Ladies with SIMPLE hair routines, please post them here...

I treat my hair on a nine-week cycle:

Week 3: Henna

Week 6: Aphoghee

Week 9: Relax

Wash day, start to finish in only 6 steps, this will last me for a week:

1. Pre-poo with LeKair or Lustrasilk cholesterol overnight. And I put olive oil on the ends and anywhere else I think it's needed.

2. The next day I wash my hair with a baking soda mixture (2T baking soda and 2 cups warm water), CON shampoo or I might clarify (depending on what is
going on with my scalp and how much cleaning I think it needs).

3. DC with Miss Keys 10 en 1 for 20 minutes under a warm dryer.

4. Rinse that out and do a ACV rinse (2T. ACV with lukewarm water). This has changed the life of my hair, trust me!!!

5. Put a pea sized amount of AVEDA USC on my hair, spray my hair with LOTS of water and rollerset on medium and small sized rollers with end papers. I'll let it airdry or put the dryer on cool or low.

6. Flat iron the roots and that's it!!

doo rags every night. I'll comb my hair towards the back and use 6 medium sized rollers, and just comb it out in the morning (leaves it looking really fresh!) Or if I don't roll it at night I'll caruso it in the morning.
-CO 2x a week, finger combing in the shower to detangle
-Apply shea butter, leave-in, and sweet almond oil
-Air dry

-Henna once a month
-Clarify with baking soda/conditioner mix 3 times a year
Relax 8-10 weeks (sometimes 12)

Wash 2x's per week (wed and Saturday)
Wash Day 1
No pre-poo
Wash with Aveda Sap Moss,Shampure, or Cream of Nature Shampoo
DC with Terax Crema, Alter Ego (coconut mask), or Capillo Sole and Cinnamon
Apply Leave In (Abba Nourishing or Terax Botanicals) mainly to ends.
Apply Jojoba Oil w/rosemary essential oil to ends and scalp to seal in moisture.

Wash Day 2
Same as above except I will pre-poo overnight with Aubrey Organics Island Naturals on Dry Hair.

During the week I wear my hair in updos/protective styles. I only wear down on wash days and even then it's likely half a day only.

I don't really have to add moisture during the week as my hair stays pretty well moisturized and soft between washes.

I do scalp massages 3 times per week with castor oil and rosemary essential oil mixture.
Since I've been keeping it simple my hair has been loving me better!

Oh, I do protein treatments once per relaxer cycle--usually the week after my relaxer (Nexxus Emergencee). The week before my relaxer I will use Avedas Damage Remedy Poo and Con and I also clarify once per month with Aveda's Detoxifier or Keracares First Lather.
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1x a week DC
clarify 1x a month
henna every 1-2 months

2x a week wash w/diluted sulfate free poo
oil rinse

apply leave-in & oil

airdry in a scarf
style in braidout

or rollerset & Maxiglide roots
1. Prepoo on dry hair with deep conditioner and coconut oil
2. Shampoo with Beuty Without Cruelty Moisture Plus
3. Oil Rinse with hot six oil
4. Condition with Rusk (60 sec revive) calm conditioner
5. Apply leave in with Rusk smooth leave in or Giovannis Direct
5. Seal with coconut oil
6. Roller set and airdry
I wash twice a week (I only air dry)
DC 1x week
Co wash 2x mth
Moisturize twice a day
Baggy when I remember at night.