Left Behnd


Well-Known Member
On my way to see Left Behind. I'll be back with my report - hoping it's not a trick like that blasphemous Noah.
A friend told me that it is better than the 1st one.

Yes it was Queenie - and it was no "Noah". I'd say it was true to the commonly held views of people who believe in the pre-tribulation rapture.

Even I wasn't a pre-tribber I'd leave this movie repenting and confessing. I've read the book series, seen the first version of the movie, and read the book series but something about this one in light of current events just made it all the more "compelling".

I don't want to give to much away but I encourage everyone to check it out. We all must decide what we will do with Jesus... Will we call
Him Lord now or later?

Choose you this day who you will serve - will it be God or man.

Oh and surprisingly the theater was pretty crowded.
momi thanks for the review :up:. I'll go check it out within the next few days.

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Another point - there was very little scripture mentioned in this movie and believe it or not I think that was a wise move. Somehow it added to the authenticity of the movie - most of the people left behind were remembering bits and pieces of things they'd heard about a mass disappearance but didn't choose to believe which unfortunately will be the sad reality of those left behind.

Also it didn't leave much for the eschatological theologians to pick apart. Lol
Hi can someone explain the pre-rapture Second coming etc...I recently got told it wasn't true smh I don't know what to tell ppl
Hi can someone explain the pre-rapture Second coming etc...I recently got told it wasn't true smh I don't know what to tell ppl
stepluv - there are a few threads on here where the pre tribulation theory was discussed in detail. I'll check back after service to post if you are unable to locate them.

ETA: the pre tribulation theory is the belief that Jesus will rapture His church before the 7 years of tribulation begin. We believe this event is imminent and there are no specific events that must precede the rapture.

The second coming is The Lord's return and the final judgment of all mankind. At this time He will destroy all His enemies and establish the 1k year reign. This will be His glorious appearing and everyone will see him this time.

Now there are many Christians who do not hold the rapture position so just as IWHH has already said - you'll have to study for yourself.

Thanks for your comments!

Whew it's a lot to explain. I'll check back later and provide scriptures.
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