
Well-Known Member
LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF!!- now with some pics

Hi Ladies! Babysaffy here!! :spinning: Not so new newbie...It feels so good to be finally posting! I've been lurking since September 2008 and boy have I learnt a lot from this forum. :yep: I love, love, love LHCF,can't believe it took me so long to subscribe but I've done it tonight and can't wait to share my journey.

I'm 4a relaxed. Self relaxed since my teens after disastrous salon relaxed aged 14/15 which left me badly burnt with bald patch in the front, weeping sores, the works after stylist decided to experiment on my head with a new relaxed brand..

I've always been known for having 'long', 'good', hair since I was a girl (APL max). However, since I began lurking, the tips and recommendations I've obtained from this forum have helped me grow my hair longer than it's ever been in my life (I think I'm brastrap now, not quite sure).

I've been collecting pics of my hair and progress, lost a batch of these pics, trying products, becoming a product junkie, done stretches, hell I've even had a baby (last December) and through it all I've kept referring to my friends here to get my hair through- well now I'm joining in for real!! Hi!!

(Will post some pics soon, I'm on my phone will have to switch to the app)
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Thanks ladies! B-) :-*

I'm trying to upload pics from my phone gallery but it doesn't seem to be working or really slow?

Will have to hook up to computer tomorrow but it's 1am here in England and I've got work tomorrow so goodnight all! Will get some pics up very soon. :-)

Sent from my Sony Xperia Arc
Yeah, yeah, yeah... hey how ya doin' and all that...
Now, how 'bout you drop that silk scarf :lick: and give us some hair porn :eyebrows2

Yeah, yeah, yeah... hey how ya doin' and all that...
Now, how 'bout you drop that silk scarf :lick: and give us some hair porn :eyebrows2


Lol!! Imma git on da computer and git to it now! Money shots coming right up!

Thanks for the warm welcomes ladies!

Sent from my Sony Xperia Arc
It's taken me all evening just to try and upload some pictures!! Is it this slow for everyone?? Please PM me with tips on how to speed things up! I can't see the progress of attachments being uploaded, it's crazy :drowning: Anyway- My profile pic/avatar was taken in Feb 2010. I was at APL.

The first picture below was taken the same day, I was trying to be arty with the black and white.

I have loads of lovely texture shots of six months worth of re-growth, I've sat here for hours trying to upload but I realise the pic sizes/quality too big. Will re-sizing them work...sigh! Just want to give you guys some hair porn lol


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Okay, I've managed to work out how to re-size the pics. Here are some shots taken in June 2011. They were taken at the end of a six month stretch. Note the shrinkage in the last pic! Excuse the product splashed mirror and yes I'm wearing my bra really high there! lol :blush:

I had last relaxed a couple of weeks after giving birth in December 2010 (I had stretched for 10 months whilst preg).

I'll post more pics including my current hair as the week goes on- you'll get your hair porn, I promise you!!

I'm exhausted ladies- it's 1.22 am here. I've been wrestling with uploading pics all evening. Honestly, the things I do for you!!! :grin:


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