Ladies, why do the exes always come back?

They realize they were wrong
the sex is better
the realize the grass is not always greener on the other side
they really love you
you're the fool for life they've been looking for
They realize no one will ever love them like you will
Because they took us for granted and don't realize what they had until it was gone. It's not something they can't help it's that they CHOOSE not to see what they have until it's gone.

Because they found out the fast tail down the street can't hold it down (it being - life, trials, tribulations, a job, a home, children, etc.) the way we can. That's why.

Because they thought Ms. dime-piece was really into them but turned out when his cash stash was low, she bounced but you were still there when times got tough.

And because they are dillusional for thinking we will take their sorry tails back.

Men (some) are stupid.

I'm not bitter but it constantly and consistantly amazes me at how totally dumbed down they are. Especially, MY generation. :nono:
They realize they were wrong
the sex is better
the realize the grass is not always greener on the other side
they really love you
you're the fool for life they've been looking for
They realize no one will ever love them like you will

For real!
My last ex just recently told me I am his soul mate :rolleyes:
and wondered what our kids would have looked like. I told him I don't know because it's a gamble with birracial kids.

I'm just glad I'm at a point where I am not willing to turn back. I'm happily involved with someone else.
Because they developed some math skills and realized 80% is better than 20%......:rolleyes:

I like that one! :lol:

When my ex and I were breaking up (it took a few weeks) we wrote out a Pro's and Con's list of our respective personality traits. Would you believe that one of the CON's he listed for me was that I don't know how to put up with his stubborness?? ...Silly boy.
Because they developed some math skills and realized 80% is better than 20%......:rolleyes:

I agree with this. My ex (granted I broke up with him) is trying so hard to get back its crazy. I am glad I am at a point where I can stick to my guns and won't just let him come back without fixing what was broke. I have seen freinds do this so many times.
They are afraid to be alone

You have a history together
They figured out nobody else wants their *** :lachen:

They are too lazy to start all over again with someone

Because u let them in the past and they think this time will be no different
Because they took us for granted and don't realize what they had until it was gone. It's not something they can't help it's that they CHOOSE not to see what they have until it's gone.

Because they found out the fast tail down the street can't hold it down (it being - life, trials, tribulations, a job, a home, children, etc.) the way we can. That's why.

Because they thought Ms. dime-piece was really into them but turned out when his cash stash was low, she bounced but you were still there when times got tough.

And because they are dillusional for thinking we will take their sorry tails back.

Men (some) are stupid.

I'm not bitter but it constantly and consistantly amazes me at how totally dumbed down they are. Especially, MY generation. :nono:
I agree with all you said!!!
Can someone explain the 80/20 rule to me? I was talking when that part was on.:look:

Basically, he was saying that in any relationship, you only get 80% of what you need from that person. So someone else comes along that has that other 20% that's missing.

So in the movie, Jill Scott's character was loving, attentive, cooked, cleaned etc., but overweight. Along comes this other chick who has a better body, etc., but he finds out later that she doesn't do half of what Jill's character did AND she was a golddigger.

So he ended up with 20% of what he wanted in a woman, when he had 80%.

I hope that makes sense.
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Basically, he was saying that in any relationship, you only get 80% of what you need from that person. So someone else comes along that has that other 20% that's missing.

So in the movie, Jill Scott's character was loving, attentive, cooked, cleaned etc., but overweight. Along comes this other chick who has a better body, etc., but he finds out later that she doesn't do half of what Jill's character did AND she was a golddigger.

So he ended up with 20% of what he wanted in a woman, when he had 80%.

I hope that makes sense.

Thank you for explaining. I feel so lost here sometimes.
No problem, ladies!

I've actually gotten a few real life examples of this from guys who went through it it.

In the worst case, the 20 ended up being the mother of his first child, who of course, gives him hell. The 80 wanted to work through it, but it wasn't the same and they went their separate ways. He still loves her to this day.
Basically, he was saying that in any relationship, you only get 80% of what you need from that person. So someone else comes along that has that other 20% that's missing.

So in the movie, Jill Scott's character was loving, attentive, cooked, cleaned etc., but overweight. Along comes this other chick who has a better body, etc., but he finds out later that she doesn't do half of what Jill's character did AND she was a golddigger.

So he ended up with 20% of what he wanted in a woman, when he had 80%.

I hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the explanation. I think this happens with alot of men. They are always searching for that 100% and that's just impossible to find.
Because they didn't realise what they had until it was gone. I am getting sick to death of my exes calling me saying "I was stupid" "I wish I didn't let you go" "What can I do to make things right again" blah blah blah.... :ohwell:
I think this happens with alot of men. They are always searching for that 100% and that's just impossible to find.

Yes, it does, but women are guilty of this as well... We ALL need to realize that we will never find 100% of what we want in one person. For some people, this is tough to accept. :look: Sometimes you have to "lose" someone to really appreciate them... I think that's the main reason why exes come back. :yep:
My ex didn't come back....To God be the glory!

He made some wack attempts over facebook to speak to me. But I ignored him on each occasion. It's what I needed to do so I could move on. And I don't think those messages meant that he wanted me back. In our final convos leading up to the break up I gathered that he simply wanted to string me along and place me in the ranks with his other options. Ni99a please...
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oh majority of the times they realize what they had was better than what they were getting involved with.

Well lets see he has a real woman that knows how to handle her business not asking for money and probably trying to get ahead(going to school) and getting promotions and then he trades that in for a female that acts like a little girl at times, asks him for money and spends it on frivilous things, not trying to go to school or do anything but live off her so called cuteness. May have some kids and a crazy baby daddy that she maybe going back and seeing every now and again.

Or they find out that they had someone that loved them and treated them with respect more than the little females they've ran into. Or a woman that would have stood by their sides thru thick and thin.(a Bonnie)

They finally grow up...

(okay the visual part of it)
Or they see you after maybe a couple months or a year and youve lost weight, wearing your hair different, everything about you is glowing, meeting and seeing the new sexy you. You look like your doing better without him then when you were with him. And oh here is what really is going to make him be like dammmmmmmn man what did i do. His friends are wanting to talk to you.
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oh majority of the times they realize what they had was better than what they were getting involved with.

Well lets see he has a real woman that knows how to handle her business not asking for money and probably trying to get ahead(going to school) and getting promotions and then he trades that in for a female that acts like a little girl at times, asks him for money and spends it on frivilous things, not trying to go to school or do anything but live off her so called cuteness. May have some kids and a crazy baby daddy that she maybe going back and seeing every now and again.

Or they find out that they had someone that loved them and treated them with respect more than the little females they've ran into. Or a woman that would have stood by their sides thru thick and thin.(a Bonnie)

They finally grow up...

(okay the visual part of it)
Or they see you after maybe a couple months or a year and youve lost weight, wearing your hair different, everything about you is glowing, meeting and seeing the new sexy you. You look like your doing better without him then when you were with him. And oh here is what really is going to make him be like dammmmmmmn man what did i do. His friends are wanting to talk to you.

ITA with the bolded :yep:

And he realized the dating scene isn't all that great :rolleyes:
There aren't thousands of good women out there waiting to lick the ground he walks on, so he goes back to the one good woman he had :lachen:
Provided, she takes him back LOL

I usually say this about music, but it's true when it comes to people too. We love to dance and jive to the latest tunes on the radio etc, but when we hear the real thing it really moves us from the inside and out.

It's the same thing with men and the women they want. Sure, it's fun to spend time with a good looking young thing for a while. But their minds always go back to that one real woman... :yep:
Because they didn't realise what they had until it was gone. I am getting sick to death of my exes calling me saying "I was stupid" "I wish I didn't let you go" "What can I do to make things right again" blah blah blah.... :ohwell:

ditto only last week an ex with his trifling butt called me telling me he misses me...purlease :rolleyes:
I usually say this about music, but it's true when it comes to people too. We love to dance and jive to the latest tunes on the radio etc, but when we hear the real thing it really moves us from the inside and out.
It's the same thing with men and the women they want. Sure, it's fun to spend time with a good looking young thing for a while. But their minds always go back to that one real woman... :yep:

This is a great analogy! :yep: