Lent Frustrations


New Member
I am sooooo frustrated y'all! I fully understand the concept of lent, and what those 40 days represent. What I do not understand is the fake-ness that my peers are exhibiting. How dare you try to fool my God? He is not dumb, nor will He be fooled!! My Facebook status at the moment is: you can do Lent for 100 days, but until you make the decision to LIVE for Christ, nothing else matters. Don't be a 40 day Christian, God can see your fakeness. I was talking to one of my friends earlier, who expressed to me a while ago that she was trying to get closer to God. She told me last night she drank a half of bottle of UV[alcohol], and threw up. Ok. Then she said today she can't eat meat because of Lent. So I said "wait, so you can't eat meat on Fridays during Lent, but you can drink alcohol???". And she just said yep. WTH!!!??? Giving up something tiny[ or big] for 40 days means nothing to God if you're just doing it out of habit and because of tradition. If your heart isn't in it, what's the point!?!

Ok ok ok, now that I got that out, let me be reasonable:look:
God knows what He's doing. Maybe these 40 days will transform them. Maybe them sacrificing things plus me shining my light through my lifestyle and actions will help.

Ok. I just had to get that out.:yep:
While, it may frustrate you what your friends are doing, focus on your time and relationship with the Lord.
You can talk to them till you are blue in the face to no avail and that ends up getting you distracted and angry. Just lift them up in prayer.

Instead of having said facebook status venting indirectly about your frustration, how about something positive, encouraging and prayerful? Some people can only be won over by seeing us as shining examples of Christ.
Noone is perfect, any change your friend makes is a good. At least she is attempting to do better. As zenith stated, lead your life as an example and maybe you will rub off on your friend. Also, maybe your friend throwing up the alcohol will lead her to see that its no good for her.
While, it may frustrate you what your friends are doing, focus on your time and relationship with the Lord.
You can talk to them till you are blue in the face to no avail and that ends up getting you distracted and angry. Just lift them up in prayer.

Instead of having said facebook status venting indirectly about your frustration, how about something positive, encouraging and prayerful? Some people can only be won over by seeing us as shining examples of Christ.

I totally agree, but the FB status is for those who are in Christ, and sometimes we need more than someone holding our hand. We're at the age[speaking of myself and my peers], where we know right from wrong, and we know what makes God sad, we just choose to ignore it and do what we want.
I totally agree, but the FB status is for those who are in Christ, and sometimes we need more than someone holding our hand. We're at the age[speaking of myself and my peers], where we know right from wrong, and we know what makes God sad, we just choose to ignore it and do what we want.

I have known right from wrong and still done wrong. What made me turn was when i was talking to a sister-in-christ (whom i hadn't even shared with that issue, we were just chatting in general) she quoted scripture and that cut me deep that anyone telling "you shouldn't do this, shouldn't go there"
The scripture embedded itself in my brain and everytime i wanted to justify doing it, it would speak out.

It's not an issue of holding peoples hands. Sometimes one's senses are so dead to the things of God. A rhema word can wake that part of them faster than a scolding. Speak the truth in love.
i read your posts and at one point a few years ago I felt the same way. I agree with zenith on how you need to focus on your relationship with Christ. Don't let what others do discourage you. Plus remember that during Lent that person will decide what to give up. It may not make sense to you but you never know what is going on with that person and God. You never want to discourage that person. Lift them up in prayer and minister to her. Once you have witnessed to them about it leave it alone. Let Go and Let God because he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think.