Let Hin in, and He'll make love to your heart


Well-Known Member
I had the 'pleasure' of hearing this when I listened to "Let Him In" by Winans Phase 2. All I could do was :nono::perplexed: :dighole::naughty: :ohwell::sad: Am I being too dramatic for feelin some way about this? In addition to this song, I never thought that there could be gospel songs that I might have to filter the same way i would secular music. I'm all for gospel being 'fun', but I sometimes feel like I'm listening to someone who's singing gospel cuz they couldn't get signed to do r&b :lol::perplexed:
I'm typing this from my phone so I can't post links to other songs so I'll just list them: "What I'm Living For" by J-moss, I mean did he really have to moan through the whole song?:ohwell:, "I'm The One" by Deitrick Haddon and "Dance In The Spirit" by Canton Jones- I'm on the fence about these 2 but they vaguely remind me of "baby making music".:look: Again ladies I could just be overdramatic about this:sad:
I haven't heard the song, but I know what you mean. The first time I head Mary Mary's song, "The God In Me" I had no idea it was a gospel song. And I was telling my friend that it had a club beat. She started giggling and told me it was Mary Mary.

I was too through.

I understand that people want gospel to be more modern, but sometimes I think people need to remember some good ole, "Oh How I Love Jesus." And not the new age, rap version that I'm sure someone has tried to create. :rolleyes:
NATHANSGIRL- when I first "God In Me" I thought it was t-pain:lol:. NICOLA- thank you for posting the songs. There are so many more that just have me :nono:
So, this thread made me self-conscious in worship today. That song that goes, "The simplest of all love songs, I want to sing to you / So I'll let my words be few / Jesus, I am so in love with you."

That song isn't that bad, but still, the romantic theme had me thinking about the songs in the op.
G. Craige Lewis talks about that God in Me song in Truth Behind Hip Hop Part V. If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth the purchase.
So, this thread made me self-conscious in worship today. That song that goes, "The simplest of all love songs, I want to sing to you / So I'll let my words be few / Jesus, I am so in love with you."

That song isn't that bad, but still, the romantic theme had me thinking about the songs in the op.

I don't think this is bad at all actually:yep:
There are many "Christian" songs that I do not listen to. If you can't praise his name. by saying his name then forget it. If it has some kind of beat where I want to bounce around then forget it. its glorifying the other one. I dont' care for Mary Mary and or many others new music. Its really ( at the root of it) about money. they are not nice either. I heard them giving advice but it was not in the spirit of Love. I think people get so high, they forget what its like to be humble. I am glad we wash feet, it reminds me that no one is higher then me. we are all on the same plain and we all need the lord every single one of us. I like some of their old stuff and I sing when it comes on the radio but I don't put the CD on anymore, I don't even know where it is now. Their heart is not in the right place right now as many artist, its mostly about paying the bills and not giving all the praise to the Lord. Who provides all we need. I like Hillsong, I like some of Marvin Sapp and a few others not all their music but a song here are there espeically if at the moment its the one thing I need to minister to me. Like Wait on the Lord. its a fun song to me. My daughter really loved it and was shocked when she found the scripture. by Fred Hammond. I dont' know where he is at spiritually but I do like many of his songs.
LOL..I am cracking up because I youtube'd some of the songs that are being discussed..as YES they are very borderline...too much.

There is nothing wrong with gospel music having a contemporary feel; however I think that gospel artists need to build a strong relationship with the Lord and remember why they are there in the 1st place. Theres a thin line between flesh when the lights are shining on you. They 1st need to make sure that they constantly die to their flesh and allow God to give them these songs instead of allowing the pressure of the industry to be their determining factor.

Much like the secular arena these artists have pressure to produce and the gospel arena can be just a tough as the secular arena if not tougher.

Try and remember also that some ppl are in the gospel music industry for show and money...much like some Pastors, Bishops ect. But not all contemporary Christian, Holy hip hop ect is bad or for show. There are some holy hip hop songs that Ive seen touch the heart and lives of the youth to come to the Lord. I have my own personal experience with that. If its annointed its annointed...and that is that. :-)
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To blazingthru: Yes, it is IMPORTANT that worship praises the name of Jesus alone! Yes, the gospel industry (THE MACHINE) is being corrupted! But, not all Contemporary Christian music is bad. I just don't classify it as worship. Some of it is more like praise or self help music. I have that Mary Mary CD with God in Me on it, and there is a very beautiful song, "I Worship You" on it. Also, it is not good to talk about people you don't know. Someone could've met them on a bad day (don't we all have a bad day once in a while), and their behavior was faulty. Well, only GOD knows their hearts, not minister Craig (though I do respect him and I have watched "The truth About Hip Hop" series at my church). Instead of talking about the artists, we should pray for them because they are our brothers/sisters.
I'll never forget this....

I had purchased a gospel compilation album and it was playing in my car when J. Moss' "Livin' 4" comes on. I was like "Hold on....Did I switch to the radio by mistake?" I thought it was an R&B song at first!
I am glad that you were keen enough to notice this...For a while now much of the music labeled gospel song has had little to do with The Gospel(Matthew, Mark, Luke, John: the story of christ's life, death resurrection and gift of salvation). Some of it is really inspirational, but little of it is based on the actual gospel. We really just have to be mindful of how music incites emotional responses vs how the bible offers the basis of christian belief. Emotion is fickle while the word of God lasts.

Well Lylddlebit, I was hoping not to offend anyone, so I'm glad you know where I am coming from. Some of the music is vexing to me. GOD CREATES, THE DEVIL IMITATES! The devil cannot create anything, only pervert it. So IMHO, GOD created music, but the enemy found a way to pervert it. I don't have anything against the different genres of music, but the spirit in which the words are written and the songs are sung.
Thanks ladies for your replies. I'm on my phone & can't multiquote but I wanted to respond to some things:

-Aneu2010 :lol::lol: glad u find the humor in this because when I heard the songs I didn't know whether to lift my hands or turn the lights down!:look: these songs had a hint of sensuality to them and I honestly was confused :perplexed:

-*crystal* I agree that we should keep the artists in prayer. I will pray for their ministries and the ppl who are affected by their music :yep:

-Lylddlebit... Now you've got me thinking about how much of 'gospel' music is really about the 'gospel'. This kinda goes back to what anue2010 said about the purpose these artists are in the industry. For the songs that are about other things- I do appreciate the inspirational messages and some artists do a good job giving us Christians 'feel good' music and modern music that still glorifies God:yep:

-Ebonyeyes... I was listening to his whole album when I first heard it. It was my first time hearing his music and I was so in love with his voice I didn't pay attention to it really. Fast forward to me hearing it again and all I could do was :ohwell::naughty::lol: lol. He is coming in concert to my town and I'm interested in seeing his performances :yep:
OP it's so funny that you posted this. As soon as I saw the title of this thread I knew exactly what song you were referring to. I heard this song years ago when the cd first came out and I was always like :look::blush::look: when this song came on. I thought maybe my mind was just in the wrong place and I needed to focus on the meaning but it really took me years to get past it :lachen: There was also another time where in church there was a song that they sang that said "Lord your love is closer than any lover" And I felt some type of way about that too haha. I'm young but I think I have an old soul or something. :lachen:
Let me put it this way: R. Kelly is very prominent in gospel song production so that ought to tell you everything you need to know.
OP it's so funny that you posted this. As soon as I saw the title of this thread I knew exactly what song you were referring to. I heard this song years ago when the cd first came out and I was always like :look::blush::look: when this song came on. I thought maybe my mind was just in the wrong place and I needed to focus on the meaning but it really took me years to get past it :lachen: There was also another time where in church there was a song that they sang that said "Lord your love is closer than any lover" And I felt some type of way about that too haha. I'm young but I think I have an old soul or something. :lachen:

:lol::lol::lol: I'm a youngin too. The fact that it took you years to get over lyrics in a 'gospel'song says a lot.