Ladies with short relaxed hair-how long did it take


I am now 1 month post relaxer and my hair is getting back its thickness. I just wanted to ask ladies with short relaxed hair how long it took for them to grow their hair out into a pony tail. I wanted to start stretching my relaxers to 2X a year, but since my nape is tapered, I don't think I can wait 12 weeks to do a touch up this time.:nono: My nape was almost shaved bald, so slicking it down with gel is starting to get hard.:rolleyes: I have a half " of NG and I'm not relaxing yet. Right now, I'm trying to get my hair back the way I want it. I'm open to any suggestions from relaxed ladies. This is the first time my hair has ever been relaxed strait and I'm kind of at a loss as to what way I should handle my hair. I'm doing roller sets and wraps right now. I also co wash 2X a week because I'm working out more, but I hate the feel of my hair while doing this. I think I'll be shampooing and conditioning from now on.
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I still can't make a decent pony :(

It's thin and pathetic cause while my longest layers are at my shoulders and a few inches below my shoulders, my shortest layers are at my chin.

I think you have to be FULL shoulderlength to have a decently thick pony tail. It'll take like another year for me (by that time I'll be around apl, but my shortest layers will be around shoulderlength)

The good thing about having a short nape is that it takes less time to grow out. Growing to shoulder from your crown takes a year or more. Growing to your shoulder from your nape can take only months.

Extreme layers suck on short hair, but we'll get through it :yep:
I've been admiring your texlaxed hair. My hair used to look like yours when I relax. I am worried that my hair is over processed because it really does not hold curls well. :ohwell: I am going to transition back to natural and then texlax my hair myself. I am going to wait for my nape to grow out some more though. I'm officially starting in September. Good news is that I am not shedding, so at least it isn't terribly damaged.:rolleyes:
I can make a pony! The pic in my siggie is older of course and I cut my hair that short in August '07 from Shoulder length.

Had a lot of layers so it took a while for them to grow out long enough to at least pin up.

I'd say it was around Thanksgiving or Xmas that i started SQUEEZING my long hair in the front and tried to get it into a ponytail cause i got sick and tired of having to do my hair.
I started at chin length in February (the picture in my siggy) and stretched for 24 weeks with the help of a sew-in. I just took the sew-in out and got a relaxer on July 16th. This is my pony then and now. It still has a ways to go, but it is definitely longer and thicker.
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Yeah, this is old, but it's a great question!

When I joined LHCF, I was able to make a ponytail - a dry, damaged ponytail - so I can't answer the question. However, somebody out there has an answer.......