
New Member
I'm making the updated album announcement for all those that verbally whooped my behind last time for sneaking them in there:look:

I had a HUGE mishap with some permanent hair colour which 'ate' off a lot of my length. It's all in the album ladies, I may have to come back and edit this post at somepoint because my neck is killing me at this computer.
I'm so sorry to see the color damage but it looks like its growing back out quickly. You're going to be at brastrap length and rid of those ends in no time- the rest of your hair is very healthy and thick.
I enjoyed viewing your album LD. I particularily liked the details you include in your albums . and your hair is also growing really fast!!
You have such beautiful hair, but I am raving over your relaxing techniques! I love the technique. Can you elaborate?
I can’t believe I’ve never seen your album before yesterday!! Your bun looks great!! ;) I want a sleek bun like that but I know it’s never going to happen unless I relax my hair again…which I’m not! Anyways, your hair looks good! I’m sorry about your color damage, the same thing happened to me last November :mad: --- and I used Texture & Tones hair color as well, but in “Cherrywood”. Well, like the many ladies who gave me advice, I know that I can tell you it will grow back! Mine did and yours will too! Happy hair growing :antlers: .[font=&quot] [/font]
Great pics, LD! You have such healthy edges!!! I want my relaxed edges to look like that. How do you keep them healthy?
LondonDiva said:
I'm making the updated album announcement for all those that verbally whooped my behind last time for sneaking them in there:look:

I had a HUGE mishap with some permanent hair colour which 'ate' off a lot of my length. It's all in the album ladies, I may have to come back and edit this post at somepoint because my neck is killing me at this computer.

Your hair did a big come back:eek: :cheers: :yay: .. Keep up the good job your doing... Very nice.....
May I ask:confused: what brand hair dye did you use, that caused your problem?
bludacious said:
You have such beautiful hair, but I am raving over your relaxing techniques! I love the technique. Can you elaborate?

I'll see if I can pull up an old thread on relaxing techniques I posted a loooooooong time ago. It may have changed a bit since then. Bludacious what exactly would you like to know about my relaxing technique, I'd be more than happy to elaborate :)
Cincysweetie said:
Great pics, LD! You have such healthy edges!!! I want my relaxed edges to look like that. How do you keep them healthy?

Me? Healthy edges? LOL I have to make a point of relaxing every 4 months and I always relax that part last the relaxer is probably on for a total of 2 -3 minutes when I relax the top section of my hair. I work from the middle to the top. As it gets finer towards the top I don't need to have the relaxer on there for a long period of time. During the 4 months I just surge it a lot and the satin scarves I have play a great role in keeping all those edges and the nape healthy. I don't even like silk scarves because I still feel that 'friction' against my hair. With the satin it's constant slip, no snags or breakage.
LadyZ said:
Your hair did a big come back:eek: :cheers: :yay: .. Keep up the good job your doing... Very nice.....
May I ask:confused: what brand hair dye did you use, that caused your problem?

Thanks! I was shocked myself. The MTG really boosted the back, I might be there by the next quarter.

I used Clairol Textures & Tones hair dye, this brand below. It's supposed to be safe for relaxed, hair.......NOT:mad: I'd stay away from permanent hair colour for relaxed women in general. 2 chemical processes just doesn't work IMO.

lovelymissyoli said:
I can’t believe I’ve never seen your album before yesterday!! Your bun looks great!! ;) I want a sleek bun like that but I know it’s never going to happen unless I relax my hair again…which I’m not! Anyways, your hair looks good! I’m sorry about your color damage, the same thing happened to me last November :mad: --- and I used Texture & Tones hair color as well, but in “Cherrywood”. Well, like the many ladies who gave me advice, I know that I can tell you it will grow back! Mine did and yours will too! Happy hair growing :antlers: .

Thanks girl. I think we should be the poster childs for NOT to use Clairol Textures & Tones in ANY colour!
LD your hair is lovely. Viewing your album was fun, I like the humor in your comments. I feel you on the color gone wrong episode, I have been there,,,,,
Dag that's some growth!!! You go!

And please bump that relaxing thread... How many sections do you relax your head in? I do 2 but I could do more.. :lol:
Your hair looks great. Sorry about the color damage, I have been having color fever and I almost bought that brand, definitely will not buy it now ;)
Your hair is growing back so quickly....Thats what happened to me my stylist used Miss Clairol color on my hair....

boyyyy what a mistake, my hair was 18 inches in some spots and 8 in others...I had to cut it all off and start again...But we can do it...

I agree perm. color and relaxers do not go together well at all...some can take it some cannot.
I am sos sorry to see what happened to you!! I see progress most definitely! I would have cut that off knowing me from discouragement but I am glad you didn't!!
Diva your hair looks great. Sorry about the colour problem, wot is one to do now- we cant even sneak some colour in without major issues.
baglady215 said:
Dag that's some growth!!! You go!

And please bump that relaxing thread... How many sections do you relax your head in? I do 2 but I could do more.. :lol:

Girl I will dig it up for ya. I relax my head in 3 sections. The back by itself, then split the top half in 2.
cincybrownsugar said:
Your hair looks great. Sorry about the color damage, I have been having color fever and I almost bought that brand, definitely will not buy it now ;)

I'm glad to have saved a head of hair from that lethal stuff.
sweetpeadst said:
I am sos sorry to see what happened to you!! I see progress most definitely! I would have cut that off knowing me from discouragement but I am glad you didn't!!

Girl I was discouraged like you wouldn't believe but like I wrote in my album I had 2 options, cut if off or see if I could play catch up. As I wear it in a bun daily I knew by not seeing it I could get through this mishap without having to look at it and get peeved by the damage. You should see me in the BSS scowling at the hair color products. People must think I'm crazy.

That MTG is working well for you! Wish I could get over the smell... :ohwell:

Great progress though, bounced right back from the color damage
I had and am still working through the upside V. I refused to cut too. I'm glad to see you are making so much progress with the MTG. Your hair is looking good. You've inspired me to get back on the wagon with it.
Go Diva GO!!!! your hair is growing nice & fast! If you please would you please share how you use your mtg? Thanks ;)
Bmm said:
Go Diva GO!!!! your hair is growing nice & fast! If you please would you please share how you use your mtg? Thanks ;)


Thanks! I use my MTG neat. I don't mix it with anything. As I usually wash my hair every 2 days I use MTG on both days. I also use it when it's damp from the hair wash. Basically a little everyday. My hair felt so thick after about a week of using it. I've only been usuing since the end of March.
