Lemons to Lemonade: How did you do it?


New Member
Well ladies,

Life has given me lemons and I have decided to get over it and make some sweet lemonade! :cool:

I have given my hair tons of TLC with Joico products. MY hair loves it!! And the perm went well thanks to all of the advice. The worst of my breakage, I think, is over. What I'm left with is hair of different lengths.

At times it was frustrating, even discouraging. I have contemplated taking the scissors and starting over at one length (even though I am a confirmed v-shape). Then I decided to work with what i got and give myself layers.

Its really not that bad. My hair was shoulder length before the breakage and I think I lost about an inch in most places. The worst areas broke off much more but when I look at it its not all that bad.

So how did you turn your lemons into lemonade?
Well ladies,

Life has given me lemons and I have decided to get over it and make some sweet lemonade! :cool:

I have given my hair tons of TLC with Joico products. MY hair loves it!! And the perm went well thanks to all of the advice. The worst of my breakage, I think, is over. What I'm left with is hair of different lengths.

At times it was frustrating, even discouraging. I have contemplated taking the scissors and starting over at one length (even though I am a confirmed v-shape). Then I decided to work with what i got and give myself layers.

Its really not that bad. My hair was shoulder length before the breakage and I think I lost about an inch in most places. The worst areas broke off much more but when I look at it its not all that bad.

So how did you turn your lemons into lemonade?

Well, about 2 years ago I came running here because my hair was overprocessed, dry, and I was tired of being dependent on other people. I have seen my hair do a COMPLETE turn around. Over the last two years I haven't gained much length but my hair looks like a totally new head of hair. It takes time to grow out damage and I think people under estimate just how much damage they might have. This year I lost nearly 3 months of grow from one salon mishap and then being underprocess twice cost me more length but I have still gain inches so all is not lost. The thing about hair is that it grows, it might not grow as fast as you like it to grow but it grows so there is always a chance to turn things around for the better.
MOTIVATION!!!!!!!! Listen to it and let it totally consume you!!! I try to think of the glory that will be...........and it helps so much in hair and my daily life!!!! No gain without pain or aggravation!
When I discovered LHCF last December, I was a mess. A bad relaxer, hair breaking all over, dry, icky, horrible hair. I did Crown and Glory for eight months to grown out the hideous hair. During those months, I read everything I could. I read about procedures, what do not, and, most importantly, what not to do. I read about products and tried several. Most significantly, I really worked to take care of my hair. Sareca posted that one should take care of hair in braids the same as one would without braids - great advice. I also purchased the producst I would ultimately use.

By July, I had all new hair. I relaxed using the new knowledge and advice of several people. I really take advantage of having a big sis who knows what she's about and freely shares.

My hair is not long yet, just almost shoulder length. And while I wish it would grow faster, I remember that this is a new head of hair - completely new from when I started. I am very consistent with a regime that works for me. I try new procedures and products if it seems they may work for me. Sometimes, I get carried away, but I am loving my care, and taking care of my hair - and it is wonderful.

Be positive. Be willing to risk failure, as gym stated, it's hair; it grows. Be positive. This sounds really new-agish, but completely embrace yourself, your hair, your trials and successes - keep working. And, did I mention be positive.
As others have stated I too came under major duress, read bleaching and extreme ignorance to anything resembling hair care. I went from APL to about chin length in a matter of months and it had me very upset. What got me through the hump was this board and boards like it. Doing the research, trying out new products, and documenting my hair progress took away time I would have spent moping. I've had some set backs but I would try to find out how to solve them and I love helping others with the little that I've learned (not a hair guru like others here at all) and watching their hair grow too!
lemons: damage, breakage, major shedding from stress, medical issues and a bad relaxer.

Lemonade: a cute short cut (think Love Jones era Nia Long or Malinda Williams) on this coming Friday and starting over with all the knowlede I've garnered from LHCF!
I am still in the lemons phase, but have my eye on the prize of what my lemonade will taste like. Really just checking in to provide some moral support, and let you know it will get better.

Lemons:Weaved for 3.5 years, thin hair, diagnosed with female hair loss, overprocessed hair, dryness and breakage.

There are times when I want to give up, but for what? I am having so much fun trying out new things,products, etc. At this point I have finally figured out what my hair likes and what my staples are.

In order to get that freshly squeezed sweet lemonade I am :stretching relaxers, moisturizing, deep conditioning, scalp massages, alternating with BT and MN mixed with oils and letting my grow until Dec and then I will even up with a trim. I realize that I have about 2 years to go until I can grow out my hair while slowly cutting off the damaged hair.

You WILL get there. No matter what, your hair will continue to grow and you will figure out how to retain it to meet your goals. Blessings along the way.