Lets talk about Rogaine/Minoxidil


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,
I have a bald spot in the front of my head it is about the size of quarter and my edges look awful :perplexed.

I have been to the derm and he has no idea what has caused the and seems to think that is is stress. :ohwell:

Anywhoo, he prescribed me several topical hair growth solutions that have not worked. I have also tried MN, MTG, castor oil and many other LHCF "items"...

Im a my wits end- I just want my freakin hair back........:sad:

I have always been afraid of Rogaine/Minoxidil because to the reviews that I will make your hair fall out after you discontinue use of it........but what could be worse:

1. No hair around the edges and a bald spot??

2. Having to use a product of the rest of your life??

Please share any Rogaine/Minoxidil stories that you have heard or your experiences.

unless you like hair on your chest and i mean strong hair 2 dont do it i promise u will regret it rogaine is a evil mess :nono:
Have you tried Nioxin Follicle Booster? I used this when I lost my edges due to Post Partum Shedding, and it grew them back in. I saw results after using it twice a day for 3 weeks. :yep:
Um, Minoxidil makes your hair fall out when you stop using it, doesn't it? I'm putting in my two cents because does it help REGROW hair? It hought it just helped you keep what it had on your head.

I would go w the Nioxin..
Hey ladies,
I have a bald spot in the front of my head it is about the size of quarter and my edges look awful :perplexed.

I have been to the derm and he has no idea what has caused the and seems to think that is is stress. :ohwell:

Anywhoo, he prescribed me several topical hair growth solutions that have not worked. I have also tried MN, MTG, castor oil and many other LHCF "items"...

Im a my wits end- I just want my freakin hair back........:sad:

I have always been afraid of Rogaine/Minoxidil because to the reviews that I will make your hair fall out after you discontinue use of it........but what could be worse:

1. No hair around the edges and a bald spot??

2. Having to use a product of the rest of your life??

Please share any Rogaine/Minoxidil stories that you have heard or your experiences.


Sorry you are experiencing this. I think having to use a product for the rest of your life is worse IMO. My cousin used rogaine to grow her hair and she said if she stops her hair that grew from it will fall out. However, my daughter had a bald spot the size of a quarter too and when I took her to the dermatologist he said it was from the rubber band from flat twist that she had in her hair was too tight and it may or may not grow back. He didn't give her anything for it. I started applying MT mixed w/ vitamin e,castor oil,garlic and rosemary to it and just making sure it has air and now it's less then a dime size. This is in the middle of her head by the way. So my point is..I would try other temporary options before committing to something permanent. In the end it's your decision and do what will make you happy.
i know this is off topic, and no i can't help by the way, but what caused your bald spot?[/quote}

I have no idea what caused the bald spot.......... one day i just noticed it. When I looked back at some of my pictures that were taken a few month back, it was not there...:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed
Chocolate Diva, have you ever had a food sensitivity test? Believe me, when I had a bald spot, it would itch after I ate and the sensitivity test showed food that seemed harmless was not agreeing with me. Eliminating that stopped the itching.

Also what products have you tried? I never used any of the products you mentioned but the Essential Oil Blend for Hair Growth worked for me. I didn't have to use it for the rest of my life and my hair grew back and stayed.

Do you do scalp massages? Most bald heads are tight and immobile...so keeping your scalp supple and improving circulation is always a good idea.

Just wanted to add, the other negative on Rogaine is the hair you grow is so thin and looks like fur...never the same as the hair you lost and yes, any interruption to application leads to it all falling off--which could be more traumatic than what you're experiencing now.

Just thought of something else, have you visited Skin Biology website. Dr Pickart is a scientist who sells products developed from his research and he does have remedies for hair loss with the science why they work explained on his website. www.skinbio.com
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Chocolate Diva, have you ever had a food sensitivity test? Believe me, when I had a bald spot, it would itch after I ate and the sensitivity test showed food that seemed harmless was not agreeing with me. Eliminating that stopped the itching.

Also what products have you tried? I never used any of the products you mentioned but the Essential Oil Blend for Hair Growth worked for me. I didn't have to use it for the rest of my life and my hair grew back and stayed.

Do you do scalp massages? Most bald heads are tight and immobile...so keeping your scalp supple and improving circulation is always a good idea.

Just wanted to add, the other negative on Rogaine is the hair you grow is so thin and looks like fur...never the same as the hair you lost and yes, any interruption to application leads to it all falling off--which could be more traumatic than what you're experiencing now.

Thanks for the reply, I will keep all this in mind. Where did you get a food allergy test?


Thanks for the reply, I will keep all this in mind. Where did you get a food allergy test?



It was a food sensitivity test, not the regular food allergy test. Food sensitivities differ from allergies in that they aren't sudden and may build up over time. So you may never suspect a food is causing you harm because the reaction is delayed. My hair loss may have been related and while I had been eating those foods for years, I only noticed the hair loss and itching when I found the spot.

I got tested my OB/Gyn who is a member of Immunolabs. (www.immunolabs.com). You can call their 1-800 number and ask for doctors in your area who are members. The doctor draws your blood and sends it to them for testing. They test about 200 foods in a test they call Immuno 1 Bloodprint which looks for antibodies called lgG and helps identify foods that are agreeable to your system and which ones are having a toxic effect. I know Blue Cross Blue Shield covers the test so you only pay $10 copay for it. Without coverage, the test costs about $900!!!
I am not against Rogaine/Minoxidil 'cuz let's face it, if it might get your hair back you might as well try. My understanding about the hair falling out if you discontinue use is this... Rogaine is only FDA approved for hair loss due to genetic reasons and since you are fighting genes, something that never changes, you will have to use it forever. If your hair loss is not genetic (male or female pattern baldness) according to my dermatologist, you might not have to use it forever. In non-genetic cases of hair loss, they sometimes prescribe it to stimulate hair growth and once the desired result is achieved they stop the Rogaine. It really sounds like this is NOT genetic hair loss.

The caveat seems to be that Rogaine only half-works. Most people get less than spectacular results for regrowth though they tend to retain the hair they still have left. I say talk to a derm and give it a try. If it doesn't work, you are unlikely to do any damage.
I also wanted to ask, are you on birth control? you might want to check if the androgen level of your bc is a little high and the estrogen too low.

I'm only suggesting this because I've gotten MASSIVE shedding in the last couple of months and I think it's due to my BC. consider it..
ITA with Atlanta JJ- I would only resort to Rogaine as a last resort. I would use a nice oil mixture, like Mo Gro, Castor Oil or even Megatek. I am dealing w/ Female Pattern Baldness. I did try Rogaine and ditched it quick. It made my scalp and hair DRY as the Sahara desert. I felt like at least with OCT if I stop using it my hair is not going to fall out. I would also strongly suggest a Hair and Skin vitamin as well as Biotin.

I have had much luck w/ alternative methods.

I am really sorry that you are going through this - I know how distressing this can be, best of luck!
I just saw this thread. I have been using Rogaine 5% for men once a day for more than 2 years now. I developed sudden hair loss in the crown (biopsy came back as scarring alopecia), plus hereditary female pattern hair loss at the temples.

I do not know what caused the scarring, but relaxers may be a culprit. I had no bad relaxers that I can recall and didn't overuse or abuse chemicals. Never had a problem until 2006. I had cortisone shots to the scalp and was advised to use Rogaine.

I agonized briefly over the idea of using something for the rest of my life. But I realized I will have to use soap, toothpaste and a host of other products on a daily basis for the rest of my life. This is simply one more thing to add to my routine, and it's no big deal. I apply with a dropper and get on with my day.

I have NO side effects from Rogaine--I didn't grow hair in any funny places--but I did grow back a vast amount of hair at the temples and have enough regrowth at the crown that styling is no longer bringing me to tears like it used to. No one has any idea that my hair has thinned now and I don't usually think about it. Before I started treatment I was wearing baseball caps and even simple ponytails took ages to push and shove into place to camouflage what I didn't want showing. I obsessed. Now I feel normal and presentable again. The hair is not like fur, it is not sparse and thin. It's like the rest of my hair in texture and thickness.

I also take Spironolactone and use a topical steroid with my Rogaine.

There are a lot of myths and fears about using Rogaine. This is a first-hand account from a current and lifelong user--it has worked beautifully for me and does not disrupt my life.
Sorry if someone already said this but in addition to using the Nioxin maybe you can kick your protein intake a notch. I can honestly say that my hair was growing so slow. After changing my diet to protein, vegetables, and less carbs, I have noticed a dramatic improvement with the quality of my hair growth cycle. I pray that your comes back in that spot. Try not to worry or stress because that can help it come out even more. God Bless~
This may be a little late since the post was over a month ago, but just a quick story about my rogaine experience. My hair broke out in the back(nape area) my jr yr in college not sure what caused it but i thaught it may have been the buzzer from a stylist b/c I had a short style. Anywho I tried everything on it to no avail, then another stylist sent me to the derm. She gave me cortizone shots and recommended rogaine. The bumps started to disapear w/ the shot. and little hairs started to grow but were very weak and thin. But after a month or so I notice that my facial hair started to become more noticible, and even my nape hair (not the affected area) like my baby hairs. The girl who did my relaxer was like omg I feel like I could relax ur neck! I was mortified!! I stopped it immediately. My facial hair was so bad I had to get it threaded!! And the area of my hair I was trying to grow barely had any hair. Since I started my hair journey I've noticed that the hair in that area is getting thicker and I rarely get the shots anymore. This may be attributed to scalp massages, I also put castor oil on the area abt 3x/wk.
sorry for the long post
This may be a little late since the post was over a month ago, but just a quick story about my rogaine experience. My hair broke out in the back(nape area) my jr yr in college not sure what caused it but i thaught it may have been the buzzer from a stylist b/c I had a short style. Anywho I tried everything on it to no avail, then another stylist sent me to the derm. She gave me cortizone shots and recommended rogaine. The bumps started to disapear w/ the shot. and little hairs started to grow but were very weak and thin. But after a month or so I notice that my facial hair started to become more noticible, and even my nape hair (not the affected area) like my baby hairs. The girl who did my relaxer was like omg I feel like I could relax ur neck! I was mortified!! I stopped it immediately. My facial hair was so bad I had to get it threaded!! And the area of my hair I was trying to grow barely had any hair. Since I started my hair journey I've noticed that the hair in that area is getting thicker and I rarely get the shots anymore. This may be attributed to scalp massages, I also put castor oil on the area abt 3x/wk.
sorry for the long post

Was that due to the Rogaine or the Cortisone?
The reason why some people develop hair growth in other areas could possibly due to not washing your hands after applying rogaine. My derm and the direction specifically state to make sure that you do not touch any other part of your body without washing your hands once rogaine has been applied to scalp.
Sorry if someone already said this but in addition to using the Nioxin maybe you can kick your protein intake a notch. I can honestly say that my hair was growing so slow. After changing my diet to protein, vegetables, and less carbs, I have noticed a dramatic improvement with the quality of my hair growth cycle. I pray that your comes back in that spot. Try not to worry or stress because that can help it come out even more. God Bless~
^^^:arrowup: This is absolute truth for me. My hair is growing like it did when I was really young now that I changed my diet and I workout regularly!! Its my miracle for 2010.
I really don't see what the big problem is w/having to use Rogaine for the rest of your life to retain hair growth. I've accepted the fact that i'll have a hair regi for the rest of my life. You don't need an RX for the rogaine, it's over the counter, just as all the other hair products we use weekly, so why not?

i use the rogaine drops on my temples and hair line and i've seen subtle changes in the last 3 months. only peach fuzz, but if it begins to work, i'll include it in my daily regi. only takes seconds to apply.

i've used NIOXIN shampoo and conditioner but it leaves my hair hard and dry....there's a foam that comes along w/the set, so i may just keep the foam and ditch the shampoo and cond.