Learn from my mistake...


Well-Known Member
I have fine hair that isn't super thin but it's not super thick either. Well, I sat there listening to the hype about having thin ends. Sooooooo about a year or so I cut mine. Up to the neck.



Fast forward to now and a few setbacks later, I'm back to the same length and ya know what? I've taken very good care of my hair but THIS IS HOW MY HAIR IS! Even with a blunt cut or layers. So you know how mad I am that I didn't figure this out sooner. :wallbash:

Long story short.

  1. Know your hair type.
  2. Learn what's best for your hair.
  3. Don't chop off your hair because your trying to get it to look like Sally Sue's.
  4. Textures will vary. I cut mine and while it looked good.... once it reached APL, it looked EXACTLY THE SAME.... and my hair's in good condition with no splits. Minimal breakage and in layers. :ohwell:
  5. Fine/thinner hair is ok as long as it's healthy. IT IS OK! Work whatcha got. :yep:
  6. My hair looks flat and lifeless in a blunt cut. I know what some books say (and some board members too) but my hair looks a cracked out horse's mane with blunt ends. My fine grass has gotta have layers and lighter products.

Anyways, I'm done rambling and ranting. Figured that if I could save someone the headache I would lol.
Give it time, it will work out and be back before you know it.
The key is not stressing & focusing on it so much (not saying you are).

But good luck and much blessings to you
Thanks. I mean I'm back at APL and my hair's the exact same (minus the color and a bit more thickness). I could have saved myself alot of nonsense lol.
Fast forward to now and a few setbacks later, I'm back to the same length and ya know what? I've taken very good care of my hair but THIS IS HOW MY HAIR IS! Even with a blunt cut or layers. So you know how mad I am that I didn't figure this out sooner. :wallbash:

Long story short.

  1. Know your hair type.
  2. Learn what's best for your hair.
  3. Don't chop off your hair because your trying to get it to look like Sally Sue's.
  4. Textures will vary. I cut mine and while it looked good.... once it reached APL, it looked EXACTLY THE SAME.... and my hair's in good condition with no splits. Minimal breakage and in layers. :ohwell:
  5. Fine/thinner hair is ok as long as it's healthy. IT IS OK! Work whatcha got. :yep:
  6. My hair looks flat and lifeless in a blunt cut. I know what some books say (and some board members too) but my hair looks a cracked out horse's mane with blunt ends. My fine grass has gotta have layers and lighter products.

I'm so glad you posted this. There is so much hype about "thin ends" on this site when the reality is that if you like blunt ends and are willing to cut regularly to get them, that's fine. However, so called "thin ends" are not necessarily evidence of damaged hair. MOST women's hair grows into a natural taper. Each follicle has a slightly different growth rate, is in a different stage of the growth cycle at any given time, and is growing from a different point on the scalp. I'm not sure why we expect hair to be the same length throughout. It is not realistic! Also, if you have fine and/or thin hair to begin with, it's just going to be what it is. It can be damage-free but "see-through" like mine because there's only so much there to begin with. It's not ideal but it's the hair I have and scalping myself every few months isn't going to change it...:rolleyes:
Good post ILuvsmuhgrass. I have thick hair and it just is what it is, I don't do anything to make it thick. I think it's good to work with and accept your foundation and go from there.
This post is right on time! I just relaxed my fine/medium hair last night and I was considering going to get inches cut off because I didn't feel it was "pretty" enough. I will post updates in my fotki soon :) Thank you ILuvsmuhgrass!!
Great posting! :up:

Nope, everyone doesn't have super thick hair and there is nothing wrong with that. I think your hair looks great :yep:
I totally agree with this. You have to really examine YOUR hair, realize its growth patterns, know its texture and thickness (and not necessarily that whole number system thing), and realize what's good and right for YOU.

My hair is fine and dense - meaning LOTS of fine strands. My nape grows slower then the rest of my hair, crown grows like a WEED. I at first thought it was breakage, but realized this is just how my head is and to just be patient with it. Had I obsessed over this, I would not have achieved my current length. Now that my hair has creeped quickly past my shoulders, it all has evened out quite a bit. When I get to my first goal of APL, then I will trim just a bit (that crown hair is about an inch longer than my nape).

If you do in fact examine other women's hair, particularly when you see women with type 1 hair because it's very straight so variations are a bit easier to spot. Those that have very long hair that IS NOT kept trimmed always have tapered "thin" ends, because hair grows at different rates. Sometimes the hair at the nape area is a little shorter by an inch or so, and hair grows in layers... When I noticed that, I really stopped freaking out about my own.
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My fine grass has gotta have layers and lighter products.

Anyways, I'm done rambling and ranting. Figured that if I could save someone the headache I would lol.

Hey Sis! You got it! My hairstylist told me that years ago. When you have thin/fine hair, layers give hair more volume. Though I still drool over those who have that blunt full look, I love my own layered strands. It works for me.
I have fine hair that isn't super thin but it's not super thick either. Well, I sat there listening to the hype about having thin ends. Sooooooo about a year or so I cut mine. Up to the neck.



Fast forward to now and a few setbacks later, I'm back to the same length and ya know what? I've taken very good care of my hair but THIS IS HOW MY HAIR IS! Even with a blunt cut or layers. So you know how mad I am that I didn't figure this out sooner. :wallbash:

Long story short.

  1. Know your hair type.
  2. Learn what's best for your hair.
  3. Don't chop off your hair because your trying to get it to look like Sally Sue's.
  4. Textures will vary. I cut mine and while it looked good.... once it reached APL, it looked EXACTLY THE SAME.... and my hair's in good condition with no splits. Minimal breakage and in layers. :ohwell:
  5. Fine/thinner hair is ok as long as it's healthy. IT IS OK! Work whatcha got. :yep:
  6. My hair looks flat and lifeless in a blunt cut. I know what some books say (and some board members too) but my hair looks a cracked out horse's mane with blunt ends. My fine grass has gotta have layers and lighter products.

Anyways, I'm done rambling and ranting. Figured that if I could save someone the headache I would lol.


I am so sorry that you are going thru this. I know it must be so frustrating!!!!

You are so kind to tell others about this lesson that you learned so that the next person may not have to go thru this.

Much kudos to you.

Your hair still looks GREAT BTW! :yep:
Do you know how many people keep cutting off their "thin" ends, only to wind right back in the same place...over and over again? At least you learned and won't repeat the mistake again and again. :)

I don't trim my hair. I've read plenty of threads here about trimming and trying to have ends a certain way. I just keep it moving because it's not for me. I keep my hair up most of the time anyway and when I wear it down, it's curly. So perfect hemlines aren't required. When I'm ready to maintain a particular length, I might begin to trim a couple of times a year. Right now, I would only trim if my hair were damaged...and even then only as a last resort.

Yes, you really have to look at your own hair and make your own assessment as to whether trimming often/sometimes/rarely/never is for you. Everyone does not have the same preferences or situation with their hair. Good for you for learning that.
Thanks Iluvmygrass. This post is right on time for me. over the last 2 months I've cut about 3 inches, and I was contemplating cutting more to "thicken up my ends "even though my inital idea was to grow my hair to ~4 inches over mbl then trim my ends to mbl. Thanks to your post I'm going back to my original goal. I know that hair doesn't grow evenly, nor at the same rate, so cutting it will only lead me to the same spot months down the line. I'll just keep bunning it, or curl it if I need to wear it out. I know i''ll get to my goal faster this way.
I don't trim my hair. I've read plenty of threads here about trimming and trying to have ends a certain way. I just keep it moving because it's not for me. I keep my hair up most of the time anyway and when I wear it down, it's curly. So perfect hemlines aren't required. When I'm ready to maintain a particular length, I might begin to trim a couple of times a year. Right now, I would only trim if my hair were damaged...and even then only as a last resort.


cichelle, i've heard you metnion that you don't trim at all in a couple of threads now. I think i'm going to try that until i reach my goal
My hair is naturally fine and thin. I realized this early in the game and blunt ends are never a goal for me. My hair just won't and DON't do that!! I'm excited to see my growing & future "fairy ends" on my nappy hair!
Don't chop off your hair because your trying to get it to look like Sally Sue's I wanted to do a Rhianna Look!

((((HUGS))) to you I understand b/c on 9-16-08 I just went from APL to SL I will not be cutting or trimming my ends only a very light dusting at that 4 times a year!
My hair looks flat and lifeless in a blunt cut. I know what some books say (and some board members too) but my hair looks a cracked out horse's mane with blunt ends. My fine grass has gotta have layers and lighter products.

Anyways, I'm done rambling and ranting. Figured that if I could save someone the headache I would lol.

I've ALWAYS advised that women with fine hair should avoid blunt cuts...they should do layers BUT it's important that they're cut correctly. Cutting too much makes the hair look thinner. Glad you figured it out sis. :yep:
Thanks for the post glad i am not alone with my ENDS.:yep:CAUSE I WAS TOLD YOUR HAIR GROWING BUT.......... ITS THIN :blush:KIND OF HURT BUT ITS GETTING FULLER BUT MY ENDS ARE THIN.SO THATS THE WAY THEY GROW:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
:goodpost: iluvsmuhgrass. This makes me think about that 6 week body makeover program where people are advised to draw how they want their bodies to look... you can't get an hourglass out of a ruler. We got to love what we got and work with that to make it the best it can be.
I have fine hair that isn't super thin but it's not super thick either. Well, I sat there listening to the hype about having thin ends. Sooooooo about a year or so I cut mine. Up to the neck.



Fast forward to now and a few setbacks later, I'm back to the same length and ya know what? I've taken very good care of my hair but THIS IS HOW MY HAIR IS! Even with a blunt cut or layers. So you know how mad I am that I didn't figure this out sooner. :wallbash:

Long story short.

  1. Know your hair type.
  2. Learn what's best for your hair.
  3. Don't chop off your hair because your trying to get it to look like Sally Sue's.
  4. Textures will vary. I cut mine and while it looked good.... once it reached APL, it looked EXACTLY THE SAME.... and my hair's in good condition with no splits. Minimal breakage and in layers. :ohwell:
  5. Fine/thinner hair is ok as long as it's healthy. IT IS OK! Work whatcha got. :yep:
  6. My hair looks flat and lifeless in a blunt cut. I know what some books say (and some board members too) but my hair looks a cracked out horse's mane with blunt ends. My fine grass has gotta have layers and lighter products.

Anyways, I'm done rambling and ranting. Figured that if I could save someone the headache I would lol.

Thank you for this post. A few days ago I was going to cut my hair because I thought the ends were too thin. Thank God for my LHCF sisters who encouraged me not to.

Your hair will grow back and flourish

Many blessings.
Awesome. Seems like I'm always chasing Poka's hair. Anyway, I just cut a couple of inches off of mine for the 3rd time in 3 years, always the same results. I'll keep trying. Glad you made this observation. Your hair looks lovely by the way.
This is a great thread. Fine hair is what it is and we have to work with what we have. I have fine hair and although I know that it grows better blunt (mine does, at least), it LOOKS better with a few long layers.

One of the best things that could have happened for me is that I found a stylist who understands my hair. She knows that my hair is not damaged, so she doesn't cut more than is needed. She gives me a few long layers so that it will have some movement and I never have to battle with her about it.

There is a difference between thin ends and sparse ends. Damaged ends and sparse ends should be trimmed away, but we can't keep running for the scissors in an attempt to attain the thickness of some who who has 10x the thickness/amount of hair.

Thanks for this post, ILuvsmuhgrass.
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I have fluffy fine hair with a lot of body and swing when straightend properly. Blunt cuts simply don't look good with my hair type. I know what you mean looking at some of these back shots on the board...but I know that's not me...

Thank you for sharing for some of the newbies who may be tempted to go the same route you did, you have saved them some time and trouble. :up:
I have fine hair that isn't super thin but it's not super thick either. Well, I sat there listening to the hype about having thin ends. Sooooooo about a year or so I cut mine. Up to the neck.



Fast forward to now and a few setbacks later, I'm back to the same length and ya know what? I've taken very good care of my hair but THIS IS HOW MY HAIR IS! Even with a blunt cut or layers. So you know how mad I am that I didn't figure this out sooner. :wallbash:

Long story short.

  1. Know your hair type.
  2. Learn what's best for your hair.
  3. Don't chop off your hair because your trying to get it to look like Sally Sue's.
  4. Textures will vary. I cut mine and while it looked good.... once it reached APL, it looked EXACTLY THE SAME.... and my hair's in good condition with no splits. Minimal breakage and in layers. :ohwell:
  5. Fine/thinner hair is ok as long as it's healthy. IT IS OK! Work whatcha got. :yep:
  6. My hair looks flat and lifeless in a blunt cut. I know what some books say (and some board members too) but my hair looks a cracked out horse's mane with blunt ends. My fine grass has gotta have layers and lighter products.

Anyways, I'm done rambling and ranting. Figured that if I could save someone the headache I would lol.

great post! :up:
This is such a great post! I am writing some new hair goals and trimming was one I was not sure about. My hair is so fine/thin and that is the MAIN reason I went natural. I thought it would be thicker so when I flat iron it would be thick. Well my flat ironed hair looks just like my relaxed hair. No change. I just cut off about three inches because of this very reason. Lesson Learned! THANK YOU!