LAWD! No Miss Key Wheat Germ Treatment


Well-Known Member
I just tried to order my favorite Miss Key Wheat Germ Treatment from Sickbay and they are out. I spoke to rep and he stated that because of some problems with the FDA they don't know when they will get it. Can anyone pleasssssssse tell me of another site that I may be able to order this from. This is my staple! What's a girl to do???
I just tried to order my favorite Miss Key Wheat Germ Treatment from Sickbay and they are out. I spoke to rep and he stated that because of some problems with the FDA they don't know when they will get it. Can anyone pleasssssssse tell me of another site that I may be able to order this from. This is my staple! What's a girl to do???

I wonder what problems it has with the FDA. I will see if I can find it for you.
I just tried to order my favorite Miss Key Wheat Germ Treatment from Sickbay and they are out. I spoke to rep and he stated that because of some problems with the FDA they don't know when they will get it. Can anyone pleasssssssse tell me of another site that I may be able to order this from. This is my staple! What's a girl to do???

Check or hopefully one will have it, they sell a lot of Miss Key products.
umm if there is a problem with the FDA and this product is this really something you should be putting on your hair? this stuff might be good for hair but what good does that do you if it makes you grow a third eye?
umm if there is a problem with the FDA and this product is this really something you should be putting on your hair? this stuff might be good for hair but what good does that do you if it makes you grow a third eye?

You know you need to stop.:grin: This is not the first Miss Key product that was held up by the FDA. I think awhile back 10 en 1 was out of stock for this reason. I spoke to Jennifer yesterday at roundbrush and she commented that the FDA always have problems with Dom cond. As far as the 3rd eye, I'll just continue to take my chances because it surely grows the hair.