Least "Shiny" weave Hair??


New Member
Hey ladies. I'm re-weaving (lol) next week and I really want some nice hair.:grin::grin: Most of the hair that I see at the BSS (yes even the pricey hair) is too shiny and silky for me and doesn't mimic type 4 relaxed hair enough for my taste. I've ordered the "relaxed texture" hair from Lugos (NY) before, but I think they sent me the wrong stuff cause it was super shiny and I hated it and couldn't send it back. So anyway, what is the "least shiny" weave hair that you gals have come across? Bss or online, I just need ideas. If you have pics thats great too...thanx in advance!! :)
Go to www.blackhairmedia.com and look at their weave board. Everything you need to know is there. The best weave hair on the market is sold by exstensions-plus. www.exstensions-plus.com. The price reflects it too.Their relaxed texture and silky relaxed texture is not shiny at all.

Lugos's is garbage. Don't do it.

Usually any type of relaxed texture or kinky straight should not be shiny. If you go to the BSS,slide the hair out the bag and look at it in the light. Grab someone and hold it to your head and ask them if it matches.
I read on a blackhairmedia a way to make silky hair yaki.....let me get that thread and paste it here....
I agree with both ladies that posted above about the Extensions Plus hair. It's the best relaxed texture. I have pics in my fotki. It's also the most pricey though. If you can't afford to go that route, you can check out Halleys Curls salon relaxed texture. It's a great cheaper alternative. The website is halleyscurls.com.
Wow Wow wow!!! Thanks for all the responses...I'm excited now I have many options..Thanks so much ladies...I'll update once I buy something..with pics!