"Let God Transform...The Way You Think."


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"Let God Transform...The Way You Think."
Ro 12:2 NLT
Behind everything you do - there's a thought! So if you're serious about changing your life, you must change how you think. That's not easy, and it doesn't happen instantly, Picture yourself in a boat with the automatic pilot set to go in a certain direction, then you suddenly decide to go somewhere else. You have two options: (1) Willpower. Grab the wheel and force it to go where you want; by sheer willpower, overcome the autopilot. But you'll feel constant resistance. Your arms will get tired, and when you let go of the wheel, guess what? The boat will go the way it's programmed to go. Getting the idea? That's what happens when you try to change your life through willpower: "I'll force myself to quit drinking, or cheating, or overeating, etc." Your willpower can only produce short-term change, but it creates constant stress because you haven't dealt with the root cause and reprogrammed your mind. The change doesn't feel natural so eventually you give up, revert to your old patterns and say, "I guess this is just the way I am. I'll never change." (2) God's power. There is a better way! The Bible says: "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Change always begins in your mind! The way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel, and the way you feel determines the way you act. You say, "How can I change the way I think?" By programming your mind each day with God's Word. "How can a...man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word" (Ps 119:9 NKJV).
"Let God Transform...The Way You Think."
Ro 12:2 NLT
The way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel, and the way you feel determines the way you act. ).

This really stood out to me...thank you! I was determined to have a great day in the office :grin:.
struggling with this actually...thanks for sharing. I already get an opinion about a particuler situation but I'm praying for God to lead me, to change my heart. I'm feeling like I choose what I am comfortable with,I need to know if this is the Lord's plan and most important I highly think I need to let Him change the way I think....right on time, Prudent1:yep:
Thank you...I know I let my thought life influence my real life too much. I know God is a God of change its just a part of letting him do it. I am learning to press through these times as God continues work on me and transforms my negative thoughts as he already has.
Thank you...I know I let my thought life influence my real life too much. I know God is a God of change its just a part of letting him do it. I am learning to press through these times as God continues work on me and transforms my negative thoughts as he already has.
Amen Vonnieluvs08:yep:. A major part of that pressing through involves speaking the word of God to your situation(s). Cast those wrong thoughts down then speak to them. Yes- we need to talk to objects sometimes:spinning:. Remember Jesus, who we imitate, spoke to the fig tree.
You say, "How can I change the way I think?" By programming your mind each day with God's Word.

I was feeling like I had become stuck in a rut so I wanted 2011 to be a year of change for me. All of the effort I was putting into changing my life hadn't yielded any fruit. I went to the bookstore on Jan. 2 and got two women's daily devotionals. Since reading these daily passages there has been such a change in my heart and mind. I keep seeing messages like this and I think it's His way of encouraging me to continue on this journey back to Him.

Thanks OP for spreading His word!
I was feeling like I had become stuck in a rut so I wanted 2011 to be a year of change for me. All of the effort I was putting into changing my life hadn't yielded any fruit. I went to the bookstore on Jan. 2 and got two women's daily devotionals. Since reading these daily passages there has been such a change in my heart and mind. I keep seeing messages like this and I think it's His way of encouraging me to continue on this journey back to Him.

Thanks OP for spreading His word!
:bighug: We all get stuck sometimes. The key as you have discovered, is not staying stuck:yep:. Isn't it amazing how God confirms his word? Sometimes using ppl we have never met IRL? Oh how he loves you and me:heart:.
Awesome word. The mind really is a battlefield as Joyce Meyers says...it's so important to fight in God's strength which is limitless, as opposed to our own.
Great thread, this is something I struggle with a lot mainly because I'm emotional and I often act based on those emotions. I read Battlefield in the Mind by Joyce Meyer a few years ago and I strongly recommend that book, it's thought provoking and challenges you mentally and spiritually. It helped me gain control of my thoughts and not just allow my thoughts and my mind to roam free, however that victory was short lived because I got complacent and I stopped filling myself with the Word as much as I did at the time. This year I decided to take back all the ground I lost and to just live a life that's pleasing to Him
This is very inspirational. I am always was struggling with my thought process. I find change hard and frustrating but I am willing to do what it takes to make my life easier. Thanks for the message.