Let Go.. Let GOD... No Contingency plans


New Member
Hi I wrote this based on personal revelations and some messages I have recently been priviledged to hear.

Too often we pray and then we have a contingency plan: just in case God doesn't come true. By having a back up plan, you are saying to God, "Well I prayed and all that but I'm not sure you're going to come through so I'm just going to put some other things in place, you know just in case." We lack absolute faith and without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Read the whole chapter for the hall of fame of faith heroes.

We pray and nothing happens at the time we want and we begin to think of ways we can help God out to make our dreams come to pass. "The vision is yet for an appointed time... though it tarry.... wait for it for it will surely come to pass (Habbakkuk 2:3-4)." His ways are not our ways and our wisdom is like filthy rags before Him - He knows what he is doing. The plans He has for you are perfect plans that are for good to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11); so just let go and let HIM.

The prayer that Jesus prayed that not my will but your will is the most difficult prayer that a Christian must pray. Many christians have God as their Savior but not as their Lord. There is a difference - saying Lord means you have absolute control not my will but always God's will be done. And that is very hard!
You must give it all up for the sake of your faith and the furtherance of the Kingdom of God and he will surely repay you because God owes no man.

Stop holding on to that friend, hobby / habit, family member,money that is hindering your relationship with God. Just let it go and He will surely repay you a hundred fold (Mark 10:30). Yes you will be persecuted but what persecution is too great if you are guaranteed eternal life? Let it all go for God. If you are yet to give up something or lose a friend or feel pain or suffering for your faith, then its integrity is in question. The bible says that you will give up these things and you will surely face persecutions (Mark 10:30) for the sake of your faith.

I always thought that in Luke 22:31-32
when Jesus said to Peter,"
Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
it refered solely to temptation.

But no it refers to any trials, hardships, difficult times, anything that you are going through that is not God's perfect will for you - Satan is sifting you like wheat to see if you will stand true to your faith and let God have absolute control. God allows this to happen that He may weed out all the "extras" in your life that are preventing you from becoming all that he would have you be. When you have been able to successfully pass through the fire, You would have shown that you will stand up and be what God will have you be regardless of the circumstance. Then you can encourage those who are still going through their own hard times.
So when we go through difficult times, don't worry, Jesus is on the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf that our faith should not completely fail us; that we hold onto that mustard seed size faith and that is all we need to get us through.

By allowing you to be subject to these trials in your life God is preparing and molding you like the master potter that He is, to become that which he will have to be. Because without becoming what He wants you to be you cannot do/ fulfil His perfect plans for your life. So the prayer of Not my will but Your will be done Lord is a prayer that we must all pray earnestly that we do not miss the path / life that God has laid out for us.

Dr okey onuzo was in my church two weeks ago and he said. " At the end God will show you two life's - the one you lived and the one you could / should have lived. At several points they will intersect." Many will weep when they see the great purposes God had for them that they missed. I pray that will not be your portion.

DO NOT let your blessing and God's perfect plan for you life pass you by. What does it profit you to gain all the friends, fame, fortune, titles in the world but lose what counts the most? - your crown and eternal life.

Stockpile your treasures where they matter, earthly treasures eventually rot!

It is so important to truly submit things to GOD and just leave it there. When we get to a point where we are fully surrendered to God, it truly transforms us. When we walk in true faith, where we give things to God and just stand in confidence that He will work it out, the results are amazing! So AMEN! You are right on point...

Not I who live...but Christ who lives in me!
Thank you for bumping this. I truly needed to read it. I do believe that the lord allows things in our lives at the right time. I am soooooo working on putting my faith in ONLY the lord with no back up plan.

Father you know my heart and I deeply want to change my ways. I am too cynical for my own good and way too hard on myself than I need to be.:nono: I'm in a bad place right now and truly need your strength, guidance and assurance. HELP ME.:sad:
Great post!!!:yep:

No problem ladies. Your hair looks great! Thanks for the bible verse in your siggy. I needed that!
What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."(Mark 11:24)