Latest wisdom from a stylist


New Member
I bit the bullet and went to visit a stylist recently

After all, I cannot see the back of my head and it would be nice to have a professional relaxer every once in a while.

What'd I do that for?:rolleyes:

Here are the pearls of wisdom, I'm sure you can't wait to change your regimens accordingly:

  1. Never use anything from the kitchen on your hair:lachen:
  2. DON'T wash more than once a week - every two weeks is better:nono:
  3. DON'T cowash at all because that causes "the buildup"
After ripping a fine toothed comb through my hair, she told me I was "shedding" (most of these hairs were from the root) and showed me where "20%" of my hair is broken off at the line of demarcation. Even if that were true, ok, style my 80%, and I expect a 20% discount.

She threw in a couple of "porosity this" and "elasticity that" and "your hair needs time to build up the vitamins" Then she told me I need to go down to 1 inch of hair (I am currently at full SL). As she was talking, I was picturing her test grades in hair school. :giggle:

Whoo! Back to DIY!

Have you ever gotten any useless advice from a stylist?
I bit the bullet and went to visit a stylist recently

After all, I cannot see the back of my head and it would be nice to have a professional relaxer every once in a while.

What'd I do that for?:rolleyes:

Here are the pearls of wisdom, I'm sure you can't wait to change your regimens accordingly:

  1. Never use anything from the kitchen on your hair:lachen:
  2. DON'T wash more than once a week - every two weeks is better:nono:
  3. DON'T cowash at all because that causes "the buildup"
After ripping a fine toothed comb through my hair, she told me I was "shedding" (most of these hairs were from the root) and showed me where "20%" of my hair is broken off at the line of demarcation. Even if that were true, ok, style my 80%, and I expect a 20% discount.

She threw in a couple of "porosity this" and "elasticity that" and "your hair needs time to build up the vitamins" Then she told me I need to go down to 1 inch of hair (I am currently at full SL). As she was talking, I was picturing her test grades in hair school. :giggle:

Whoo! Back to DIY!

Have you ever gotten any useless advice from a stylist?
shameful.She tryna get that short haircut money so you'll have to come back often..

I just had to laugh. What's horrible is that she has a little bit of good information but is mixing it up with bad information. It makes her sound credible to people who don't know any better.
many years ago when i had super short jada-a-la-Demon-Night-hair, my stylist would say "the relaxer is tracking me" when she would comb the relaxer through my hair making my scalp burn.
Yikes! How did your hair turn out? I'm guessing that her raking through your hair with a fine toothed comb didn't help with any demarcation issues -- if you even had any issues with that in the first place.:rolleyes:

I will remember this story the next time I get tempted to go back to my old stylist.

Now let's see, useless advice . . . I've just gotten the usual (bad) tips:

1. Relax when there's any noticeable new growth;

2. Use heat on my hair after every wash to close the cuticle; and

3. Trim after every relaxer.
many years ago when i had super short jada-a-la-Demon-Night-hair, my stylist would say "the relaxer is tracking me" when she would comb the relaxer through my hair making my scalp burn.

like the relaxer was magically stalking the comb? :lol:
I have a joke want to hear it, here it goes.

What do they call the person who finished LAST in class in cosmotology?..................

Scroll down for the answer!

A LICENSED BEAUTICIAN!!!!!!!!! :blush::ohwell::perplexed:lachen:

ALWAYS wonder if the stylist, beautician or whoever you are seeing with a license finished first in class or last and even then you could still be putting your hair in jeopardy if you don't know this persons work yourself.
I bit the bullet and went to visit a stylist recently

After all, I cannot see the back of my head and it would be nice to have a professional relaxer every once in a while.

What'd I do that for?:rolleyes:

Here are the pearls of wisdom, I'm sure you can't wait to change your regimens accordingly:

  1. Never use anything from the kitchen on your hair:lachen:
  2. DON'T wash more than once a week - every two weeks is better:nono:
  3. DON'T cowash at all because that causes "the buildup"
After ripping a fine toothed comb through my hair, she told me I was "shedding" (most of these hairs were from the root) and showed me where "20%" of my hair is broken off at the line of demarcation. Even if that were true, ok, style my 80%, and I expect a 20% discount.

She threw in a couple of "porosity this" and "elasticity that" and "your hair needs time to build up the vitamins" Then she told me I need to go down to 1 inch of hair (I am currently at full SL). As she was talking, I was picturing her test grades in hair school. :giggle:

Whoo! Back to DIY!

Have you ever gotten any useless advice from a stylist?

:lachen::lachen:Excellent, you made me laugh so much with this!
Does it matter if you finish first in the class, if they're teaching you garbage? :look:

This is why doing your own research is important... :yep:
Yikes! How did your hair turn out? I'm guessing that her raking through your hair with a fine toothed comb didn't help with any demarcation issues -- if you even had any issues with that in the first place.:rolleyes:

She recommended that I come in for "treatments" first. She refused to do a relaxer. Re the fine-toothed comb, I had already detangled last night, so there wasn't too much. I snatched some of the hairs out of her comb though, and they were from the root. Then she goes "are you a stylist?" I said no, and she's back to chattering. She sounded like she went to the Sarah Palin school of cosmetology. Just BS the answer to any question and someone will believe ya.

I told her I will do my own treatments and then go from there.

What I really think happened is that after I took off from work to go in to her salon, she was running late and knew I would be bouncing at the 2 hour mark and she would be paid for actual services rendered. (even if my hair was dripping wet) I'm not camping out in the middle of my workday!
The advice she gave you is the reason why I do my own hair. Good thing you did not laugh at her she probably would have cut your hair.
I find that some licensed hair stylists are the least knowledgeable when it comes to healthy hair practices.

I just visited at stylist about a week ago who told me I should get a relaxer every 5 weeks:rolleyes: While I will give her much credit for applying a relaxer the correct way, I know when someone is trying to take me to the bank for regular withdrawls.

I just had to laugh. What's horrible is that she has a little bit of good information but is mixing it up with bad information. It makes her sound credible to people who don't know any better.

She's not a dumb girl, and my hair is somewhat damaged ( lifted cuticle/porosity issues) so I did take her product recommendations. I smoothed some extreme condish from redken on my ends (stopped by the store after leaving her shop) and I think am going to buy it.
A stylist told me that in order to grow hair, you have to avoid washing it because dirt is a fertilizer for your hair :lol:
Why are so many stylists bad at their jobs? I thought school was supposed to get rid of the myths.
She recommended that I come in for "treatments" first. She refused to do a relaxer. Re the fine-toothed comb, I had already detangled last night, so there wasn't too much. I snatched some of the hairs out of her comb though, and they were from the root. Then she goes "are you a stylist?" I said no, and she's back to chattering. She sounded like she went to the Sarah Palin school of cosmetology. Just BS the answer to any question and someone will believe ya

What I really think happened is that after I took off from work to go in to her salon, she was running late and knew I would be bouncing at the 2 hour mark and she would be paid for actual services rendered. (even if my hair was dripping wet) I'm not camping out in the middle of my workday![/quote

:lachen::lachen::lachen: at the bolded ... I love it
I bit the bullet and went to visit a stylist recently

After all, I cannot see the back of my head and it would be nice to have a professional relaxer every once in a while.

What'd I do that for?:rolleyes:

Here are the pearls of wisdom, I'm sure you can't wait to change your regimens accordingly:

  1. Never use anything from the kitchen on your hair:lachen:
  2. DON'T wash more than once a week - every two weeks is better:nono:
  3. DON'T cowash at all because that causes "the buildup"
After ripping a fine toothed comb through my hair, she told me I was "shedding" (most of these hairs were from the root) and showed me where "20%" of my hair is broken off at the line of demarcation. Even if that were true, ok, style my 80%, and I expect a 20% discount.

She threw in a couple of "porosity this" and "elasticity that" and "your hair needs time to build up the vitamins" Then she told me I need to go down to 1 inch of hair (I am currently at full SL). As she was talking, I was picturing her test grades in hair school. :giggle:

Whoo! Back to DIY!

Have you ever gotten any useless advice from a stylist?

I thank folks for posting stuff like this. It strengthens my resolved to never see the inside of a beauty salon again. They are giving those licenses away like candy.:nono:
A stylist told me that in order to grow hair, you have to avoid washing it because dirt is a fertilizer for your hair :lol:

Wow, you just reminded me of a time when a friend of the family told me that. I was like, "reeeaaallly?" I was young and probably ended up taking even LESS care of my hair because I thought dirt really was the ticket to longer hair. So crazy it has to work, right? :nono:
This is exactly why I don't the stylists in my city. They are so concerned about the $$$ when their work is mediocre at best.

Now, if I could just learn how to do my own sew-ins...
I was once told that I need to keep up my relaxers because it is food for the hair. Did she actually believe this? This was during my comsultation with her. I opted not to let her touch me or my hair.
A stylist told me that in order to grow hair, you have to avoid washing it because dirt is a fertilizer for your hair :lol:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:OMG!!! Where is the world did she get that??! I would FEEL like my I.Q dropped a million points saying some dumb mess like that.
The Misinformation/Miseducation of Black Hair Care.:nono: Look How Many Lives/Heads are Being Ruined in the Black Community, All Across the Country (the World, for that Matter).

Just think: We all come from different parts of the Country and we have all heard "similiar" misinformation/miseducation.

There is a whole community of women and young girls, having their hair ruined beyond repair because of this type of misinformation/miseducation. That don't Know What We Know. Up until I lost My Hair, neither did I.:blush:

Women across the country, I know personally, are in the dermatologist office getting a scalp biopsy and cortisone shots suffering from "severe chemical damage" resulting in follical something or other. Thankfully, that could have been me.:look: Lord Knows She was on the way to ruining my hair for Life. And I was sitting Up in there Weekly letting her do whatever she wanted.:perplexed

I pray over my Hair and am thankful that I escaped and hopefully will fully recover from the damage I suffered. I Pray for My Hair's Restoration daily.

Ya'll We have to pray for Sisters that don't know any better and believing what they are being told about their Hair.:yep:
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The last time I went to a beautician (March 09) for my touch up, she raked through my hair while wet with a fine tooth comb and I pulled away from her and asked her to please not do that because of the possibility of breakage.. Her reply "I've been doing this for a long time.. you are supposed to lose 200 to up to 500 strands of hair a day".. :perplexed

Other stuff she had said.. (thank God for my knowledge):
"Our hair does not need protein"
"You use henna?.. that henna will melt your hair right off"
"With your hair type you have to relax every 5-6 weeks"
Sounds like the stylist I went to sunday, that told me not to use my steamer:rolleyes: By the way I used it today hair feels great:lachen::lachen::lachen: