member
I'm noticing as I grow in my relationship with GOD, I'm losing some friends that I thought would never go. These friends that I have lost aren't on the same page as I am in their walk. Well, actually, they don't have a walk at all. They are out in the world and I'm done with that life. I know this has to happen sometimes in order for you to get where GOD needs you to be but it still hurts a lil. My question is, how can I stop this hurt? Do yall think it's possible to be friends with non-believers?
I think you can become friends with non believers, but keep them at a distance and not contribute to certain conversations. If they respect you for who you are, then it's okay to still associate with them. God may use you to reach to them to get them a message. The ones that need to leave your life will eventually venture off and it does get easier to let them go.

I've been there so I know.
Jenaee said:
I'm noticing as I grow in my relationship with GOD, I'm losing some friends that I thought would never go. These friends that I have lost aren't on the same page as I am in their walk. Well, actually, they don't have a walk at all. They are out in the world and I'm done with that life. I know this has to happen sometimes in order for you to get where GOD needs you to be but it still hurts a lil. My question is, how can I stop this hurt? Do yall think it's possible to be friends with non-believers?

I feel the same way!! I'm losing 'friends' left and right. I use the term loosely because if they were true friends, they'd understand where I am in my life and appreciate my spiriutality. I just feel that I'm in a different place, and don't talk or do the same things that my worldly friends do.
Cleve_gryl said:
I feel the same way!! I'm losing 'friends' left and right. I use the term loosely because if they were true friends, they'd understand where I am in my life and appreciate my spiriutality. I just feel that I'm in a different place, and don't talk or do the same things that my worldly friends do.

I so feel you on this! I want to be right. I'm involved with my church now and I don't desire to do the things I use to. And you're right, if they were my "friends", they would understand that!
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

It can be painful but I wouldnt worry about it. It's what happens naturally as you go after the things of God. I remember at one point in my life when I was so excited because I was getting a new revelation with everything I read, where I could see different layers of applications for various verses. I used to share some of this with the person who was my closest friend at the time. One time I was supposed to go over her house and she called me and said "You can come over, but I'm telling you now I dont want to hear nothing about that God and Jesus crap." I was so hurt as this was so important to me. I shouldnt have been suprised. I had been getting all kinds of messages and Words relating to "sanctification" and setting myself apart from others but I was being hard headed because I didnt want to let go of the few folx I considered close friends. It would have been a lot easier on me if I had listened and distanced myself, I wouldnt have gone through the rejection. Just let the Holy Spirit continue to guide you. The seperation may just be for a season. That same friend is saved now and believe it or not just got a job as a secretary to a local pastor here.
Feel better.:) Unfortunately it comes with the territory. Don't hold it against them just continue walking in the light.
I remember the first family event that I attended after I had been saved...a little over a year. It was Thanksgiving dinner. I didn't realize the change in me, but my family did. My biggest opposer was my sister. I was no longer doing the things that we used to agree to.

And yet, I could not go back to that former life. Everyone knew that I had changed and they knew it was a difference that could not be touched. We drifted apart from each other. Not on purpose, it just happened that way. But in that time, I grew. And I grew and I grew more and more in the love of Jesus. For it was His love that had taken over my heart and my life and I just didn't want anything else unless it was with and about Him.

As we grow, we shed off the old skin and grow new skin, but also new growth is happening within. Nothing stays the same. And we do not want it too...least we die. We die when we cease to grow. Anyone that hinders our growth is killing us. It's death to who we are and what God has called us to. I'm glad for the ones who left my life; I'm glad for the ones who hated me and chose to leave me. I'm glad for those I chose to leave...for they were not condusive to my well being.

I love this word in Psalm 109... "...for my love they hated me...but I gave myself unto prayer."

For the ones I had to give up: The one scripture that God gave me and it kept me for all the years to come:

Mark 10:

27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.

29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,

30 But he shall receive an HUNDREDFOLD now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

31 But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.

No one can tell me anything else. This is why I don't sweat who loves me or hates me. Who approves or disapproves. Who understands or chooses not to understand. In my heart, God is first and foremost in whatever I do. For for doing so, I have been blessed by Him...not man.

In all my 25 years of Jesus...I've lost nothing, but gained much.
I just had to let a friend go and I am very upset over it.

How in the world is it that your very best friends goes out and meets someone who doesn't like you then wants all of you to pal around and be friends.

Anyways, after we had our spat the Lord show me that this new friend has a spirit of dissension, which is why when she came into the picture me and my friend were not getting along. Did I mention our friendship ended because of some crap surrounding the new friend.

My is very bitter towards me too. When we argued she was jumping up and down acting like she was getting ready to beat me up I stood there looking at her like she was crazy 1. because this is not her normal behavior and 2. becasue she's a 48 yr. old women behaving like a child.

In the meantime, I've been seeking more and more of the Lord trying to find out where it is he's leading me, because I know he allowed the break in friendship for a reason.
I think that it is possible to be friends with non-believers. I met one of my dearest friends before I got saved. She and I had absolutely nothing in common, but for whatever reason we were drawn to each other. I got saved and she and I became prayer partners.

Like you, once I started really following God and growing in Him, a lot of my friendships did change. For me, the only thing that did take away the hurt was time and continuing to grow in God. I still speak to most of the friends I had “back in the day”, but I do keep a certain amount of distance. It’s a lot easier to handle people when you know what you’re dealing with.

Continue to grow in God. He will give you new friends and mend your heart.