?Leaving Conditioner on all night?


New Member
I just both Aphogee and also both KeraCare Humecto cream conditioner as as moisterizer after the Aphogee. I was thinking of leaving the conditioner on my hair all night because Aphogee leaves your hair hard but my friends said that if I leave conditioner on all night I will have lots of breakage
. Can someone please help me out and tell me if this is true.
I leave it on all the time and get excellent results(esp with GPB)
Just sleep in a shower cap.It should be fine
I wouldn't do it. I left humectress in my hair all night one time and I had a lot of shedding and breakage the next day.
I think it makes the hair too soft and then it may start to break down the hair shaft. I've had better success by rinsing the conditioner out and then doing a wet set or letting it air dry overnight.
I read an article recently that stated that leaving in a conditioner for long periods of time really reaps no added benefits for the hair, nor does applying heat for extended periods of time.

I suppose when you really think about it, following the directions as stated on the packaging does seem logical, for the most part.

I've done it before too, and my hair was really soft the next day. However, I did it with Keracare Humecto a week ago and my hair was badly tangled the next day. I'm still trying to figure out whether the culprit was my Lanza reconstructor that I had used the same night (before I put the Humecto in) or if it might have been the Humecto itself.

I checked my hair journal and in 3 out of the 4 times that I used Humecto, I had clumps in my hair while detangling!!
I tend to think it wasn't the Humecto that did this, but my bottle is almost finished, and I won't be repurchasing, just in case.