Layering vs. Mixing Your DC


Always thinking about my next hairstyle.
It's wash day yay! Prior to getting started I mentally go over what I want to achieve during this wash. I ask myself questions such as:
Do I need moisture or protein?
Do I need to clarify?
Is there enough time to do a henna treatment?
Did I notice any shedding since my last wash?
And most importantly, do I need to do anything about my grays?

Once I have assessed my hair and the time I have available, I decide which products I want to use. The majority of the time when I get to the DC part I mix a few goodies in a bowl and apply to my hairs in small sections. Last Thursday I was in a bit of a rush. (I was making Jerk chicken and watching Spartacus with DH. That show is so dirty! DH always wants to color after the show. The spicy chicken probably kicks things up a notch. Bam! Lol) Instead of mixing a few conditioners together, I layered one after the other on my hair. The results seemed better. My hair was shiner, sleeker and softer tan when I mix then add. I wondered if layering might be better than mixing..and if so why? An alternative explanation might be that I use less products when I layer. For example when I layer I don't use honey or oils, but why would that make my conditioners less effective?

Any adivce would be most helpful!
Today was wash day for me today as well! I layer an oil over my DC. I always use grapeseed oil but today I tried using castor and I didn't like it as much. I get better results when I layer and then use heat.