Let it Go -- Just Rest...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
In the Flow


I live in the divine flow of love and life.

Today I claim my divine birthright. I am a child of God, immersed in the energy of light, love and joy. Regardless of any outer appearances, I know that all things are working together for my highest good.

I have faith that divine love supports and sustains me in all circumstances.

As I relax and accept my blessings, I freely move toward even greater good.

I have faith in God's great love for me. In deepest gratitude, I realize that God's love is unconditional, freely given and freely experienced.

Love spills over into all areas of my life. What a joy it is to live in the divine flow of life and love!

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, "Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water."--John 7:37-38

Daily Word - Sunday, November 1, 2009



I was sound asleep and I woke up to this message; maybe it's because of time change and the extra hour; but I couldn't go back to sleep. I believe that this message is part of the reason.

Precious Loves of God...

God is ministering to those who needed this message.

Be blessed and take your Birthright to be one with God. Always know that what God gives you, no one can take it away. No more worries about whatever it is you felt you were going to lose. God has it in His posession and His Divine protection. :giveheart:
Amen.... today I let Go and Let God, knowing that He always fight my battles.


In the Flow


I live in the divine flow of love and life.

Today I claim my divine birthright. I am a child of God, immersed in the energy of light, love and joy. Regardless of any outer appearances, I know that all things are working together for my highest good.

I have faith that divine love supports and sustains me in all circumstances.

As I relax and accept my blessings, I freely move toward even greater good.

I have faith in God's great love for me. In deepest gratitude, I realize that God's love is unconditional, freely given and freely experienced.

Love spills over into all areas of my life. What a joy it is to live in the divine flow of life and love!

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, "Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water."--John 7:37-38

Daily Word - Sunday, November 1, 2009



I was sound asleep and I woke up to this message; maybe it's because of time change and the extra hour; but I couldn't go back to sleep. I believe that this message is part of the reason.

Precious Loves of God...

God is ministering to those who needed this message.

Be blessed and take your Birthright to be one with God. Always know that what God gives you, no one can take it away. No more worries about whatever it is you felt you were going to lose. God has it in His posession and His Divine protection. :giveheart:
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In the Flow


I live in the divine flow of love and life.

Today I claim my divine birthright. I am a child of God, immersed in the energy of light, love and joy. Regardless of any outer appearances, I know that all things are working together for my highest good.

I have faith that divine love supports and sustains me in all circumstances.

As I relax and accept my blessings, I freely move toward even greater good.

I have faith in God's great love for me. In deepest gratitude, I realize that God's love is unconditional, freely given and freely experienced.

Love spills over into all areas of my life. What a joy it is to live in the divine flow of life and love!

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, "Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water."--John 7:37-38

Daily Word - Sunday, November 1, 2009



I was sound asleep and I woke up to this message; maybe it's because of time change and the extra hour; but I couldn't go back to sleep. I believe that this message is part of the reason.

Precious Loves of God...

God is ministering to those who needed this message.

Be blessed and take your Birthright to be one with God. Always know that what God gives you, no one can take it away. No more worries about whatever it is you felt you were going to lose. God has it in His posession and His Divine protection. :giveheart:

Blessings to each of you. :Rose:

There is absolutely nothing that God will not do for you.

He doesn't mind or give one care to how far He needs to go out on a limb; neither how far He may have to bend, all He wants to do, is show how much you mean to Him and that He's at the helm of every single situation, bringing you through.

When the children of God finally crossed the Red Sea, the Psalmist reported, "... not a feeble one was among them..."

That's a message all in itself. For whatever it is, that God is indeed bringing you through, there will be no feebleness among you. Nothing loss; nothing damaged; nothing out of order, nothing out of sync with your well being.

Not one among you are 'feeble', our whom God we love and serve, allows it not among us. In our weakest of moments, we are yet still strong.

In all of this, in all of Him, just rest. :Rose:
In the Flow


I live in the divine flow of love and life.

Today I claim my divine birthright. I am a child of God, immersed in the energy of light, love and joy. Regardless of any outer appearances, I know that all things are working together for my highest good.

I have faith that divine love supports and sustains me in all circumstances.

As I relax and accept my blessings, I freely move toward even greater good.

I have faith in God's great love for me. In deepest gratitude, I realize that God's love is unconditional, freely given and freely experienced.

Love spills over into all areas of my life. What a joy it is to live in the divine flow of life and love!

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, "Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water."--John 7:37-38

Daily Word - Sunday, November 1, 2009



I was sound asleep and I woke up to this message; maybe it's because of time change and the extra hour; but I couldn't go back to sleep. I believe that this message is part of the reason.

Precious Loves of God...

God is ministering to those who needed this message.

Be blessed and take your Birthright to be one with God. Always know that what God gives you, no one can take it away. No more worries about whatever it is you felt you were going to lose. God has it in His posession and His Divine protection. :giveheart:


It was for me. Thanks *and now I softly exhale*:rosebud:

ETA: Thank you Jesus... and bless your servant Shimmie. In Jesus' name amen.
Awesome, Shimmie!!!! Love it :kiss:
Thank Shimmie for that word. I'm sitting here right now trying to figure out how do get something to work out. I just need to let go and Let God. It is just so frustering not knowing which why to go and not seeing a way out. God is in control. I don't know how and I don't know when but he gonna do it. Amen.
This is intune with today's message. Thanks for the comfirmation Shimmie.

:kiss: Praise God...He's the One who was right there and is still with you comforting and confirming Himself in your life all the way. :yep:
Thank Shimmie for that word. I'm sitting here right now trying to figure out how do get something to work out. I just need to let go and Let God. It is just so frustering not knowing which why to go and not seeing a way out. God is in control. I don't know how and I don't know when but he gonna do it. Amen.

:kiss: For you Sweet Lady... :Rose:

You know what? Sometimes I think God is removing 'shoestrings' that have been tying us up and and keeping us snarled and tangled, so that He can give us 'Velcro', instead.

A much easier open and close of a situation... :yep: