Let's Talk About Minoxidil - My Theory!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have a friend who lost her edges (perms etc...)and I feel her pain b/c mine are thin as well...

anywho we were talking about Rogaine and other products that contain Minoxidil...

while doing a some looking around on the forum a see a lot of women advise against this, b/c it is a product that u supposedly have to use for a lifetime....

Well after doing some looking around on the internet I read that Rogaine is usually aimed at helping people with GENETIC HAIRLOSS....meaning that if it is an internal problem...yes you would have to use it for life!! Topical treatmets are not fixing internal problems!!!

BUT if ur hair loss is not gentic (self inflicted - i.e. traction alopeica, perms, etc) I don't think you would have the adverse affects of hair loss if the treatment is stopped - esp if u are taking care of the new hair coming in and changing practices that could have caused the hair loss in the beginning....

I feel like this could make a huge difference in determining if u really have to rely on Minoxidil forever....what do u think?!?
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Call me a Doubting Thomas but I don't think Minoxidil really fixes follicles. I think it just does it's own crazy voodoo that grows hair that isn't really normal. So I don't think it would be fixing the true problem of the hair loss but would just be doing the same cosmetic job it does on folks balding from genetics and then that hair would be lost if you stopped and maybe whatever other method you were using would then be the one that actually fixed your hair loss problem.

If Minoxidil really did grow hair that never fell off, even the makers would make that claim. However, even they admit that the hair will fall off if you stop using it.

IMO, if you didn't have a problem that was genetic, Minoxidil would just be in the way of something else that would work better. In fact, if you found out that your problem was not genetic, why would you settle for Minoxidil when there are so many other alternatives which do not have that risk?
IMO, if you didn't have a problem that was genetic, Minoxidil would just be in the way of something else that would work better. In fact, if you found out that your problem was not genetic, why would you settle for Minoxidil when there are so many other alternatives which do not have that risk?

Yes it is a risk....but also just theory....the reason I thought of this is also b/c of the product called Minoval (sp?) that I know some older women refer to a lot....

now as far as something working better would it be better b/c of the chance of retaining growth or actually producing growth?
Yes it is a risk....but also just theory....the reason I thought of this is also b/c of the product called Minoval (sp?) that I know some older women refer to a lot....

now as far as something working better would it be better b/c of the chance of retaining growth or actually producing growth?

I guess you're entitled to your belief but honestly, if there was ANY chance that Minoxidil grew hair that never fell out, I'm sure we would have heard about it by now, at least from the makers because there'd be a chance to market their product. But to date, even people who sell it along with other hair growing products that I have emailed pointing out why I don't like Minoxidil do not ever come back and say "Well, if your problem is genetic, then Minoxidil results will not be permanent, but in other situation, Minoxidil's results are permanent." Each time, there's just been the suggestion not to stop using it along with whatever they were recommending.

Also I don't know that Minoval product but unless this isn't the entire list of ingredients, I don't know about any of the ingredients listed being hair loss treatments, but I'll look into it tomorrow.

Ingredients in Minoval: Petrolatum, Mineral Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Isopropyl Myristate, Lanolin, Cstor Oil, Glycerine, Nutrilian I, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Perfume, Cinchona, DC Yellow #5

I guess I'm just not into flogging a dead horse. If someone told me that this method has been known not to work permanently but here's one that works permanently, why in the name of all that is sane would I waste time on the one that MIGHT not work? I guess I just don't have all the time in the world to be playing guinea pig if there is another method that might guarantee good results and which doesn't come with that red flag.
:master:j/k LOL....I feel where ur coming from....but like I said just a theory to make some discussion lol....I'm pretty sure there are other products that are better and safer for thinning hair...
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LOL, I got that it was a theory and yes you did start an interesting discussion and it would be great if there was an iota of likelihood that your theory may be true. But IMHO, I doubt it's true.

If anyone ever tells you that minoxidil gave permanent results, I can bet my bottom dollar they were doing sth else which would really be the reason for the results. If they had just used minoxidil, I think they would have had the same results that everyone else in every study done on it has found: you stop using it, hair you grew from it falls off.
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Has anyone ever used MINOVAL, stopped and lost all they grew? NOW THAT WOULD BE INFORMATION TO KNOW.

I've used Minoval off and on for the past couple of years, but it never affected my hair like that. I suffer from traction alopecia on the right side of my head and I used Minoval a couple of times on that particularly area to see if it would help the damaged follicles. Needless to say, I kept stopping before I was able to see significant progress, but I definitely haven't lost any hair in that area. If anything, I guess it's improved (but I can't say for sure if it was Minoval)
Mahalialee4 I didn't see minoxidil listed in the ingredients for Minoval, so why do you think hair would fall off from using it? Or wasn't the list I found of ingredients in Minoval (see my post above) incomplete?
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^^^^Nonie,The main Minoval product that people use has minoxidil in it< but not all of them do (i.e the "grease" that you listed the ingredient to above.

OP, I know this is an old thread but I wish that ppl who used it would have chimed in. So far only theories (no answers) were presented.

I am currently using Minoval. The liquid form (drops) only has the minoxodil in it, not the grease. I have been using it for a little bit more than a month an I am observing significant growth. I will probably use all the stock I have at hand until March or April. Therefore cannot contribute to Mahaliale4's theory about hair loss when stopping use since I am currently using it. I will be able to document it from March or April.