Length Check?


New Member
I've been on the Message Board and been reading many inspirational articles about hair growth and checking the length of your hair. However, how are people measuring their hair? On many pictures, I see that ladies are measuring their hair by where it falls on their back...but what about the front? Wouldn't it be a more accurate to measure from a frontal section...especially since the front is how the general public views you?:look:
I won't speak for everyone but my hair is layered/tapered around the front to allow for interesting styling when it's down. When you see me from the front you are only seeing perhaps 20% of my total hair volume. Most of my hair is the lenth you see from the back so for me it would be an inaccurate view of length.
I don't think so.
1. Most people measure their hair using the longest point, and that point is usually at the back of the head. Not at the front or the side. Pulling that back of the head piece of hair to the front uses up length, and you'll probably end up with a shorter measurement than what you're supposed to have. It's more accurate to let it hang/stretch it down the back than around the shoulder, especially once you pass APL.

2. From the back, the contours of the body tend to be more visible. You can more easily define where the armpits, shoulder blades, and waist are, because the back tends to be flatter.

3. Often times, the boobies will trip you up. Depending on the size and shape, getting the hair to go over or around them uses up length and you probably will get a shorter measurement than what's actually there. Which is why you have some women who can cover their boobs with their hair at BSL, and others who won't be able to until HL.

Some people do measure from the front, but it's my personal opinion that it's best to measure from the back.
Thank you for replying.

I am newly natural and I have about 6-8 inches of hair and I would love to have shoulder length natural hair. When family members ask how long my hair is they can can't seem to visualize the the puff, but understand inches, chin lenghth, shoulder length. etc. But to me, that's not accurate if the back is APL.

I think I look better with hair that frames my face. (round face) It could be how my hair falls (or don't fall at all). I guess I have hair envy...especially when people claim to have shoulder length hair and in all honesty it looks like mine. (a big poof)

I digress, I'm rambling. Just a thought...
This is a good question and I've wondered the same thing. When I pull my hair to the front it is APL. My hair is cut in layers, so I would assume it's longer in the back, but it never looks like it when I look in the mirror.
She pretty much sumed it up.
I don't think so.
1. Most people measure their hair using the longest point, and that point is usually at the back of the head. Not at the front or the side. Pulling that back of the head piece of hair to the front uses up length, and you'll probably end up with a shorter measurement than what you're supposed to have. It's more accurate to let it hang/stretch it down the back than around the shoulder, especially once you pass APL.

2. From the back, the contours of the body tend to be more visible. You can more easily define where the armpits, shoulder blades, and waist are, because the back tends to be flatter.

3. Often times, the boobies will trip you up. Depending on the size and shape, getting the hair to go over or around them uses up length and you probably will get a shorter measurement than what's actually there. Which is why you have some women who can cover their boobs with their hair at BSL, and others who won't be able to until HL.

Some people do measure from the front, but it's my personal opinion that it's best to measure from the back.
@ LaFemmeNaturelle

in this picture, what do you consider your length?

bronzebomb Sorry I didn't see this mention and I'm not sure what pic you were referring to. Was it this picture you were referring to?
Idk what my length was because I was not on a hair journey and was not paying attention to my hair. I think it was a bit longer than apl but I don't really know. If it was the pic in my siggy with the big hair, then my hair was mbl. Sorry I didn't answer sooner to really give an answer.

But I think for your own reference, you could measure both the front and the back so you can track your growth. But when telling someone your length, I think it would make sense to measure from the back. If you were to flat iron your hair and comb it all back, people would view your longest layers as your length. Most hair in the front is going to be shorter, especially if you are nearly natural.
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