Learning to Lean On Jesus


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Learning to Lean
I'm learning to lean
I'm learning to lean on Jesus
I'm finding more power than I've ever seen
I'm learning to lean on Jesus

Ladies, I am coming to a place, where I finally realizing that I need to see the end of myself. And that I need to rely on Jesus and acknowledge him...in ALL of my ways. Everything....everything...I must submit to him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Says this
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight

I must no longer lean on my own understanding, I must learn to lean on Jesus. In ALL my ways, I must submit to him...I know he will direct my paths.

Job 22:21 says,

“Submit to God and be at peace with him;
in this way prosperity will come to you.

Submission is what God requires! Absolute submission. When I realize that I am a dependent, when the decisions and choices futile...handicapped...insufficient....in comparison to his divine will...when I that I can't stand up on my own...I will lean on God ...he will walk with me along this path, and lead me in the right place... Okay God I know what you require...I'm totally dependent on you...no more me...I'm leaning NOW!
Wow..... this is so on time I am in utter shock right now. I have been working on a "plan" for at least a month now. I have asked for prayer about it, I have done everything I needed to do to make it happen. But every time I pray about it before God, I sensed in my spirit that God wanted to accomplish my hearts desire in this plan with no money coming out of my pocket. I could hear it in my spirit but I would reject it with my mind like that is just too good to be true.

Well, today I called for a status about the last part of "my plan" and it is not happening for weeks, and I don't have weeks to wait. Just a few minutes ago I was just sitting at my desk thinking, Lord, this is of you, I will let go of my plan but you got help me believe Your plan.

God bless you for posting this thread. He has used you to speak to me.
Wow..... this is so on time I am in utter shock right now. I have been working on a "plan" for at least a month now. I have asked for prayer about it, I have done everything I needed to do to make it happen. But every time I pray about it before God, I sensed in my spirit that God wanted to accomplish my hearts desire in this plan with no money coming out of my pocket. I could hear it in my spirit but I would reject it with my mind like that is just too good to be true.

Well, today I called for a status about the last part of "my plan" and it is not happening for weeks, and I don't have weeks to wait. Just a few minutes ago I was just sitting at my desk thinking, Lord, this is of you, I will let go of my plan but you got help me believe Your plan.

God bless you for posting this thread. He has used you to speak to me.

Amen. I pray mightily you get the direction that you need Lissa! One of the ways he leads is through your circumstances. And of course the holy spirit, which was the little voice telling you he had another plan! We have to have a child like trust for God to carry out his plan for us in his kingdom! I'm praying for God's will and plan for your life!
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Amen. I pray mightily you get the direction that you need Lissa! One of the ways he leads is through your circumstances. And of course the holy spirit, which was the little voice telling you he had another plan! We have to have a child like trust for God to carry out his plan for us in his kingdom! I'm praying for God's will and plan for your life!

Thank you..... You are so right about childlike trust in God. So for now I am abandoning the who, what, where, and how of my plan and I am going to focus on God and His Word. Instead of thinking how I can make things happen in this situation, every time it crosses my mind I am going to thank God it is done. I am going reject any thoughts that says it can't be done for me. I will take time to meditate on the God's promises and get a mental picture of my answer.

Thanks again, I feel so encouraged.

Learning to Lean
I'm learning to lean
I'm learning to lean on Jesus
I'm finding more power than I've ever seen
I'm learning to lean on Jesus

Ladies, I am coming to a place, where I finally realizing that I need to see the end of myself. And that I need to rely on Jesus and acknowledge him...in ALL of my ways. Everything....everything...I must submit to him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Says this
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight

I must no longer lean on my own understanding, I must learn to lean on Jesus. In ALL my ways, I must submit to him...I know he will direct my paths.

Job 22:21 says,

“Submit to God and be at peace with him;
in this way prosperity will come to you.

Submission is what God requires! Absolute submission. When I realize that I am a dependent, when the decisions and choices futile...handicapped...insufficient....in comparison to his divine will...when I that I can't stand up on my own...I will lean on God ...he will walk with me along this path, and lead me in the right place... Okay God I know what you require...I'm totally dependent on you...no more me...I'm leaning NOW!

thanks so much for this sidney! it's a reminder that i need very often. so grateful for all the wisdom in the Bible
Sometimes we come to God with our plans, our prayers and requests. God is looking for us to come to him to get the plan, to get the prayer list! God is talking, but we can not hear him if we are not listening. We have to be like sheep, heeding the nudges of Good shepherd.

Isaiah 32:9
Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.

The horse races ahead of Gods plan. The mule is complacent and refuses to move into it. As for his sheep, "he walks on before them, and the sheep follow him..." John 10:4