** Let's all VOTE for our sista REDECOUVERT! :)

Good luck Amina! I just voted and I''ll bookmark and do by best to vote as much as I can

And it was awfully nice of you Robotxcore to start this thread
redecouvert i voted and got SO to vote and i'm gunna keep voting. you've got the power of your LHCF sisters behind you, you're gunna win this thang!!!!!

Good Luck!

And robotxcore, thanks for posting this for her, so sweet.
PS let's keep bumping this to the first page the way the awesome LHCFers keep bumping my voting thread up, so RED CAN WIIIIIIINNNNN!!!!!!

PPS I've gone back to the site from my other computers and used different web browser but it still says i have to wait 23 hrs and someodd mins to vote again. How did you get around this?
lol! I'm so competitive. I want LHCF ladies to win everything. Just voted again.
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Amina- your entry was perfect, really. I would have voted for you even if you weren't a member. Hope you win!!!

ETA: Thanks Robot for posting!
ladies, I just wanted to thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much and again Robotxcore thank you for doing this thread. You have no idea how much this means to me!!
Like most of you, I was only able to vote once for myself and I get that message.
When I change browser and vote again, the vote number stays the same....so maybe I should pay attention to the score..hmm..
anyways I just wanted to thank you soo much again for supporting me! hugs