Let Your Power Fall...

Yesterday evening as I was on my way home on a crowded train, I saw your post.

I opened the link... My heart was so blessed from this song. I forgot about the noise and the Friday night rush hour crowd around me. My ride home was filled with God's peace.

Just want to say Thank you and God bless you @Top Knot :love2:
Beautiful! "Fight this battle for me..." This world will tell you to be self-sufficient. They will make you feel that everything is in your own hands. They want you to make your own path. But I can tell you that there is a path that you cannot control. You cannot remove all the stones neither an you make it straight because it takes faith in G-d, in Jesus. It takes complete surrender to His Will. The world will make you think you're lazy, incompetent, stupid, impotent, worthless in the face of a giant. Hallelujah! I am here to tell you to LEAN on Jesus for everything. Your path might seem to be going the wrong way but sometimes, you are going the right way, despite the pains. You cannot do it alone.
John 15:5
5 I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

You cannot even take a breath without Him. Thank you for this thread and all the contributors. It was a blessing for me today.
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