Legalism vs. License - The Fine Line in Between


Well-Known Member
Many years ago I was baptized in a church that practices discipleship to an extreme, now years later I am in a church that is on the opposite end :perplexed
Thank God the lead couple r leaving to plant a church in Ireland hopefully the church can now find balance. I found this article very interesting
There are two extremes that saints can fall prey to in their walk with the Lord: legalism or license. Both are killers to our witness and our fellowship with Jesus.

It seems like the overall condition of the church flits between those two sides of the pendulum. One occurs in reaction - or should I say overreaction - to the other. It’s a fine line to walk in the balance of the two.

Back in the 1970s/1980s, what was known as the Discipleship movement became popular. Those who recognized its error termed it Shepherding - and rightly so. Shepherding groups sprang up all over the place, led by strong oppressive leaders who demanded submission of the sheep to the control of the shepherd and his elders.

Groups that used this heavy-handed legalistic rule over the people included groups such as The Walk, The Church of Bible Understanding,The Boston Church of Christ, and Faith Tabernacle, among many others. However, the origin of the Shepherding Movement falls upon what was known as the “Florida Five,” of whom were Derek Prince, Bob Mumford, Don Basham, Charles Simpson, and Ern Baxter. Mumford and Baxter reportedly denounced their involvement years later, but the toll their teachings took upon the church was immeasurable.

The book, Shepherds & Sheep: A Biblical View of Leading & Following, came out in 1983 to equip the saints with the biblical view of leadership and expose the errors of shepherding. Written by Jerram Barrs, a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary and co-director of L’Abri Fellowship in England, it remains today the best tool to use when confronting legalistic leaders.

Barrs defines legalism on page 21 as: “the establishment of a rigid set of evangelical dos and don’ts. On the one hand are the don’ts: you must not drink, smoke, dance, go to movies, play cards...On the other hand are the dos: you must wear particular kinds of dress, attend certain meetings, give the outward appearance of spirituality. The problem here is that we can become genuinely confused about our spirituality: we may feel that because we are fulfilling these regulations we are truly spiritual. This, however, is the very mistake the Pharisees made.”

The Shepherding movement took things even further. Some Shepherding groups told people who to marry; when to fast; to break ties with unsaved family; not to carry insurance (lack of faith); and not to use modern medicine. The laity were told they had to have a spiritual “covering” consisting of an elder to whom they would submit all major decisions in their life.

In reaction to such legalist extremes, the notion of license came into popularity. Also called “cheap grace,” this idea says that since there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, it doesn’t matter how you live as long as you believe in Jesus. The “you can do all things” verse was taken to mean you could “sin all the more that grace may abound.”

The license crowd loves the teachings of people like Robert Schuler who popularized the “gospel of self-esteem” that teaches we should stop preaching against sin but to build up people’s self-esteem. When the Crystal Cathedral sings “Amazing Grace,” they change the word “wretch” to “soul” so as not to offend anyone.

Joel Osteen is the pastor of the biggest church in America because “sin” isn’t even in his vocabulary. He teaches sinner and saint alike how to manipulate principals to be the best and achieve your dreams to become a better you.

Sadly, the predominant view in the visible church today is license. Tolerance of sin and sinful lifestyles is seen as showing grace. Those who preach obedience to Christ are now falsely tagged “legalists.”

A case in point: At a church I used to attend, I sat next to a young lady at the church potluck who I had seen many times but had never met. She began venting against our pastor. She was angry at him because he refused to perform her wedding ceremony because she wanted to marry an unbeliever she was shacking up with and with whom she had a baby. I of course sided with the pastor much to her chagrin. But I had to wonder what she was doing at our church when she was flagrantly living in open sin.

The Bible tell us - “not to keep company with sexually immoral people” [1 Cor 5:9]. And to remove such people from the church to give them space for repentance. “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves” [2 Cor 5:12-13].

Such admonitions fall on deaf ears today as the goats appear to be at the helm of most pulpits in America. The most popular teachers are the ones who wink at sin or certainly don’t bring the subject of sin up in their messages. The day of the holiness preachers appears to be over, now that the last of that dying breed, David Wilkerson, has gone on to glory.

We need to strike the right balance in our church fellowships today, so that we don’t fall into either error of license or legalism. We need to be accountable to one another, confess our faults one to another, bear up one another’s burdens and not be high-minded one against another. We need to hear messages that encourage us to obey Christ and forsake sin, while at the same time not pay attention to messages that take away our freedom in Christ to make our own decisions in life as the Spirit leads us.

Walk the line!
One after another, I seeing Ministers 'caving' into the pressure of the world.

Fearful of being called 'intolerant', without compassion, anti [fill in the blank] and whatever sin which wants to win.... Ministers are losing their backbone and caving in.

The accusers cry 'foul'. Anyone who disagrees with them or calls out their sin, they cry legalism even where it is not.

Who do they fear? God or man?

For those who cry alienation from attending Church ---- at the end of the day, people make their own choices and they cannot blame man nor beast for their choice. Many use their offense as their defense [their validation] for remaining in the sin they are in. They do not want to be told that what they enjoy doing or believe in is wrong; they do not wish to have a conviction to remove themselves from it.

There are a lot of things in this life that I wish to God that I had listened and taken heed to. Sure, I didn't like it when I was being told that it was wrong, and I disliked the person (persons) telling me so. I didn't want them to be right about what I knew was wrong. Silly Pride...

Yet God and His mercies... Yet God and only God who saw me through.

To God be the Glory... for allowing me His Loving Grace and for letting me see this message before my Sunday begins.

Back to sleep I go ... :sleep2:
Rev. 3.14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

3.15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

3.16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

3.17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

3.18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

3.19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

3.20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

3.21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

3.22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
We need to hear messages that encourage us to obey Christ and forsake sin, while at the same time not pay attention to messages that take away our freedom in Christ to make our own decisions in life as the Spirit leads us.

There are many do's and don't's of my church but not along that extreme line...they are usually postured along very serious moral issues. But I do wonder at the extreme of birth control and its prohibition since St. Mark's church allows for it. I can disagree in obedience while awaiting for there to be some kind of the prohibition of condoms during this AIDS crisis worldwide, esp. in Africa. It needed to be addressed years ago to have saved thousands of lives. It seem as though the narrow road runs parallel with the extreme legalism as well as the wide one of license and moral error. Since scriptures are allowed to be interpreted in certain respects and applied to all the times in which man lives and breathes, I guess we wait sometimes for the better, more humane and compassionate decisions to be handed down. I agree wholeheartedly about the part of freedom of the person because so many people are held to such legalism, they cannot see the mundane of life. It's either uber-spiritualism and avoiding daily life for dreaming of heaven or it's sour-puss faced religionists who find a demon behind every single rock. There must definitely be a balance.
True, it's an uncomfortable thing for me as well and when that happens (I get told the truth) I recognize it as evaluation time. A few times I've ended up liking the person..which is a good thing! :spinning:

For those who cry alienation from attending Church ---- at the end of the day, people make their own choices and they cannot blame man nor beast for their choice. Many use their offense as their defense [their validation] for remaining in the sin they are in. They do not want to be told that what they enjoy doing or believe in is wrong; they do not wish to have a conviction to remove themselves from it.

There are a lot of things in this life that I wish to God that I had listened and taken heed to. Sure, I didn't like it when I was being told that it was wrong, and I disliked the person (persons) telling me so. I didn't want them to be right about what I knew was wrong. Silly Pride...

Yet God and His mercies... Yet God and only God who saw me through.

To God be the Glory... for allowing me His Loving Grace and for letting me see this message before my Sunday begins.

Back to sleep I go ... :sleep2:
Many times we look for or stay in a church becuase we are 'comfortable' the Pastor and members alike coddle us in our sins....

In my church you're not allowed to do anything in ministry until your are saved, not even render a song selection...