*Le Sigh* It Has Been THREE Hours


New Member
Three freaking hours under this dryer for a roller set :nono:

Take a moment to draw your attention to my siggy...
(scroll down now & peep that i'm SL working towards APL)
That is ridiculous to me. I either need a new dryer or bigger rollers. Granted that my hair is rolled multiple times around one roller BUT I love the curls that these turquoise magnetic rollers yield. They are perfect to pin curl, big enough to spare me the jherri curl look :look:, and darn it I have a million of them :lol:

I guess I need to break on down and get a better dryer. I'm using the one my mom used back in college :look: she graduated in 1976 :blush:

This thread is simply to make others laugh, make suggestions, simply something to do if you're bored out of your mind under a dryer like me *shrugs*

I'm looking at Pibbs but....errrr....uh....yeah...that's a pretty penny. It would put me on the master cleanse/lemonade diet by default...
This is the main reason I don't like rollersets b/c it takes too long underneath the dryer. I agree w/ every1 and try to get a newer dryer.
Get a Pibbs 514.

My lowest layer is BSL (not claiming it yet) and my rollerset dries in 75 minutes.
I second the Pibbs. :yep:

It used to take me upwards of 2 hrs. With the Pibbs it's 45 mins.

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF
Welp ladies in honor of black history month i'm free at last, free at last, thank God ALMIGHTY, i'm free at last *in my MLK voice*

I just took down the rollers, and i'm just sitting under here for another 10 minutes just to hit any spots that might be a little damp. I'm just happy the ends are nice cause as soon as the roller slide out the curl, they sprung back :yay:
You're a champ. I can't sit anyplace for 3 hours - unless it's essential - i.e. I'm on a plane or something.
Dang! I need to get me a Pibbs, too! Don't worry OP, I feel ya pain. I'm a broke college student, as well :lol: