lead hairs challenge?

after posting my update for thin ends, there were a few inquiries about reggi etc. it seems like alot of ladies are on the fence about this subject. but i say the proof is in the pics.:grin: just wondering if anyone would like to join a lead hairs challenge?:lol: a place you can call home when someone starts trying to convince you to cut off that 3 inches of length that you just hid your hair and went without heat for 6 months and spent all that money trying to coax it out your scalp only to chop it off when it comes out to play:lachen: i would hide to. lol

let's face it ladies, hair does not grow out your head evenly and if your gonna be hiding it anyway (bun, weave, braids, twists, wig, latch etc) why cut it off.

( for clarification i am not talking about if you have inches of splits you dun' burnt up or whatever. im talking about perfectly healthy ends of hair soldiers leading the way that don't get a fighting chance) :nono::nono::nono:
:wave: Me, me, me! I'm relaxing my hair soon, and I'm worried that I will go back to my old scissor-happy ways. This would be a great way to gain support from those that don't trim their lead hairs as well.
I will join because my lead hairs all like to sprout on the left side first and it is extremely tempting to hack them off instead of waiting with just a tiny bit of patience.
welcome welcome welcome. im thinking this can just be a place of support . like a (SA) scissor addict, could come when the scissors start calling and be encouraged to hang in there. i don't think we really need rules. but it would be nice to post progress pics and share what you do to retain and maintain the ends, only if you want to. up to each individual.
Me, me! I need a place of refuge and support when I start eyeing my scissors! Lead hairs run amuck at my crown and I keep cutting them back to match my nape (which I feel grows at a centimeter a month).
I think I should join you ladies. I dont know if what I have are considered lead hairs, but there is a tail at the back center of my head. It shoots way out and then it takes about 2-3 months, give or take for the rest of the hairs to catch up. Sometimes I am so tempted to snip that darn tail cos it makes my already fine hair look even more sparse. :nono:
I think I should join you ladies. I dont know if what I have are considered lead hairs, but there is a tail at the back center of my head. It shoots way out and then it takes about 2-3 months, give or take for the rest of the hairs to catch up. Sometimes I am so tempted to snip that darn tail cos it makes my already fine hair look even more sparse. :nono:

definitely sounds like lead hairs, i too am a grower of the V. embrace the V! the v tends to look better on hair that is trained from wrapping in my opinion
Count me in! I'm not scissor happy but I was gonna even up cuz I have lead hairs. They're just telling the others where to go so, they'll be hanging tough until their friends join them!
I would like to join as well. This theory of lead hairs has been very interesting to me because I’ve always assumed those longer hairs to be an indicator of a dire need for a trim. As a result, I always chop off those longer-than-the-rest-of-the-pack hairs. Perhaps, I may need to leave them alone since they aren’t splitting or causing any trouble (other than looking scraggly and homeless:grin:).
I'll sign up. And I will be referring people to this thread. Because I see tons of ladies asking the same old question: "my ends are seeing through but I just trimmed an inch, do you think I should just trim another 3 inches so it could all be even?" and then everybody replies (other than mine is) "girl yeah you ends look bad go ahead a trim those off." When in fact her ends are healthy the lead hairs are just growing very quickly. Im sure my little response saying to "wait it out, the rest of your hair will catch up" has not stopped anybody from cutting off all of their progress from a previous couple months. lol So this group will be great for so many ladies out there. Im IN!!
oh, oh!! I want in :yep:
I've NEVER been a "scissor happy sista" at all.......but I do keep a close eye out on my ends, and since i've been relaxed (hmm...when I was about 15 years old?) ppl have always preached to be about split ends!!!!!!! Always telling me "oh...you need to cut your hair so it could grow etc..." but in the back of my head I would be like "I understand you need to cut it...but geesh! why must it be cut so darn often? and why must sooooooooo much be taken off during each cutt? How do you expect for me to gain any growth at all if you're always demolishing my ends?!!?!"o.O

ok my lil mini rant is over....but i'd defintely be down to joiin :yep:
I'm in :yep:! Unfortunately, I saw OP's successful results after I cut an inch off last week. I got a touch up last week Tuesday and the stylist convinced me that my ends were thin and needed trimming even though DH trimmed an inch off.

Thank the Lord I did not let her do it cuz I'd be right at SL. I came home and snipped off about an inch myself. Now, I regret I did it. But it's all cool though. I will baby these ends and see how everything turns out within the next 8 to 12 weeks.
I want in! I hid my scissors from myself! I am always trimming to even up....I really have to stop that because I think I am shortchanging myself on my growth progress. I'm not natural but I don't use direct heat and I have no more breakage since introducing ceramide into my regimen.

As of last week 9-14-2010 I have not trimmed:

image wont show up :sad: but you can right click it the square and you should have the option to view it in another window.


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I would like to join as well. This theory of lead hairs has been very interesting to me because I’ve always assumed those longer hairs to be an indicator of a dire need for a trim. As a result, I always chop off those longer-than-the-rest-of-the-pack hairs. Perhaps, I may need to leave them alone since they aren’t splitting or causing any trouble (other than looking scraggly and homeless:grin:).

they are known for scragglyness lol! but now i see the beauty in them as a sign of things to come.
oh, oh!! I want in :yep:
I've NEVER been a "scissor happy sista" at all.......but I do keep a close eye out on my ends, and since i've been relaxed (hmm...when I was about 15 years old?) ppl have always preached to be about split ends!!!!!!! Always telling me "oh...you need to cut your hair so it could grow etc..." but in the back of my head I would be like "I understand you need to cut it...but geesh! why must it be cut so darn often? and why must sooooooooo much be taken off during each cutt? How do you expect for me to gain any growth at all if you're always demolishing my ends?!!?!"o.O

ok my lil mini rant is over....but i'd defintely be down to joiin :yep:

i know right? you would grow ya little .5 in like 4 weeks or more , go get ya touch up and they "trim" 1 inch! grow a half and take 1? nonsense. and girl ranting, venting.... is welcome here. (let's just keep it schoolyard, church pew clean) lol
Excellent challenge! I was in awe of your update. :yep: I haven't trimmed since the first week of January and pictures have shown how my own ends have thickened and evened themselves up! I will be trimming a bit at the end of the year but I virtually never use direct heat (only once this entire year) and my ends are healthy....just sad looking :nono:. In 2011 I won't be trimming at all until the end of the year again....as long as they are healthy why trim them regularly?! At the end of 2011 I plan to be a full, healthy BSL with a fresh trim. I may look scraggly until then but hey....no pain, no gain!
I want in! I hid my scissors from myself! I am always trimming to even up....I really have to stop that because I think I am shortchanging myself on my growth progress. I'm not natural but I don't use direct heat and I have no more breakage since introducing ceramide into my regimen.

As of last week 9-14-2010 I have not trimmed:

image wont show up :sad: but you can right click it the square and you should have the option to view it in another window.

congrats on 1 week scissor sobriety! i will be doing the sd method. better to have to lose part of 3 or 4 hairs than an inch of thousands.
Dagnabit ... where were you with this challenge about 3 weeks ago before I cut my hair?!? Had I known about this lead hair business, I never would have cut. I couldn't for the life of me figure out my my hair was "frowning" when I never use heat and keep it tucked away all the time. I thought it was breakage up the middle!!

But that's OK, I know better now. I think I shall join this challege to leave my poor head alone and let it do what it do. :lol:
Dagnabit ... where were you with this challenge about 3 weeks ago before I cut my hair?!? Had I known about this lead hair business, I never would have cut. I couldn't for the life of me figure out my my hair was "frowning" when I never use heat and keep it tucked away all the time. I thought it was breakage up the middle!!

But that's OK, I know better now. I think I shall join this challege to leave my poor head alone and let it do what it do. :lol:

i had posted about my thin ends dillema and these wonderful lhcf ladies gave me advice. some did suggest cutting but ultimately it's up to you what you do and i think most of us ladies have become masters of patience so waiting it out coudn't hurt. i must give props to chicorro although i admit i have not read the book i did receive advice from ladies who read it. i'm not sure wether she coined the term lead hairs or not. i also remember her from fotki, she was very encouraging. sooo... any of you ladies read the book? i believe she also has a blog.
This challenge is a great idea... too much emphasis on blunt ends around here, constantly putting those brave little lead hairs at risk. ;) If I had not accepted my lead hairs a few years back, I would still be at APL.
I want to join too. This is a pic of my hair. I took it last week. I think I need this challenge. I am a hair away from trimming again :( I have two layers. The bottom is longer that the top layer. I need this challenge :look:

Is it called lead hairs if your newly, no longer thick crown hairs are due to a recent bout of excessive shedding? If so, then I would like to join!