Last 3 inches of Bone Straight breaking off..


New Member
About 13 inches of my hair is texlaxed and I love it. Its all from Affirm Fibreguard Mild. Anyway, some of the last 3 inches is breaking away at the line of demarcation with the texlax. It's not doing this all over, just in the front near the temple and in the back in the ponytail area. (I don't do tight ponies anymore, just loose scrunchies and frenchrolls).

Do you think I should just cut off the last 3 inches? I've been trying to do the Cathy Howse regimen and she says you can grow out your relaxer without cutting the relaxed ends off like she did. I've been dusting and search and destroying like crazy to try and save those sections. And of course DCing and moisturizing like crazy. (It is Soooo cold here in NY).

What should I do. I hate to cut it, I'm loving my progress.
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If it's just the last 3 inches- give it extra moisturizer and seal with a light oil like coconut or sweet almond. Slather on the conditioner when you wash and leave a bit on for add protection.
Maybe too much moisture and your hair is asking for a little protein to balance it out?? or it could be the tucking of the french roll to much manipulation on those ends. Either way I would clarify, do a protein treatment even if it was just a mild one and the DC.
If its breakage opposed to shedding, try a reconstructor or some other way to incorporate some protein to those ends. I'm transitioning and breakage becomes an issue @ times and Roux Mendex Hair Repair Treatment stops it in its tracks.
I know I'm gonna get stoned for saying this but I would just cut it and get it over with. It'll grow back. You could cut a little at a time if you want until it's all gone. Since it's in the front it won't be that noticeable. Most people's hair is shorter in the front. But if you don't snip it might keep breaking upward until it meets the healthy hair. And then you'd end up with shorter hair in that section anyway. Technically if you were transitioning to texlaxed you were going to have to cut the straight ends off eventually so it would just be sooner than later.
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Maybe too much moisture and your hair is asking for a little protein to balance it out?? or it could be the tucking of the french roll to much manipulation on those ends. Either way I would clarify, do a protein treatment even if it was just a mild one and the DC.

If its breakage opposed to shedding, try a reconstructor or some other way to incorporate some protein to those ends. I'm transitioning and breakage becomes an issue @ times and Roux Mendex Hair Repair Treatment stops it in its tracks.

I agree, add a little protein to strengthen that line of demarcation.
It took me so long to realize that this was the cause of the major breakage that I had in 2008. My straighter ends were breaking off from the texlaxed/underprocessed portions (unintentional) except in my case the breaking pieces were 6-8 inches long. If only I had figured this out sooner:wallbash:
I have bone straight ends and sligthly texlax hair (I dont really consider it texlax'd just textured). I am saving my ends. They break a bit, I've accepted that. Unitl it gets stringy, I am not cutting. When I reach waist length, I'll start to trim to become blunt. I'm sure they'll be gone during this process.

I stay on top of moisture and do regular Keratin treatments.