Leo Men

Does anyone have the scope on Leo Men???


My fiancé is a Leo...where do I begin?

They're come off as arrogant, flashy, and stubborn as hell. And this can be the most difficult parts to deal with because they want to be treated like royalty (hence the lion association). But when you get to know them you'll see that they're protective, have big hearts, give great advice, are extremely affectionate (PDA galore), and have very warm personalities.

The bottom line to the Leo's is knowing that they love to have their ego stroked and want to feel loved.
I love them! They are so cocky, it's so sexy to me. But, the ones I know, have something to back up that cockiness with. They are very protective and have leadership personalities. I love it all!

I'm a typical Libra woman.
Arrogant, cocky, selfish, like to be chased, and deep down, have lots of insecurities. I wasn't about that life.

Yep. My ex husband was a Leo and was all of the above..add me being an indifferent acting Sag...utter chaos.

I've met other Leo guys and they are all the same..arrogant for arrogance sake with rarely anything going on to back it up.
They are so easy to deal with. Just keep them thinking they are the bomb and it's smooth sailing. Their stubbornness comes from ego so feed that during one of their fits and it's back smooth again. I wish I would have procreated with a Leo. *sigh* My youngest child is a Leo and we get along so well.
I just started dating this Leo man. I’ve never come across any and I do not have any in my family. All of your comments are on point! He seems arrogant (he can back it up), flashy, and stubborn. I feel like he constantly wants me to stroke his ego. I get the feeling that he wants me to chase him and that's not me. I think he is use to it. :ohwell:

He is a great guy. Business owner, witty, kind, etc. etc. However, I feel some type of way in regards to feeling like I have to pursue him and give his constant praise. I do not mind stroking an ego every once in a while but I’ve never had to pursue and man and I’m pretty much not going to go there.

Thank you for comments ladies!
All of these descriptions are on point! 95% of my exes were leos. I always seemed to attract leo men Loved each and every one of them. Breakups were passionate. Surprised I didnt marry one. They like their ego stroked but if you dont mind being their audience its all good. I think they are insecure deep down which I kind of found endearing, lol. My venus is in leo so maybe that is why I can tolerate them.
All of these descriptions are on point! 95% of my exes were leos. I always seemed to attract leo men Loved each and every one of them. Breakups were passionate. Surprised I didnt marry one. They like their ego stroked but if you dont mind being their audience its all good. I think they are insecure deep down which I kind of found endearing, lol. My venus is in leo so maybe that is why I can tolerate them.

My Venus and Mercury is in Leo and my relationships with Leo males have been very passionate, even the friendships have been a bit over the top. Their arrogance, protectiveness and jealousy kind of amuses me. I would love to date another one someday. :yep:
My Venus and Mercury is in Leo and my relationships with Leo males have been very passionate, even the friendships have been a bit over the top. Their arrogance, protectiveness and jealousy kind of amuses me. I would love to date another one someday. :yep:

Yes!! Very passionate. Im cancer too. Arent you a cancer too? CurlyMoo
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I am a gemini and husband is a Leo. We get along so well :) He likes to be respected, followed, and appreciated. He does have a leadership personality and can back up his ego with great accomplishments. We only get into it when he feels that I am taking control (being mean, tell him what to do, etc) I have learned that I can get more accomplished through kindness and talking through things rather than talking to him in an accusatory way. Leo's are great fathers, husbands, and leaders.
I really like Leo men, but at the same time I find myself constantly looking like :rolleyes: around them

Here are my observations - both positive and negative: Warm and loving towards those they truly care about, passionate in beliefs, charismatic, very traditional and masculine men, family-oriented, full of pride

On the negative side: arrogant, cocky (even if they don't have much to be cocky about :look: ), huge egos that can be easily bruised.... (though they may try not to let you know it), and self-centered, stubborn, full of pride

I dated a Leo for several years and for a lot of reasons it just didn't work out. I was constantly rolling my eyes at his over-the-top dramatics about different things, but we had a good run while it lasted

ETA: I'm a Libra
My dad is a Leo. Couldn't pay me enough to date one.

Everything everyone said.

But they are also highly territorial..highly. But it's born of insecurity like everything else that motivates them
shower them with affection and your undivided attention if you want to win with them. It's all about him!
nubianprincess83 My fiancé is a Leo...where do I begin? They're come off as arrogant, flashy, and stubborn as hell. And this can be the most difficult parts to deal with because they want to be treated like royalty (hence the lion association). But when you get to know them you'll see that they're protective, have big hearts, give great advice, are extremely affectionate (PDA galore), and have very warm personalities. The bottom line to the Leo's is knowing that they love to have their ego stroked and want to feel loved.

Yep. This sounds just like my boyfriend.
nubianprincess83 My fiancé is a Leo...where do I begin? They're come off as arrogant, flashy, and stubborn as hell. And this can be the most difficult parts to deal with because they want to be treated like royalty (hence the lion association). But when you get to know them you'll see that they're protective, have big hearts, give great advice, are extremely affectionate (PDA galore), and have very warm personalities. The bottom line to the Leo's is knowing that they love to have their ego stroked and want to feel loved.

Wow as a Leo this is pretty accurate. Especially considering that I think Leo men and women are a little different.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I am a gemini and husband is a Leo. We get along so well :) He likes to be respected, followed, and appreciated. He does have a leadership personality and can back up his ego with great accomplishments. We only get into it when he feels that I am taking control (being mean, tell him what to do, etc) I have learned that I can get more accomplished through kindness and talking through things rather than talking to him in an accusatory way. Leo's are great fathers, husbands, and leaders.

That's exactly my husband. He is definitely a leader... He's been a business owner before he graduated college. He does like his ego stroke, and be being aquarian, it was hard at first because my general attitude is IDGAF.

I've learned to work with him though. We have a great relationship. He is the most generous and caring person and so passionate. He can come off as arrogant sometimes (to others) but he's not flashy. Like you, he gets annoyed when my bossy side shows up.
That's exactly my husband. He is definitely a leader... He's been a business owner before he graduated college. He does like his ego stroke, and be being aquarian, it was hard at first because my general attitude is IDGAF.

I've learned to work with him though. We have a great relationship. He is the most generous and caring person and so passionate. He can come off as arrogant sometimes (to others) but he's not flashy. Like you, he gets annoyed when my bossy side shows up.

Yes!!! People think my husband is arrogant because he is a professional man that does not talk much. He does not show success through words but accomplishments and actions only. Gotta love those Leo men!:)
Why so unhappy?

You are a Sag, this is suppose to be one of your best matches. :lol:

I know huh...lol. I think its the ego stroking thing. Maybe if I met a Leo who had valid reasons to have his ego stroked, I could enjoy doing it. I've just met arrogant, vapid Leos thusfar and I refuse to encourage arrogance without substance.
I love them! They are so cocky, it's so sexy to me. But, the ones I know, have something to back up that cockiness with. They are very protective and have leadership personalities. I love it all!

I'm a typical Libra woman.

I'm so glad you said this because I'm a true Libra woman too and I absolutely love Leos. They work so well with our personality I didn't know if anyone else felt likes this.