LeKair Cholesterol as a 3 in 1 ????


New Member
Hey ladies!!!

I wanted to simplify my regimen as I am pregnant now on baby number 3 and would like to know your thoughts about using Cholesterol (Lekair orange) as a DC, Moisturizer, and Leave-in on natural hair. It really makes my hair feel soft and I notice my hair doesnt respond like it used to when it was relaxed. I used to use UBH Conditioner and Moisturizer and Aphogee hard protein treatment once a month and grew my hair no problem. Now my hair doesnt really like any of those products and im suffering ssks and its a nightmare. My hair is always dry and when i get out of the shower my hair drys too fast even though im using porosity control conditioner. So has anyone tried this for extremely dry hair? Or any suggestions. Thankyou so much. :yep:
I haven't personally tried a cholesterol for something other than DCing, but I was in an elevator and smelled a strong scent of Queen Helen Cholesterol. I remarked out loud that I could smell it and a girl I'd seen around said it was her. Her hair was nice and defined that day and I'm assuming she used it as some sort of leave-in and styling product. The smell was STRONG though.
When hubby's hair was loose, he used it as a daily leave in/moisturizer with no problem.

I say try it. If it doesn't produce the results you want, you can clarify and try something else.

I have fine hair so it's way to heavy for me to use as anything but a DC. I think when I first BC'd I used it to shingle once or twice but I use gels or butters now. I guess it's worth giving it a try to see how you like it.
As a person who leaves condish in, I'd try it. As long as you think the ingredients are agreeable to your hair, what do you have to lose? I have a jar of queen Helene Cholesterol hair conditioning cream that I plan to leave in.