Lawdy, Lawd....newbie here!!


Active Member
People!!!!.....I am so excited to finally be a "paid" member - been lurking foreva' and I feel as though I know you all so well.:drunk::spinning::grin:
Will post pictures soon (once i get a digital)
I have already spent so much time as a lurker:sekret:, heaven help me now that I'm a member....................:clap:
Oh wow ...I see where it shows where I joined (2006) - my how times flies
Welcome to the OTHER side. Waiting on those pics.

Enjoy the journey...well sounds like you already have so again, welcome aboard!!!! :)
Girl, you're not a newbie.:grin:

The access to the other forums are worth the 6 bucks alone.
Thanks Ladies for the warm welcome I feel as though I've come back home - weird I know but now I can go into locked Fotki's and see progress picks etc. So for all you lurkers out there it feels GREAT to be a member so hurry up and join!!