
:ohwell: Is it a good thing or a bad thing. I put conditioner in my hair last night (on dry hair) and let it sit and now I am at work with it still in my head. I am getting a wash n set later.
I do this too (mixing a cheapie with coconut oil) the nights before my wash day.

My hair feels so good in the morning. :lick:
ITA. But what i have notice is when you go heavy on the conditioner sometimes your hair can turnout mushy. Be careful with the amount, don't overdue it.

I agree. There is such a thing as "over conditioning". It will make the hair limp or mushy and it'll lose its elasticity and break. Over and under conditioning can both lead to breakage. Its all about balance.
I have done this plenty of times. My stylist though...she was like "why do you have conditioner in your hair for hours at a time? The scientists that create this stuff test it to see how long it takes to penetrate and do it's job, which is why they give you recommended time to leave it in. You are doing nothing more by letting it just sit there for extra time!" :perplexed
:ohwell: Is it a good thing or a bad thing. I put conditioner in my hair last night (on dry hair) and let it sit and now I am at work with it still in my head. I am getting a wash n set later.

:lachen::lachen:I thought I was the only one that sat at work with conditioner in my hair. Slap a plastic cap on it and then wrap a big scarf around it, putting the excess in a bun and be cute with it. :grin: Glad I'm not alone on this.
I agree. There is such a thing as "over conditioning". It will make the hair limp or mushy and it'll lose its elasticity and break. Over and under conditioning can both lead to breakage. Its all about balance.

I put it in on dry hair and only a little its was moist when I first applied it then it dried up. Now my hair is like regular but I can still feel it in some parts. My hair looks like a slicked ponytail.
I have fine hair and I have the victim of overconditioning. It left my hair too soft, I have no control. However, if you do it strategically--like before a chemical treatment, for a limited amount of hours, you should be good.
Where do you guys work that you can sit around with plastic caps on your head?

:lachen: I need to fill out an application there!

If I leave conditioner in my hair too long the edges behind my ears & nape get itchy & break out 'cause I have sensitive skin. So I can't condition over night :perplexed
I think that I wont do this often. Lets see when I get the wash n set if its a difference. I think this is meant more for the summer cause it will be warmer!!
I have fine hair and I have the victim of overconditioning. It left my hair too soft, I have no control. However, if you do it strategically--like before a chemical treatment, for a limited amount of hours, you should be good.

yeah my hair does the same. its really soft and thru out the years when i left it in for an extended period of time, it never came out right:nono:
I leave them on overnight all the time. I don't do it with all my conditioners but it works great with cheapies, Aveda DR, AVeda Brilliant, Pantene mask, CPR, Alter Ego Hot Garlic, ORS Mayo, AB Organics Mayo, among others. :yep:
I have done this plenty of times. My stylist though...she was like "why do you have conditioner in your hair for hours at a time? The scientists that create this stuff test it to see how long it takes to penetrate and do it's job, which is why they give you recommended time to leave it in. You are doing nothing more by letting it just sit there for extra time!" :perplexed

well if this was completely true, I guess that would mean that I'm doing absolutely nothing DCing my head for 30 minutes with heat! Since all of the conditioners I DC with say 3-5 mins :grin:
:ohwell: Is it a good thing or a bad thing. I put conditioner in my hair last night (on dry hair) and let it sit and now I am at work with it still in my head. I am getting a wash n set later.

To be honest, and this is just my opinion, I think this is overkill. There is only but so much condtioner you hair will absorb at a time. I think if you want to deep condtion, just sit under the dryer with a shower cap for 30 minutes and you should be good to go. Once your hair absorbs what it needs, the rest will be washed down the drain anyhow.
I do this sometimes-especially after I've done an Aphogee treatment. I use Queen Helene Cholesterol or ORS Hair Mayo. I haven't had any problems.
To be honest, and this is just my opinion, I think this is overkill. There is only but so much condtioner you hair will absorb at a time. I think if you want to deep condtion, just sit under the dryer with a shower cap for 30 minutes and you should be good to go. Once your hair absorbs what it needs, the rest will be washed down the drain anyhow.

Interesting. I understand what you mean!!
I can only leave conditioners in my hair that have a balance of moisture and protein... if the conditioner has too much of either, then I have problems.

ORS Replenish is usually my drug of choice for overnite DC's. :yep: I haven't done one in a while tho.
it's a good thing. I do that when I wash my hair at night.. I do a full head baggy. I rinse it out the next morning though.
I did it out of pure exhaustion. I couldn't finish the wash process one night I was so tired. So, I just left on the conditioner overnight and finished in the morning. My hair was so good and well behaved after that!! :yep: I never even considered the mushy hair effect. I don't do it all the time, so it wasn't a big deal.
I condition overnight from time to time and wash it out in the morning when I'm too lazy to finish the job. I've never had any problems.
To be honest, and this is just my opinion, I think this is overkill. There is only but so much condtioner you hair will absorb at a time. I think if you want to deep condtion, just sit under the dryer with a shower cap for 30 minutes and you should be good to go. Once your hair absorbs what it needs, the rest will be washed down the drain anyhow.

my natural hair just tends to get dry and it'll really feeling like a hayfield after i use aphogee or even cassia (as i found out recently). leaving that conditioner in all day or overnight really puts things right the next morning alot better than sitting under a dryer for 1/2 hour.

sometimes i even do it after i use shampoo and don't like the way my hair feels.

i swear it works too good to give it up :grin: (besides i've got some rhassoul clay in my stash that needs to be used too!)
The only time I condition overnight is when I accidentally fall asleep with the conditioner in my hair. But I'm tellin' ya ... when I do this, my scalp is YELLIN' at me in the morning. It doesn't like to be bathed in conditioner all night because it's real punk and sensitive.

(Sorry scalp ... but you know youse a punk!)