Length help: Am I Full Shoulder?


Nappy and Happy
I flat-ironed my hair today (I got my cheapie Sedu!) for the first time since my touch up last Saturday and I couldn't believe my eyes! It looked like my hair was at full shoulder!

I must have had some mad shrinkage in my newgrowth, because it didn't look this long when I flat-ironed in October!

Can you guys tell me if I'm there yet?
Getting full shoulder was supposed to be my first short-term goal when I started my hair journey 3 years ago, but setbacks and a transition from relaxed to texturized kept me from getting there.

I want to finally say I've met ONE of my hair goals :lol:


sorry for the dirty mirror
Full SL indeed, actually past SL is more like it!!! Congratz!! Feels soo good to reach a goal, right?
So it's yes, then? :lol:

I was in doubt because my hair looks so much thinner than other ladies at full SL-length. I'm super fine haired so it was hard for me to judge on my own.

Y'all I'm so happy I actually did something right for once! :dance7:
You're really trying to err on the side of caution. You could have posted this a couple of months ago--I'd say you're passed SL. Well on your way to APL. Congrats!!:grin:
Thanks everyone!

I guess I've been trying so hard to get past shoulder that I couldn't believe that I actually made it, even with photographic evidence :lachen: