Lava Soft Bonnet Dryer with Tourmaline

the select pro. Some have claimed to have called the company and ordered it directly from them for $20 + $12 shipping but no one has updated on whether they received it. I'll call them tomorrow and see.

Please let us know what they say. My Mom wants one too. All bonnet hair dryers were not created equally. Trust me I have tried many.
Wow! :blush: And with the shipping, it'd be over $60 bucks. :nono:

Yah that's not cheap but it's worth it if there's no other way. I think I got the last one in the Dallas area. I'm serious. I stalked Walmart and found one. Ever since that I have been stalking and this is the first one I have seen. I gotta think about this....
Yah that's not cheap but it's worth it if there's no other way. I think I got the last one in the Dallas area. I'm serious. I stalked Walmart and found one. Ever since that I have been stalking and this is the first one I have seen. I gotta think about this....

Yeah, I guess you're right, but when I think about how much I paid for the one I have now ($26.00), I'm like....."I don't know...."
I went ahead and bought it. I was thinking about investing in a Babyliss rolling hood dryer, but wasnt ready to take a plunge. Plus my dryer i've been using has been crapping out on me lately. I hope it's as good as you all say it is!
I have the Select Pro as well and I love it! I purchased mine at Walmart after I read Silkii_locks' original review, thanks girl!!

I checked out the company website and they no longer have the dryer listed. Maybe discontinued? (913)663-4500

I went ahead and bought it. I was thinking about investing in a Babyliss rolling hood dryer, but wasnt ready to take a plunge. Plus my dryer i've been using has been crapping out on me lately. I hope it's as good as you all say it is!

I love mine. If you don't like it I'm sure you could PM one of us so we can help you out! I love mine and I'm so tempted to take the plunge. I also paid only 29 dollars so yah it's a hard decision. I really want 2 more! 1 for Mom and an extra for me. I'm serious. What to do...
Okay so I called and ordered the last one for $33 total ( $21 + $12 shipping). The guy I spoke to claimed they wouldn't have any more in stock from them directly but they have a deal with Big Lots who will be carrying them. The next batch will be sent out in Sep to Big Lots, so anyone looking should check there now to see if anymore are in stock. Im pissed i couldn't get two, and the nearest Big Lots is 15 miles from me and I dont have a car. Did anyone else call and buy some today?
OH! If it's the last one I'm gonna be PISSED!!!! I meant to call them last week, but it was the weekend...
Girl, I am so MAD though! I called him on my way home. Trevor. He apologized. I left messages for like 4 days straight! I been calling for 2 weeks now! Nobody returned my calls! I woulda got that dang dryer too! He said he's new, and nobody been there doing that job, he just started 2 weeks ago, so the phones were just rolling over to the message place. I actually did the dial directory and got some random person and told them my plight... they transfered the call to him;
He said he knew what I wanted as soon as the lady told him my name. He heard the messages and everything. WHY DIDN'T HE CALL ME BACK!!!!???

Well, congrats to you girl, at least you got you one. My BIG LOTS is about 20 miles from me and it is in the GHETTO! That place SUCKS! They didn't have it and didnt seem interested in helping me either... I stopped on the way home... Oh well...
Girl, I am so MAD though! I called him on my way home. Trevor. He apologized. I left messages for like 4 days straight! I been calling for 2 weeks now! Nobody returned my calls! I woulda got that dang dryer too! He said he's new, and nobody been there doing that job, he just started 2 weeks ago, so the phones were just rolling over to the message place. I actually did the dial directory and got some random person and told them my plight... they transfered the call to him;
He said he knew what I wanted as soon as the lady told him my name. He heard the messages and everything. WHY DIDN'T HE CALL ME BACK!!!!???

Well, congrats to you girl, at least you got you one. My BIG LOTS is about 20 miles from me and it is in the GHETTO! That place SUCKS! They didn't have it and didnt seem interested in helping me either... I stopped on the way home... Oh well...

I didn't get his name but the first person I spoke to sounds like Trevor. He put me on hold for a few minutes going back and forth asking questions I already answered and then quoted me $16 and when I asked if he was sure he said " I think so". I knew right then he didn't know what he was doing. I guess he must have heard the skepticism in my voice because he proceeded to tell me he was new and that his supervisor would be able to help me when she got in the office, he estimated an hour. When I called back the second time I spoke to a woman who transferred me to a guy customer service who knew exactly what I wanted and put my order through. Im positive he wasnt Trevor who I think is just a new receptionist.
Okay so I called and ordered the last one for $33 total ( $21 + $12 shipping). The guy I spoke to claimed they wouldn't have any more in stock from them directly but they have a deal with Big Lots who will be carrying them. The next batch will be sent out in Sep to Big Lots, so anyone looking should check there now to see if anymore are in stock. Im pissed i couldn't get two, and the nearest Big Lots is 15 miles from me and I dont have a car. Did anyone else call and buy some today?

So this is good news I think. If Big Lots will have them in Sept then that works for me. I will stop by Big Lots later this week and see if any of them have one now.

I love my dryer!
Got my dryer today... tested it out sort of, just to make sure it worked. It looks a lot nicer than i expected, not cheap. I was at my wits end with my hood dryer so this came just in time. I can tell it'll be great for DCs, which is mostly what i use dryers for. How's the drying time for you guys who already own it with braids for a braidout or rollers?
Gonna be at Big Lots?? Wow, this is great news there's one right around the corner. I'm gonna buy atleat 2 as well.

unalteredone, it drys my braids and rollers very fast. They get super hot.
Okay so I called and ordered the last one for $33 total ( $21 + $12 shipping). The guy I spoke to claimed they wouldn't have any more in stock from them directly but they have a deal with Big Lots who will be carrying them. The next batch will be sent out in Sep to Big Lots, so anyone looking should check there now to see if anymore are in stock. Im pissed i couldn't get two, and the nearest Big Lots is 15 miles from me and I dont have a car. Did anyone else call and buy some today?

I checked the Big Lots nearest me today, no dryer. Anyone notice if their Big Lots had any in stock yet?
Nope. And I've been stalking our Big Lots daily since last month. My dh is getting me one of the Lava ones for my birthday next week. Can't wait!:drunk:
No. I'm afraid of the warranty with the ones on ebay. My dh is getting mine at Beauty 4 U on Livingston Road in Oxon Hill, MD. I found them through an older thread on the Lava dryer and called them. They don't ship, but my dh's parents just happen to live a mile away from the shop. So it worked out perfectly. I'm going to try it out as soon as I get it, so I'll be able to compare it to my half working Gold n Hot. (the hose is duct taped entirely, the strap on the cap is broken so I can't close it. That's what I've been working with for the last month since I started roller setting):sad: