Ladies with Hair Albums


New Member
Okay ladies. I want to just start a spreadsheet of hair albums and passwords. There have been some Fotki's that I have saved as a favorite, go to check for updates later, and realize I don't have the password. A lot of times ladies will post something saying "check out my fotki" and leave the password, then I don't remember how to get back there. If this has already been done, please just refer me to the thread. I know there is one for naturals. But I want to drool over those beautiful relaxed heads too. So here's what I want you to do:

Natural (put relaxed, natural, texlaxed, etc.)
PW: softhair

*It would be MUCH easier for me and others if you post you password here. But, if you don't feel comfortable posting your password, then you can just put pw in profile. But PLEASE PM me if you don't have it in the profile.

TIA!!! :D

Mine is in my siggy as well. I think a bunch of people know it now anyways:) (pw) I really wanted to keep it private and have no problem with pming folks back to give it out to them. Reason being anyone can get ahold of any threads I post on here with google. I don't want random folks outside of this board to have access to it.
My fotik link is in my siggy. No PW required at this time. A few new updates have been added. :)

Mine is in my siggy pw for now either.

Good Idea! This should become a sticky!:)

ETA: I'm Relaxed, 4B
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