ladies who use fantasia IC aloe vera gel?


Well-Known Member
ladies who use aloe vera gel?

I see lots of ladies using aloe vera gel but what exactly is this used to do? We always used it for cuts when I was a child (we had a plant in the house).

Is aloe vera gelused just like hair gel or is there some other purpose for it i.e., to stop scalp irritation?

Edited: Is there a particular brand?
My local pharmacy has Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Gel -- 32 oz for $6.49
And of course IC Fantasia is in lots of the BSS.

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it is used as regular gel, for slicking hair back, rollersets etc.. there is not that much aloe in it to soothe
I use it for everything- my braidouts, rollersets, ponytails... I love it! It's not flaky and drying like a lot of other gels
I use CVS brand but biggyback on the previous post. I use it like gel to slick but it is also a moisturizer. I also mix it w/ other products.
I use dietary grade aloe vera gel or gelly in my hair. I mix it with glycerine and use it as a moisturizing spray. It really softens my NG and b/c aloe vera is a protein so it also helps minimize breakage. B/c of the texture, you can use it for slicking your edges or hair back, I'm not sure of how it would work for hold in somethng like twists though, but it does give really nice definition to braid or twist outs.
I have a detailed review of it in my fotki. It's the only gel I use if/when I do use gel. It's great for wash and gos, making your own styling products, slicking hair back and enhancing curls. It works for rollersets, braid outs, and twists outs. It WON'T flake. I know because a saturated my hair in from root to tip in an experiment. It came out great but took forever (two days) to dry. :lachen:
How is it used for a rollerset? Do you apply some get to the ends before rolling? In what way does it contribute to a better rollerset?
I also use the food grade drink/juice and gel. I use them both in my homemade moisture spritz that I use after my daily workout. I use the gel in my scalp concoction, which also contains avocado, coconut, jojoba, tea tree oils. I also use the gel by itself. I put in a little gel (great detangler and give great slip -- not the skincare variety, but the dietary supplement kind) before I put in my leave-in and then I seal. I have used it nightly since early January. I usually move on pretty quickly even, with stuff that works, because I like to continually try new things, but I haven't moved on from this and doubt I ever will.
This sounds great! How is it used for rollersets?

I have a detailed review of it in my fotki. It's the only gel I use if/when I do use gel. It's great for wash and gos, making your own styling products, slicking hair back and enhancing curls. It works for rollersets, braid outs, and twists outs. It WON'T flake. I know because a saturated my hair in from root to tip in an experiment. It came out great but took forever (two days) to dry. :lachen: